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Deltamusic ; Total Video Converter has a free trial but then you have to pay for it. Or does it have a crippled free version a person can continue to use ? Also does it decrypt commercial DVDs ? Coknuck ; I did try SUPER with AnyDVD strait from the commercial DVD & VOB files that contained audio .This worked. I am now trying a couple of other things since this doesn't put the movie sound track in correct order.You get everything Extras,special effects ,etc. So is what you are after is an mp3 of the main movie sound track so you can listen to the movie in just audio ? Or do you plan just to cut out what you want songs for example. I'm now trying just main move done by Shrink from the full DVD ripped with DVD Fab 5 (free) at the uncompressed 9GB size. I'm using no compression in Shrink.This gave me 4 VOBs that should be in correct order. SUPER will turn this into 4 mp3s. I then plan to test another software (free) to see if I can join the 4 mp3 into 1 large mp3.
Coknuck : Just a couple of things I need to add.I did some testing . SUPER any version will not convert strait from a commercial DVD by itself. The SUPER v.2008.build30 would with AnyDVD enabled. I was using SUPER v.2008.build30.It reported Errors but did the conversion to mp3. They played fine but I didn't listen to the whole DVD's mp3's created.I just spot checked them. I also did this: I ripped the DVD with DVD Fab 5 free version to the HD.This decrypted it. This way AnyDVD wasn't necessary.But same Error report as above. Then I went to the eightsoft/SUPER site & got the updated version build 33. I'm still doing some testing with this one. Heres what I found so far: I ripped the DVD with DVD Fab 5 free version to the HD.This decrypted it. It would convert to mp3 without an error but was slower. The only problem I found was you have to make sure each VOB has Audio.(Some don't.)& it was slower. But no Errors. If you have a VOB that doesn't have Audio the SUPER gets stuck on it.It keeps trying to do the conversion but since it can't find any audio it just keeps trying on that vob file. You can check your VOB files with MediaInfo to make sure it has Audio.It's the one I use anyway. http://mediainfo.sourceforge.net/en The just put the VOB's with Audio in the Add Multimedia files window.& Encode. I still haven't tried to join or mux the separate mp3s into one large mp3 file that would play the whole DVD soundtrack. I don't know exactly what software to use for that since I've never needed to do it. I am going to test with AnyDVD strait from commercial DVD with version 33 also but haven't yet.
Ok It depends on some of the software you have. I haven't tried this strait from commercial DVD . I have always used a backup copy of a commercial DVD.(Trying to keep the info legal) Use SUPER which is freeware.I posted a link above.If I remember right you have to go through about 3 or 4 pages at the site before you get to the actual DL.If you already have it then. You use the Super Output container as mp3 audio only. There is a window in the lower part of the Super interface.Right click on it. select "Add Multimedia files". Then select the DVD/Video_TS folder. In the files of type pulldown select VOB file.This should now have only the VOB files.Highlight them. This should put them in the File name window .Open it with button. The VOBs should now be in the lower Super window. Now if you want to put the files in a new folder.Create one. Right click the lower window again & select "Output File Saving Management" Make the settings in the Super Audio window you want. With a DVD you probably want 44100 sampling freq 2 channel & 320 bitrate.192 on the bitrate is usually good enough though if you want to use less space.That would be for a mp3 conversion. Select the Encode button & Super will put the converter mp3's in the new folder. It takes a while.
Coknuck: Do you need to convert something from DVD to mp3? I might be able to help.If you already know how then post it.Your method may be different than mine.
YouTube offers this one: http://youtubedownload.altervista.org/ You can also check this site .I offers different freeware that would otherwise be shareware. They frequently have various video software.You just have to check everyday till you find one you like. The only catch is you have to download,install & register the software on the day it is available. I have found several softwares I like & use there. http://www.giveawayoftheday.com/ You might also try Super: http://www.erightsoft.com/SUPER.html
I guess I didn't understand the Prehistoric intelligence connection.Other than the "white " man was more savage than the Indians he was trying to "civilize". On getting what you vote for.When the only choices are bad & worse & they are from the major political parties.Most independents don't have a chance.So a citizens doesn't get to vote for a candidate that will actually represent the people that elect him/her.The candidate will represent his largest contributors & lobbyist with the most money. On the two World Wars the start of either can't be pinned on the USA.We entered both after they were well started. I point my finger at Germany on both.
