A Stinger is a passive antenna which increases the RSSI level at the same time decreases jitter value received by your motorola canopy subscriber module( the antenna). You gonna need this if your RSSI value of your antenna is below 500, since the typical value for RSSI for a reliable link from subscriber module to the base station is 500. Below 500 the link will is no longer reliable and usually the leads to intermittent internet connection ( jitter is quite high).
The Stinger narrows the Beamwidth of the microwave signal entering and leaving from your motorola canopy (antenna). Therefore It concentrates more power received by your antenna( Beamwidth has nothing to do with the Bandwidth).
In my case, I am 2 km away from the base station. The value of Radio Signal Strength Indicator ( RSSI) is only 360, but when I added this Stinger to the antenna, the RSSI value is increased to 500 to 600+ ( based in my observation an increase of 50 % in RSSI)
I attached a photo of my home made Stinger. It cost me only 200 pesos. It's made of aluminum plane sheet.
You can read more information about the Stinger for motorola canopy at http://www.wbmfg.com/Stinger .
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