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Everything posted by netmasta

  1. Doing good today: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 6350 Kbps about 6.3 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB) Download Speed is:: 775 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Tue Sep 13 2005 16:35:31 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) Bottom Line:: 113X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.32 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 48.68 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-35YC1XNR2
  2. Does anyone know where I can go to check if there is a BIOS update for my mobo. I've tried esupport.com, but they want $70 for it! I know there is some site where I can get the update for free. I am am right that $70 is outrageous, right? I just am not sure where to look. BTW, here's the info that site's BIOS checker found: Program: eSupport.com BIOS Agent Version 3.45 BIOS Date: 01/03/02 BIOS Type: PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Release 6.0 BIOS ID: xxxxx.xx.xxxx.x.xxxxxxxxxx OEM Sign-On: None Chipset: Intel Whitney 82810E rev 3 Superio: Unknown OS: WinXP SP2 CPU: Pentium® III 1200 Mhz MAX: 1600 Mhz BIOS ROM In Socket: No BIOS ROM Size: 512K Memory Installed: 256 MB Memory Maximum: 512 MB Memory Slot 01: 256 MB Memory Slot 02: 0 MB
  3. Please don't post the same exact message on 2 boards. I posted an answer on your other post. EDIT: topics merged.
  4. It depends on what's available in your area.
  5. Fox News and CNN are now showing black smoke in the background in LA
  6. Not to mention they can't access Testmy.net.
  7. Try copying your log to this analizer. It seems to work pretty good. It will tell you what you should delete.
  8. You should use an ethernet (network card) connection. USB is almost always slower.
  9. It's not about the graphics people! I've been reading online and off about Vista. It seems like they're trying to improve the graphics more than anything. I think the transparent windows are cool and all, but cant M$ concentrate more on the security and stability more? Do they really need to release a completely new OS every 5 or so years?
  10. I like Firefox better because it't more customizable. There are a lot of useful add-ons for it. My favorite being Adblock. With Adblock, you can block just about any kind of ad. Pic, flash, and even Iframe. You can't do that with IE. You can also customize the look and feel of FF with themes. Can't do that with IE either. I also like that it's open source, which gives it a lot of potential. Sites could create customized themes and add-ons just for FF users. Also, when a security issues is found in Firefox, it's usually fixed within days, not months. With IE you have the dominating M$ watching over you. Plus ActiveX isn't all that great, especially since it's filled with security issues. M$, get ready for the Firxfox reveloution. EDIT: I forgot to add, IE 5 is the last version that will be available for the Mac. Then there's also the Linux users, no IE for them either. Those are just a couple of more reasons to switch to FF.
  11. You could try http://www.returnpath.net/ or if you will be using Yahoo! they have a built in notifier. Of corse you could always just send them your new address manually. Returnpath is good when your old address gets cut off and you can't use it anymore.
  12. Damn Geocities, lol. Try http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y82/netmasta/testmy/869aba24.jpg
  13. Yea it can be confusing. Two things I do know though. File sizes are measures in KB, MB, GB, etc. were the capital B means bytes, Vs. Internet connection speeds are measured in Kb,Mb,Gb, etc. where the small b is bits.
  14. You could try Driverguide.com They have drivers for older computers.
  15. Because it doesn't make sense.
  16. There is a conversion calculator here.
  17. Try this: http://www.geocities.com/netmaster5k/stupid----------ingbot2ua.jpg
  18. The pic works fine for me.
  19. I dwnloaded FF 1.5 Beta 1 yesterday. I had to unstall it. It's not compatible with almost all of my plug-ins/ad-ons. I will download it when it's public though.
  20. :haha: Wonder what's on her mind? Edit: To the guy yelling at Cheny
  21. Then just don't chat with the bot if it freakin annoys you.
  22. From Webopedia DOCSIS "Last modified: Monday, January 07, 2002 Developed by CableLabs and approved by the ITU in March 1998, Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification defines interface standards for cable modems and supporting equipment. With certification from CableLabs, manufacturers will be able to produce cable modems for retail, so consumers no longer have to depend on leased cable modems from their cable providers. Other devices that recognize and support the DOCSIS standard include HDTVs and Web enabled set-top boxes for regular televisions. DOCSIS specifies downstream traffic transfer rates between 27 and 36 Mbps over a radio frequency (RF) path in the 50 MHz to 750+ MHz range, and upstream traffic tranfer rates between 320 Kbps and 10 Mbps over a RF path between 5 and 42 MHz. But, because data over cable travels on a shared loop, individuals will see tranfer rates drop as more users gain access. In 1998, there were 1.2 million cable modems installed across the United States with an average price of $245 per unit, and by 2004, research reports predict there will be 24.3 million units installed across the US with an average price of $50 per unit. " Basicily, it's a cable (internet) network standard.
  23. Looks good to me. It doesn't look very expandable though. It only has two PCI slots.
  24. What if you don't use Windows? Oh, wait a sec, then no IE for you! Then there's us "high-tech" types who like something other than bloatware.
  25. I have no idea. I'd guess a video/computer game too.
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