The reason for the second video glad you enjoyed it.One I've always liked Johnny Cash.It did show pictures of the American Indian residential schools.If you noticed the dates on the schools they were much later than most people think.The Indian children sent to them usually by force or coercion to take the Indian out of them. To me the first video about Wounded Knee of 1973 shows patriotism.The Indians did the sacred duty of American citizens.Taking on the government when it oppress's its' citizens.An example the rest of us American citizens should take notice of & follow the Native Americans' example to be willing to die if necessary . To stop the government when it is wrong. Kind of ironic that the Native American Nations whose lands "White" Americans took are the ones showing us the way. That we need to stop the government before we are more slaves than we now are. I am loyal to America but not to the corrupt government that is now in power.What we have now is not what the founding fathers & framers of the Constitution intended. They are probably turning over in their graves at what the US government has become & that the American citizens have allowed it to. I think Americans are patriotic because we call those that founded the country Patriots.These men did write their share of documents & laws we are still supposed to live by.As our main laws & principles. Like the Brits are loyal to the queen; Americans are loyal to this country.Our very roots begin with patriotism. IMO if a person is an American & hearing & saying the Pledge of Allegiance doesn't give them a tingle up their back.Then something is wrong with their thinking & needs to be adjusted by their fellow Americans.Same for the National Anthem. I know the Brits also have a National Anthem.Does it stir any patriotism in Brits? btw I know it is God save the Queen or King which ever is reigning at the time.
Although these were as important as any they only represent a small group of the American Indian Nations: Iroquois Confederacy that originally consisted of five nations: the Mohawk, the Oneida, the Onondaga, the Cayuga, and the Seneca. A sixth tribe, the Tuscarora, joined after the original five nations were formed.These are all N.E. tribes. There are many estimates & it's hard to know which one is accurate.Here is another estimate: according to Ward Churchill, a professor of ethnic studies at the University of Colorado, the reduction of the North American Indian population from an estimated 12 million in 1500 to barely 237,000 in 1900 represents a "vast genocide . . . , the most sustained on record. This is about the AIM & Wounded Knee of 1973.I consider the Sioux Indians at Wounded Knee true patriots of the type that fought against the existing government in the American Revolution. Too bad their numbers weren't greater.It does show that citizens can still revolt against government. Too bad more of us other American citizens weren't there with them.Maybe the US government wouldn't be doing what they are now selling us average citizens out.For money to feed their greed. These Indians are Patriots & Heroes showing the rest of us Americans what we should be doing to stop an out of control government. http://www.essortment.com/all/siegewoundedkn_rmpq.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FbSsk6afIbY
Roco;The Native Americans never formed any convention like you suggest.I guess you might explain further why you think they did;then I might be able to understand your thoughts on why you think they did. The Sioux already a nation of different Sioux nations & tribes probably had one of the best joinings of nations.Even that was not even close to a uniting of all the Native American nations. That has still not happened even today.The closest would be the American Indian Movement but that is a 20th century organization.I need to do a long post on the Patriotism of this group.Some of the last patriots of the revolutionary type. I hope you're not counting the Bureau of Indian Affairs as the convention because they were formed by the US government.Many times they were more the thieves of land & looked to the governments interest not the Native Americans. It wasn't the Brits that gave them the name Indians;I guess they might have done the interpretation of the Italian or Spanish.Remember it was Columbus an Italian working as an explorer for Spain that found America & thought it was India.The Vikings were probably the first Europeans to discover America but it can't be said they actually claimed it or settled long term.So historically credit is given to Columbus & the name Indian has its roots from him.
We had a try at this once .I guess the Canadian pharmacy couldn't actually deliver as advertised. If you want to try Quercetin on the cheap .I beleive it is made from the white of grapefruit peels.& orange peels to a lesser degree. If it is still like before since the Canadian web site that said you could order it can't actually deliver I guess you are out of luck. I will give another look .If I find anything I will post it.
