I completely disagree about the new formats sucking. They look nice IMO. And yea if you get a nice upscaller you can do ok but why pay all that money for it? It still not high def, it cant get that much better. If the original pic only has 480 lines of resolution you can upscale it all day long but your not gaining much. When I look at the crap they show at Best Buy with their expensive upscalers I just dont think its worth it. Put BB upscaled crap by some true HD and there is no comparison. Sony has a NICE upscaler out but it runs about 1500 bucks. I would rather just get ready for the next gen, its gonna be HD DVD or Blu Ray one, might as well take the plunge. Guess it is all personal preference. I have about 10 HD channels and there is a HUGE difference between the crap CBS or HBO upscales and a true HD football game on ESPN. BIG difference.