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Everything posted by netmasta

  1. Right after I posted:
  2. No problems from MA, USA
  3. What doesn't make sense is that thier telling people to cut back on thier bandwith usage, yet they won't tell you how much you can use in 1 month. I've looked in the TOS and all it says is they will suspend your account for "excessive bandwith use".
  4. I wouldn't be supprised it the government already has cameras like this.
  5. http://arstechnica.com/news/posts/1064253517.html
  6. Thank you. And sorry about yesterday.
  7. Cool, Boston is on there. I'm wondering though if it means the whole area since the state of Connecticuit is listed, but just "Boston" and not all of MA. I'll keep you posted.
  8. BTW speedy, how do you get those colors and marquee? test on your sig without html? All I know is: [url] [/url] and [img] [/img]
  9. Ok. I was just so caught up in the "moment". Whatever the oppisit(sp?) of a Kodak moment is. lol I'm just glad this was on the 'net and not in real life or.... well it's best not to think about that.
  10. Forget about the dumb posts and not forgetting about halping people, right? Just kidding. I know.
  11. Me, too. It's always the last thing you think to do. I wonder how often Bill Gates does that. Just like when you loose something and find it in the last place you look.
  12. Mabey me and him should change avatars.
  13. Well... some (or at least one) admin(s) here is acting like the oppisit. I won't say who though.
  14. If you are new to Comcast (welcome, by the way), these are the settings to use. For e-mail Outgoing mail (SMTP): smtp.comcast.net Incoming mail: (POP3): mail.comcast.net For help in setting up mail on a specfic program (e.g.:outlook express) go here: http://faq.comcast.net/faq/query.jsp?name=Email Comcast Uses Giga News for newsgroups. To sign up go here: http://online.comcast.net/giganews/ I just noticed in previewing this message that the C in Comcast is automatically capitalized.
  15. Yes, this is me helping out people and trying to get back on some people's good sides. I really am sorry for all of those dumb posts in that "other" topic that I made.
  16. Here are some support links for those who have a Motorola SB 4220 Cable modem: Data Sheet (PDF, 69 KB): http://broadband.motorola.com/consumers/products/SB4220/downloads/SB4220_Data_Sheet.pdf F.A.Q.: http://broadband.motorola.com/consumers/support/faqs/surfboard_faq.asp User Guide (PDF, 1.5 MB): http://broadband.motorola.com/consumers/products/SB4220/downloads/SB4220_userguide.pdf
  17. administrator spelled backwards.
  18. I just changed my vote to no for the same reason.
  19. I'm still here. You don't scare me .s1. Or anyone else here for that matter. Just looked at my karma thanks .s1. Can we get rid of this stupid "karma" now/
  20. I'd help but I don't have sattelite(sp?) . But I am browsing the other topics to help people. Ex. I just helped someone back up ther reg in the general discussion area Also, at least we now are having more people posting on the forums, although sadly most of the posts are on this topic. P.P.S I posted the above message out of anger. I'll delete it.
  21. I use Adblock, and I love it. I just right click on an image or even a flash file ! and poof. Gone foever.
  22. I have decited to delete all of my posts on this now extreamly moronic topic. This is just getting stupid.
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