The Native Americans were hardly a uniculture.If they had been they would have been much harder to defeat. There were several different nations of Native American & most of these had several different tribes that comprised them.Sometime you should do some research of this you might find it interesting.I think you will find the Native Americans Called Indians even before the USA existed.Each had their own name for themselves Indians was a European term.They existed in North America for centuries before the "white"man came.So I don't understand the didn't last very long applied to them. The Nazis under Hitler were short lived so to speak .I really haven't studied the Nazi culture much.I know they thought the Aryans were superior to all other humans.Interesting when one looks a Hitler who hardly could be considered Aryan. The early immigrants came to colonies in North America.These were claimed by several European nations.The British Empire,France ,Spain,etc.So these were in North America about 2 & 3/4 centuries before the American Revolutionary War.So if those are the immigrants you are talking about They were assimilated by the time The USA was formed. Which would have been 1781 at the earliest because we couldn't have been a country before we won the American Revolution.It took a while before there was an actual government after that. For people that were immigrants after the USA was well established .My answer is they should have loved the USA before they even came.Certainly more than the country the immigrated from. There goal should have been to assimilate into the USA speak American English & adopt American customs leaving their former ones behind.If they wanted their former customs they should have stayed where they already had them. The speaking might have taking a while maybe a year or two but should have been one of their main goals & certainly not teaching their children their former foreign language.At least not until they had learned American English well.Then maybe. I can watch & see if & how hard he works at becoming an American.The effort made to learn American English & American customs.I might learn from that if I saw it.If that is what you are asking. That's not what I thought you were asking . So if you mean can I learn something from the skills or knowledge . Maybe if that knowledge is not already available to me in the USA.That wouldn't be in many areas. As for his ideas or customs we already have the ones America needs if we get rid of all the ones from foreign cultures that have managed to creep in I don't believe the USA has the "Know it all answer " for other countries.We do have it for the USA if we apply it like we did at one time.That's what has caused us a lot of trouble trying to force our ideals on other countries .Like we are now doing in Iraq. I think we could fully close our door to all other folk.As far as immigrating here.We could still communicate but I would severely limit trade or citizenship. I'm not worried about inbreeding the USA has a diverse enough gene pool to last centuries without introducing more. I think the Romans bred with all the countries they conquered. Their defeat & end was cause by what is causing the USA's demise .Greed of those in power.Both the seen like politicians & the unseen the really rich & corporations that rule by bribery of the politicians.Just because they call it lobbying doesn't mean it's not really bribery.
So any of the flash videos like YouTube count as DL? That one is approx 15MB The Alan Shore one is 12MB.
First he is dressed as Thomas Payne.Who may have dressed like that.See portrait of Payne below; The uni culture is the type America used to have .When immigrants came to America learned to speak the American form of English.Adopted the basic American values & customs. They didn't want to stay in their own community where they speak the language of their former country & observe its' customs & traditions.Their loyalty still being to their former country. The Uni-culture of the USA is to become an American. Not a polyglot where in some areas there is a Little China,Little Viet Nam,Little Mexico,Little India,Little Egypt,etc. Again there is room in America for one flag & one national loyalty that is to the USA.That is the American uniculture. It has nothing to do with bloodlines it is values & beliefs & culture lines. So if you want to be French stay in France,If you want to be Italian stay in Italy,If you want to be German I'm not sure now but stay in Germany or maybe England,etc. If you want to live in the USA be an American.Become a US citizen & act like one.Leave your old country behind.If your loyalty is to your old country the go the hell back there & be loyal to that country.
mudmanc4 ;Did you try PC Wizard 2008 ? If so did it find the info you needed?
Heres some things I posted that are similar to whats in the video tommie gorman posted.I'm sure I could find more.So I agreed with the video before I saw it. http://www.testmy.net/t-20799.msg239096#msg239096 Check out this Alan Shore video
I don't know how this will work for wireless devices.It is a software similar to Everest.Recommended to me by Coknuck.I replaced Everest with it. PC Wizard 2008.1.85 http://www.cpuid.com/pcwizard.php
I agree a good debate on this. These are some cases I found.There were several more but in these the woman was not killed.In the majority both the mother & unborn child were killed.I put in a couple of assault ones too. http://www.marshallnewsmessenger.com/news/content/news/stories/2008/073108_web_baby.html?imw=Y see HEAD-ON COLLISION: Unborn baby http://www.tucsoncitizen.com/blogs/index.php?blog=25&cat=114 see double fine may slow up Florida's red-light runners http://duifla.com/DuiLaw/2005_10_01_duilaw_archive.html http://www.ksby.com/Global/story.asp?S=7580327 assault http://www.lifenews.com/state3411.html http://www.reporternews.com/news/2008/jul/22/man-arrested-allegedly-killing-unborn-child-2005-b/
I've always thought a military type barracks system would be good for the welfare mothers.Some would do day care,some work outside to bring in money for the whole barracks.some would clean & cook for the group. The food would all be commodity type .So cooking would be from scratch. I think that would be good incentive to get out of that situation. The intent is in the drinking & driving.Of course you have to consider the unborn child to be alive. Would you go for manslaughter if the mother was also killed?
