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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Awesome man.
  2. Both of you are right. The Amish got it going on, wish I had the fortitude to live that way. At the same time humans have the ability to reason and create and a big part of that is making our lives easier through creation and problem solving. We will beat the obesity problem too, either with drugs or hopefully a paradigm shift in culture. I think I used the word paradigm right.
  3. I wasnt trying to start a bidding war, I was hoping we could all pitch in ten and get the drawers to share. I get em on Fridays.
  4. :evil6: Yea the value plumeted after the great crash of 06.
  5. You know what else it made me realize about myself that I never knew? I have totally been guilty of saying "Im not giving him money, he will spend it on booz or drugs" then I go buy some pot. I have been guilty of the get a job thing to, but I realized how stupid that was to say just for the points made in the video.
  6. :tickedoff: :mad2: :tickedoff: No by free I mean you are NOT available. EVERYBODY BACKUP.
  7. You have disappointed me and shamed your family. Go on now... GO. Na, until IE has Forecast fox enhanced it will NEVER be in the same league.
  8. Just the name cracked me up.
  9. AMD, Firefox, Bullshit, Bull F'ing shit, Gwen Stefani, 1967 Shelby GT 500 (Elenor).
  10. I couldnt help but laugh my ass off at the "grandpa how did you do it" "Oh it was terrible, there was cheesecake and pork chops everywhere". Had some great points too.
  11. Thanks man.
  12. Hmm... let me just post the link. http://www.metacafe.com/watch/125495/america_is_heading_fast_to_an_unknown_future_with_huge_effecs/#top First off language warning. Ok I watched this the first time and laughed my ass off. As I watched it again I realize although outhere it makes alot of sense. How do you view it. Comedy, Truth, or Both. Kinda depressing too, I just don't know what to say.
  13. Yea we kick the shit out of dead horses here sometimes. Good decision imo. All ethics aside, it is illegal and eventually you get caught.
  14. Yes I did, and thank you very much. I am very proud of the trust CA3LE and the other mods have in me.
  15. That would be too easy. Hmmmm.... why didnt I say that. :uglystupid2:
  16. Tell momma t you are in the rainbow club so she will talk to me again. PLEASE. :cry:
  17. Shes not free. :evil6: Im a world champion drop kicker of the ass cheeks. BRING IT.. WOMAN.
  18. Well I dont know about yall... but I am fatter.
  19. Hey nursedude, welcome to the site. I take you are a male nurse, MY BROTHER. Me two, two gay peas in a pod. You know we are all gay right? Anyway, I am not "the man" as far as tweaks but I would say if your DL is that good and your UL is that close I wouldn't jack with it. Outside of bittorrent I cant think of you needing that small of a upload boost.
  20. Hey guys welcome to the site, hope you like it. Nice speeds nuklehed AND nice name. My kinda screen name. Your off speeds beat my best speeds so smile a little at lease.
  21. Sorry kamil I went to answer your question several times but just dont know. Id rather give no answer than a wrong answer.
  22. I think not... no dates with you for ANYONE. :cussing:
  23. I missed it the first time too. :uglystupid2:
  24. Did you know he is a transsexual nazi eskimo? I thought not.
  25. Everything we consider good and bad right and wrong was decided by someone long ago. So it is all a matter of opinion. Is shit a bad word? Someone thought it was long ago so now we do. Is stealing wrong? Someone long ago thought it was and prohibited it. Everything in our lives tradition, rules, laws, ethics was decided by a human being at one point, it is all opinion. If you let a child grow up with absolutely no rules they will think nothing of stealing, killing or anything else we hold as wrong. A child will take without permission until they are taught not to, they will hit, bite, yell and have fits. You may not think for a second divorce is unethical but many do. All opinion.
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