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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. I have been doin my best not to take this one off topic like I do so well. I will post the link and then stop since this thread is still on topic except for me. First off if you are easily offended DONT CLICK THE LINK. Warning this link contains language and slight sexual situation. It is a man in Iraq showing his "love" to his donkey. It is all in a temperature scope type view so it is not graphic. If this doesnt sound like something you want to see Dont Click The Link http://www.compfused.com/directlink/4271/ Oh it is funny too.
  2. :2funny: Thats what you get for hacking. JK man, but that is kinda ironic... dont ya think.
  3. :2funny: :2funny: It was a good one. I think that was me.
  4. :grin: What a dumb ass.... funny though. Not for those people, but for me... very funny.
  5. Yup. Either way makes sense to me. I understand you Tommie, even if nobody else does. Its a soul bond. You cant shake it.
  6. I love me some Resop. He tries to act all tough, I bet he is a old softy with his kids. I wont tell Resop... SHIT I just did.
  7. Cmon man, of all of us you look the closest to Santa. Give us a ho ho. Sexy bitch.
  8. Guy like.
  9. Well then WTF, why is there such a huge difference in older movies transfered (mid 90's) to the ones shot recently? I must investigate, I would think the HD cameras would offer some advantage or they wouldnt use em.
  10. :2funny:
  11. I so want the Fifth Element in HD but it wasnt shot in HD originally was it?
  12. It is amazing, best tech available obviously. I think what D is saying is they are not doing it AS WELL as they could be. I think that will come with time though.
  13. I will straight stop what I am doing, pull the car over and pick up trash in my neighborhood. I hate people messing up my neighborhood. I picked up so many dead fireworks after the fourth of July you wouldnt believe.
  14. This topic has been moved to HELP! With Other Stuff. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=17357.0[/iurl]
  15. Hey welcome to the site. In order to get that many shows on a dvd you would have to encode in such a low bitrate the pic would be aweful. I wouldnt suggest doing it but if you are still interested I will give you a step by step after I get off work. Im sure someone will beat me to it.
  16. :2funny: Nah I do it in the nude with bare feet. I take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but footprints.....
  17. Ya tell us Ill check it out. I have seen some pretty impressive HD content before though.
  18. Ill agree with that. As long as you dont tell anyone.
  19. Treehugger.... WHICH TREE... who was the SON OF A BITCH. *Shug strips off naked and runs into the woods biting the trees and yelling* "Touch her again and I will kill you!!!"
  20. I completely disagree about the new formats sucking. They look nice IMO. And yea if you get a nice upscaller you can do ok but why pay all that money for it? It still not high def, it cant get that much better. If the original pic only has 480 lines of resolution you can upscale it all day long but your not gaining much. When I look at the crap they show at Best Buy with their expensive upscalers I just dont think its worth it. Put BB upscaled crap by some true HD and there is no comparison. Sony has a NICE upscaler out but it runs about 1500 bucks. I would rather just get ready for the next gen, its gonna be HD DVD or Blu Ray one, might as well take the plunge. Guess it is all personal preference. I have about 10 HD channels and there is a HUGE difference between the crap CBS or HBO upscales and a true HD football game on ESPN. BIG difference.
  21. I use the first two and they work fine for me.
  22. I have that EXACT same player.. please trust me you don't want it. And as far as your question no, nothing will get you rid of those bars aside from zooming the picture which you don't want. No you wont be able to convert your DVDs to HDDVD and even if you could it wouldn't be worth it. I would say buy a HD DVD player or BLURAY (expensive) and start buying all new media on that format.
  23. Hi g0moz, welcome to the site. Nice speeds man.
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