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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. I GOT $10 ON IT.
  2. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
  3. Your welcome and I hope so as well, sorry I couldnt be more help. Dont be a stranger.
  4. He doesnt tell you everything now... :2funny: You sound way to serious today momma. Smile.
  5. Stay on em they should fix it unless it is a problem with the software, but I cant imagine it being a software problem spread over so many programs. Dont feel bad Im 26 and I was smart untill about oh 4 years ago (my first daughter was born 4 years ago). I already lost it. Thank you for the happy thanksgiving. I am at work so I cant delve into this as much as I would like to. Check back, i will look into it some more and we have others like Swimmer and Van that are the real deal tech guys. Im a self taught tech guy. Im pretty good and I learn alot here daily but we have some that are wonderful, I am sure they will help out as well. Let us know if you get it figured out, you never know who it might help on down the road.
  6. http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-17183
  7. Nice to meet you as well yea Im deffinantly a regular here, I love the place and I am always happy to see new members and do the meet and greet. Im a people person . Generally if a program will allow you to change the ports it uses it will be in the options area of that program. It is simple, just find out in the options area what port the program is using and change it to something like 12456. Any random number. The programs you are using may not allow you to do this so I may just be waisting your time. I may be way off base that is just the first thing to pop into my head. We have alot of brains here that may know better what to do, but they probably wont be around much today due to Thanksgiving. I will move this to the help section, it doesnt really matter if a section is dead looking, when you post it will come up on the front page for all to see. Plus most of our regulars use the function that allows them to view all new posts since they were last here so they would see yours too. I would call the isp over and over untill they fix it.
  8. Damn I wish the Chiefs, but realistically probably the Bears.
  9. Damn man, aside from finding a server in Australia, I dont know what to say. Tweeks prob wont improve it that much and the serve location shouldnt make that big of a diff either. Call your ISP and nicely tell them that you are getting bent over on the speeds.
  10. http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-1013 You can always try tweeking your connection. The TCP Optimizer that is attached at the bottom of the first post in this link is very easy to use and works well. You may have to call your ISP and pitch a bitch. Oh also, you are not downnloading anything else right no are you? No halo online, no Bittorrent.
  11. Im thinking server location,you are downloading from all the way around the world. http://cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test Here is the 100 test.
  12. Ah shit I put the link wrong my bad I will fix it in this post in just a minute. Where do you live, I forgot to look. http://cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test
  13. Hello and welcome to the site. Hope you like it here. As far as your problem the only way I can see them doing that is limiting BW to certain ported programs. They have been known to throttle back bandwidth to ports that BitTorrent clients use. If you have the option to change ports in your programs try changing the port to some weird off number. Sorry I couldnt be of much help.
  14. Download this and tell me what it says. Just save it. http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=16363.0;attach=16996
  15. :haha: No I mean dr evil from Austin Powers movies. He does the whole Mwahahahaha thing, its hillarious. I did that diet and hated it. Subway salads on the other hand are the BOMB.
  16. If this doesnt work then good lord I dont know what to say. Maybe you are getting 100 meg connection. :evil6:
  17. Yea go ahead and disable it also if you have any accelerator programs turn them off.
  18. Alright.
  19. Why do I picture you with your pinky to your lip like Dr Evil?
  20. Thats a personal preference really. I have always believed in keeping it small myself. Different people will tell you different things.
  21. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/ie6/using/howto/customizing/clearcache.mspx Here ya go, this will show you with pics. It sounds like you got it though.
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