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  • Speed Test

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Everything posted by gotmilk

  1. Nice, what was it originally? What speeds does your ISP advertise?
  2. Dang you netmasta!!
  3. gotmilk


    Hahahahaha 4394/447 on a 4000/384 line, don't change anything I would leave it alone.
  4. To convert from Kbps to KB/s, divide by 8.192 6000 Kbps / 8.192 = 732.421875 KB/s 768 Kbps / 8.192 = 93.75 KB/s Of course you wouldn't get all those decimals it would be rounded.
  5. Look he did it using firefox, with firefox you can make it look like you're downloading really fast.
  6. It's 3/512, not 3/768, so don't expect to get much more on the upload. The download looks pretty good too.
  7. Wow that's nice.
  8. Hahahaha I do too.
  9. php, I know this is a bit off topic, but where are you getting those cool things for your sig, like windows xp user, mountain dew drinker, etc.? EDIT: Thanks
  10. Yeah, it's mostly the upload that counts. I don't think I've ever gotten host, I have a crappy 128 Kbps upstream, and on top of that my Xbox is on wireless and it's not exactly what I would call close to the router (which is why my ping is sometimes in the red when everyone else's is in the green).
  11. Mine network is boring. Modem: D-link DCM-200 Router- D-link wireless G, don't know the model number and I'm too lazy to look, it's a piece of crap though LAN1: Kitchen computer - wired LAN2: My computer - wireless LAN3: My Xbox (unmodded, I do play XBL and XBC) - wireless (bad idea, but it's my only option) My computer and my Xbox both have wireless G adapters.
  12. Wow that's a good idea, I'd like to take the quiz.
  13. Yeah, I'm staying at Hampton Inn and they have free "high-speed" internet.
  14. I don't think it's your fault, it happened to me too, that just happens for some people, tweaking doesn't work for everybody. My download speeds are always 1995-2005 Kbps but when I tweaked I went down to about 1750 Kbps, I left it tweaked for a few days and tested it a whole lot, then I untweaked it and my connection was back to normal.
  15. ................................ Wow, just, wow.
  16. Thanks for the link to the 12MB test organ_shifter all I can get is the 6MB test.
  17. Whoa how did you get your 128 upload up to 155? I can never get mine to go above 128, it's pretty consistent, always 125-128, and I got 129 ONCE but 155, how? Anyway, yeah I think the upload test is really accurate and I use firefox.
  18. gotmilk


    You don't have to get XBC pro, the free version is good enough!
  19. I know that PS3 is going to be more powerful but is it going to be better than the Xbox 360? NEVER MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Yes, I am and Xbox fanboy, specifically a Halo fanboy. And online play on the 360 will be so much better than with the PS3 and Revolution.
  20. I use firefox and the download test seems to be very accurate, I'm always between 1992 and 2005 Kbps, and my cap is at 2024. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 2002 Kbps about 2 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB) Download Speed is:: 244 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Wed Jun 29 2005 19:17:22 GMT-0500 (Central Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 36X faster than 56K 1MB download in 4.2 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 87.54 % of your hosts average (conwaycorp.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-VN16U3TAI
  21. gotmilk


    XBC is better!!!
  22. Wow, hahahahahaha sorry.
  23. Or you could not because Halo PC sucks. Posttacular!
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