I guess it would be a hung jury if both of us were on it. How would you decide on a manslaughter charge against a drunk driver that hit a pregnant womans car & caused her to miscarry?
I'm pro sterilization that's the way to stop the need for abortion.I'm also pro life so from conception on I consider the life a human being.Let the baby be born we will deal with what to do with the baby after. This is a reason their are manslaughter laws in place if you harm a pregnant woman & cause her to miscarry.Kind of contradictory to also allow abortion. I don't know of any couple that wants a baby & is pregnant that doesn't consider the unborn baby to be alive.& would go to any legnth to stop someone from harming it.Why if it is not a human yet? I'm also against only the woman making the decision to abort.The man is sure held the father & responsible if the child is born.So the pendulum should swing both ways.
They already have laws for only one child.If it is ethics then murder by abortion is certainly less ethical than sterilization .All China has to do is make sterilization after the first child law.That would be sterilization of both parents. While it might be cheaper for one child how about the next ten?At some point it becomes cheaper to sterilize. It's not like the world is suddenly going to run out of Chinese.
I'm surprised China doesn't just sterilize after the first child.Then no need for an abortion of a second child.Problem solved. Does anyone know why China doesn't sterilize after the first child?
I'll agree on there being too many regulations.The problem is if "we the people" are going to have less government then we have to be a moral people that doesn't need them.In other words all the people make their best attempt to always do the right thing.Since this isn't the way it is regulations are necessary. Still I'm sure there are a lot we could do without & I probably do violate some laws without even knowing.Probably not by myself there.
I have used an attorney & did on the case where I got 3 full tickets.I got 2 of the 3 dismissed .This has been a long while back but the attorney cost me $150.00 & I had to pay the fine on one of the tickets.So as far as I'm concerned I still paid a $150.00 fine for the 2 extra tickets.The cop cost me this the money just went to a lawyer instead. btw in this confrontation the cop asked me if " I wanted to go to F__king jail".Witnesses heard this many of whom were minors.You see this happened on a busy street.None of these tickets were for speeding. On the speeding ticket I just got a warning ticket so no fine.The point is I didn't even deserve the warning ticket.The real reason for the stop was a seat belt check.The ticket was the after thought.Like I posted for a while here policy was drivers weren't stopped just for a seat belt check.
mudmanc4 ;I am left on this because I see nothing else that would work.I feel I & the government has a say because citizens like you & me pay for the welfare.I'm not responsible for the child so why should I pay?If I(we) pay then we should have a say in how to stop it from happening again. I know you hear some Christians quote "Be fruitful & multiply" well people have done that & we now have plenty of people. Heres an example if there were as many grizzly bears as people on the Earth .Would you want to control the grizzly bear population?Because they would sure be controlling the people population. There are not too many wrong babies per year but it does happen.Mostly this lets the father know he is the father from the start.If the father is the husband then he will be responsible if not the bio father will have to start paying child support or go to jail.I think that would help with some of the bio fathers that get by without paying think at least a little. Also if you didn't know this in some states the husband is presumed by law to be the father & required to pay child support even if DNA proves he isn't the father.At least this would stop that before he had 6 kids to support that are not his.In some states there is an exception if the DNA is taken before the divorce is finalized & the husband is not the father then he doesn't have to pay child support.If after he does. Some states the DNA is all that's needed if a man isn't the father he doesn't pay. Are those good enough reasons for mandatory DNA? I'm still waiting for a reverse case.A man brings a baby home that is his from an affair.Then his wife divorces him & has to pay child support because she is presumed to be the mother because the child was born during the marriage. I think the law is only actually written about the man & women get off on this one .So much for equality.