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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by gotmilk

  1. Try the regular testmy.net speed test using regular Internet Explorer or Firefox.
  2. Ok, well your first post was a little unclear, but I'll give you benefit of the doubt.
  3. Then why did you take out the validation links?
  4. Do one on Speakeasy then do another one here and compare.
  5. Your low scores may simply be because you're in Finland. If not, you may want to call your ISP about it (assuming nobody here can fix it). Your English is fine, and most people would call the "ISP place" the central office, or CO.
  6. Wow, that's pretty cool! Good luck!
  7. Yeah, didn't I see some of that crazy modded stuff on vyrax.com?
  8. Sorry, forgot to check his ISP. Yeah, a bit low on that download.
  9. dlewis, you don't know that.
  10. It's not, he's on the "powerboost" with Comcast. Unless that test is cached, his upload is capped at 768 Kbps.
  11. I think that is a speed test from Speakeasy.
  12. I don't know if this will help or not, but if you're using Opera, try testing with either Firefox or Internet Explorer. I know when I used Opera for testing it would give me really low speeds, then when I switched back to Firefox and IE, my speeds were fine again.
  13. Something that bothered me with both of your "statistics" from that test... I dunno, maybe it's a fluke...
  14. I tried to sign you up for some "free iPod/Xbox 360" stuff, but it ultimately resulted in having to give a credit card number, which I couldn't do. I'm sure you'll get plenty of spam from it anyway, I submitted your email address plenty times.
  15. I just started using it when you first posted it in another topic. Pretty cool. I tried running it with parameters but I couldn't get some of them to work.
  16. Sorry to bump an old topic, but does anybody know the addresses to each of the speakeasy servers so I can ping them through command prompt?
  17. Good job, that's the most detailed "help wanted" post in a while. Unfortunately, I'm not the expert on this. Since you're on cable, it may just be congestion from other people on your node. If nobody here can fix your problem, you should probably call your ISP and have them take a look at it.
  18. Yeah, me too, it was hard to kill time without testmy.net.
  19. Mmmm....... I sure hope this doesn't turn into a flame thread...
  20. Yeah, it would definitely bee cool to say you have it, but it's still not worth it... I would also like to see some benchmarks.
  21. Well, with those speeds, you dont need the boost.
  22. Well, since you're on cable, you can use this to see where you're capped.
  23. I noticed. I was hoping it wasn't on my end of the connection, then I would never be able to visit testmy.net again.
  24. I don't get much spam. I do get about 1-3 of these type spam e-mails a day, though. I'm not sure what I signed up for to get them........
  25. Wow, just.......................... wow. That guy is insane... in both a good and bad way..
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