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Everything posted by netmasta

  1. If you're using Comcast:
  2. 15 hours free!! a $40.00 value!! Source:http://www.brainblips.com/aol/aol3.0.html
  3. I love the logo in the last 2 pics.
  4. I just checked the stats, 299 new members already this month! It's only been 7 days. I think this site is on it's way to being the next Yahoo! or Google.
  5. I started using Firefox in November, and haven't looked back. If I need to, I will use IE for certain sites. But that seems to be very rare.
  6. I (well my parents) pay $42.95/mo, which includes the modem rental fee and $15.00 multi-product (internet, Cable) discount.
  7. Just had to chang it +2 yet again.
  8. Ca3le, what's up with the default time zone changing so much in the last few days. First I set it to +2, then -5, and now +9! What is the default time zone now? I'm in Eastern time US, by the way.
  9. I have a love-hate relationship with M$. I love when Windows works, and hate when is gets "tired and crashes" They have gotten a little better since XP though. I've been using Windows since 3.0 with DOS! I may have decided to switch a while ago, but as I said in another thread, there aren't as many compatible games for Linux, etc. Also, there is the learning a whole new OS thing...
  10. Well they already had "raids" at several Wallmart's, because they hire(d) illegal workers.
  11. What is only .3? We need more info to help you.
  12. I've only been on a few so far The last one I went on was "Superman Ride of Steel" at Six Flags in MA. 2 weeks after I went on a fatal accident occurred so they had to change the restraint system. It used to be a "t-bar".
  13. 3 more to 2000. Also here are some other stats. Average registrations per day: 27.08 Average posts per day: 205.98 Average topics per day: 18.28 Total Boards: 46 Average online per day: 59.65 Male to Female Ratio: 19.8:1 Total Posts: 20517 Total Topics: 2018 Total Categories: 4
  14. Well the tech guy came today. He said my computer was fine, and that other people in my town are having problems too. He said they're "working their way (with the problem) to the head-end". He wasn't sure if it was related to the upgrade though.
  15. OMG! What's next, A version of the 'net that's "custom-tailored for your pet to use"?
  16. 6 more to 2000 as of right now!
  17. . I was on here Saturday at around 8:45AM EST and there were over 300 guests online. From the stats page: Most Online: 329 - January 29, 2005, 19:09:05
  18. netmasta

    help please

    Here is a REAL AOL commercial: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/aolcommercial.html enjoy....
  19. Also note this: http://faq.comcast.net/faq/answer.jsp?name=18225&cat=Connection&subcategory=1 Upcoming Scheduled Maintenance The following locations will be undergoing scheduled network maintenance from midnight (12:00AM) until noon (12:00PM) EST. During this twelve hour window please do not turn off your PC or cable modem as you will be unable to regain connectivity until the maintenance has been completed. Cleveland, OH 1/27/05, Thu Pittsburg, PA 1/27/05, Thu Richmond, VA 1/30/05, Sun Atlanta, GA 1/30/05, Sun
  20. There was a similar rumor where the Mikey cereal kid ( "He likes it, hey Mikey!") drank Pepsi and Pop Rocks and died from it. Or course it's not true though.
  21. To take a screenshot, press the print screen button (it's next to the F12 key) then open Paint (Start>> Programs>> accessories>>Paint. Then press Ctrl + V and edit the pic if you want to. Then save it as a .jpg file.
  22. I'm in MA and I have about 3.5MB down and ~46KB up. I'm not happy yet because my modem keeps rebooting A tech person is scheduled to check my modem on Monday.
  23. I like the new layouts, but some of the text links don't seem to work for me. See pic:
  24. Well, Ebay own's Paypal now so.... By the way, Yahoo's abuse address is [email protected] . Notice the second part of the address, it's not yahoo.com
  25. If you're not sure if an e-mail from Paypal is real or not, then just forward it to [email protected] .They will reply in ~1-24hrs telling you if it's a spoof. If it is fake they forward it to "the proper authorities". It works the same way with Ebay ( [email protected])
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