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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Hmm. I am pretty sure I would bust my fat ass off that. Like a drunk high diver.
  2. Invite sent. Do I look like I would pay for anything other than food... and sex. Its free.
  3. The league is starting now. If you are interested in joining just send me a PM with your email and I will send you an invite. The draft will be live on July 29 at 2 pm CST. If you cannot attend the draft you can have the comp pick for you. If this league fills up another will be started. All testmy users who want to play will get to. Current team ID is 166711. If this league fills I will start another. The sticky will be removed when the team fills or general interest stops.
  4. I bet s1 got high and thought that was cute.
  5. Anyone who doesn't think a certain race can fight better than another doesn't watch boxing. Just because its not the PC thing to say doesn't mean its not true. Then look at MMA, black guys get killed in that sport where as Brazilian uhhh white to some extent and Japanese dominate.
  6. Well if I did it was on accident.
  7. Thats why I said if you commit a crime you get dropped off on a island and never thought of again. Bet the crime rate would drop.
  8. Damn cholla thats some good blood pressure you got there. Although my comment wasnt so much directed at you. Still you know those electronic jobs blow as far as accuracy. Still good enough. And yea your right about the malitia.But in the day of the constitution the government wasnt as powerful as it is now. Unfortunantly for us I dont think a malitia could ever compete with our government. Anyway all governments pretty much suck. IMO government should be almost non existant. You commit crimes you get dropped off on a desert island and I never have to bother with you again. Then the government can focus on things like making me some roads for my new fangled car and curing disease and HELPING the population. Not figuring out how to tack 2 billion dollars onto a bill to spend on the New York Choir. As long as there is governement there will be corruption.
  9. Ehh its really everyday in my life. Im so glad im not kidding.
  10. Im gearing up again. Same thing this year. Congrats Dlewis.
  11. :shock: Very nice link dlewis. Dammit a lil pricey though.
  12. For some reason and I dont know why I despise BG. I dont know why because he is a self made man and I respect that to no end.
  13. I did laugh the first time I read it... but then I got pissed that we allow it to happen but it is just LAUGHABLE that any other country would let it happen.
  14. You guys are taking this way too seriously. I dont think a malitia is going to solve the problem. If it were tried that would just give them more cause to keep its thumb on its "unruley and out of control" population. I just dont understand. If they are comming in anyways why do you care if they knock? It does give lawbreakers time to hide what they have. I mean cmon for the most part warrants are served in the correct manor with proper evidence and keeps the population safe. Sure you can dig up 5.. 10, even 50 cases of bad warrents or the way they were served, but that is out of the how many tens or hundreds of thousands served a year? Bottom line, unless you are just looking at EXTREME cases you have nothing to worry about unless you are guilty. EXTREME CASES. If the law is out to get you it isnt going to matter if they knock or not. If you are being set up, you are probably screwed and if you are guilty then I am glad you are screwed. Can I get a woot. Seriously calm down. :icon_jokercolor: Getting wound up wont help. The way I look at it, either do something to fix it... or forget it cause you are just giving yourself hypertension. :haha: :haha:
  15. Welcome to the forum. You can call your ISP and ask them, it might be on your bill as well.
  16. I am 6'4 as well and have to say I think there was decent leg room. I love the inside of that machine. Although I dislike not having carpet I understand why its not there.
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