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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. :haha: As long as your real speed is in there. We also have a sig generator at the speed test section that will turn your speeds into a pretty cool sig type thingy maboper. I just realized that you were probably talking about the same thing I was as far as the image of the test results. Sorry bout that... Im fat. And you know how dumb fat people are right.
  2. I was in a apartment and purchased a house, so it was a nice move. Now all that is near me is town and country. Oops I lied there is a Mexican joint and a chineese place right by me. My favorite. MMMMmmmmmmmm... Im fat.
  3. When you get your speed results page, scroll to the bottom. The results are in text in a box in the lower left, copy and past it in a post here. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 1634 Kbps about 1.6 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB) Download Speed is:: 199 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1) Test Time:: 2006/11/23 - 8:41am Bottom Line:: 28X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 5.15 sec Tested from a 1496 kB file and took 7.5 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 29.48 % faster than the average for host (t3voicenet.com) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-U4HV9MXL3 User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20061010 Firefox/2.0 [!] It will look like this, my work speeds suck.
  4. Go to tools, internet options, then under the general tab delete the temporary files. Hope this helps. Ater you do it test and post the results.
  5. Yea I lived a block away from Burger King, Mcd's, KFC/Taco Bell all in the same place. Tempting bullshit. I moved.
  6. Yea right or wrong I think its human nature to want to wrong someone who wrongs you. Doesnt make it right though. But then again we all do things we shouldnt now dont we. Who is to say one persons wrong is worse than the other.
  7. This could be true as well, but if she is abusing the system she needs to get slapped down by BIG MOMMA.
  8. Here ya go just click and save file. Happy Thanksgiving. http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=16363.0;attach=16996
  9. Nah, but your helping... we can get WAY more off topic than this. Cmon now.
  10. I love Wednys now. McD's quarter pounder, big tasty, fries and Mcnuggets are all I eat there. I hardly ever do though.. Ohhh I forgot the McRib.. MMMMMmmmmmmmm cholesterol. Oh Oh and breakfast, but I prefer Jumburrito for breakfast.
  11. I have never thought of that but you are right, those guys are doing it for the right reason. They are good guys too and deserve some props.
  12. GOOD LORD.... :shock: I always wondered who ate those aweful AWEFUL burgers. Now I know who the bastards are that encourage McDonalds to sell Big Macs.
  13. Fuck all that, I havent had a chance to take it WAY off topic yet.
  14. No you dont have to delete all of that, what browser do you use (firefox, internet explorer) tell me that and I will step you through doing it. Yea dont you wish you had that speed. Also we can help you tweek your connection for best performance. When did you upgrade to the 20 package? We have had people on here get much less than advertised either due to poor ISP or ISP screwing up your package and setting you to a lower speed.
  15. I love it when you say flogging.
  16. Did you see what you just wrote? You might want to modify it quick you agreed with me. :haha:
  17. :2funny: Yea he went a little wild with the pastels, but what would you expect, hes in the rainbow club. I like it.
  18. I did not consider it an attack or else the post would be gone and you would have been warned. You didn't get either of those. We love for you to speak your mind but if you attack other people here you will not last long. Ethics are extremely debatable due to the fact most peoples ethics are taught to them by their parents. Which means my parents may teach me that it is ok to call people derogatory terms and that would be my ethics when I grew up. Ethics are nothing more than what each person considers right and wrong, just because you call it wrong doesn't make it wrong, same goes for me, just because I think something is wrong doesn't make it wrong. I could say that a part of ethics is being nice and polite the whole do unto others thing, that being said a sarcastic response to someones question would not be ethical in my opinion but fine in yours. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&defl=en&q=define:ethics&sa=X&oi=glossary_definition&ct=title As you can see by the definition, ethics is nothing more than what someone thinks right and wrong, and everyone will be a little different on that. But not me, Im a saint. :haha:
  19. Yea it means more than likely your test was cached, that is the information used for speed testing was not downloaded from testmy and measured for speed but instead your computer saved the last test you did and used it again making your speeds look ungodly. Try clearing your cache and retesting. BTW welcome to the site. :grin2:
  20. What would your mom think of putting a tracking software on there and telling her employees if they go to certain sites they are gone? I dont think she will ever be able to stop it unless she makes an example of someone, most anything else can be worked around like Dlewis said. Also I am sure you know you can hit the reset button on the router and kill the current password then change it.
  21. You know windows media player 11 will. There are some other goodies too like http://www.download.com/Audiograbber/3000-2140_4-10262582.html?tag=lst-4-2 http://www.download.com/MediaMonkey/3000-2141_4-10582996.html?tag=lst-4-3 hope this helps.
  22. Welcome, glad to have you. First off I would not recommend uncapping your modem. Second dont discuss the particulars of uncapping, if you want to know if someone thinks it right or wrong of you I dont have a problem with that ( that is not to say another mod or VA wouldnt) but no discussion past that of uncapping. Again welcome, hope you like it and tell your friends.
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