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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. Blunted 2 do you use TOS or have it disabled?
  2. jeffwalker9999 ;I don't have any specific settings for tos & Cox cable.I recomend disabling tos or at least trying that to see if it improves your speed. I think the first will disable TOS DisableUserTOSSetting 1 The second is just in case DefaultTOSValue 0 Try the TCP/IP Analyzer at Speedguide If disabled it should look like this IP type of service field (RFC1349) = 00000000 (0)
  3. Nero CD-DVD Speed (freeware) use its Benchmark function.You will have to sacrifice a disc or two but it will let you know the max speed your burner is capable of for the type disc you test.
  4. Coknuck AnyDVD & CloneDVD2 will let you decrypt and record .You have to have 2 DVD units one to read the DVD you are copying & one to burn the copy.It is still recommended you burn to the HD then make the copy from that for best quality. alan8187 I don't know how to put multiple movies on one disc.For one thing you are already compressing the movie from approxamatly 8GB to 4.36 GB or a little smaller if you copy the movie only.If you have or get a large screen TV you will notice if you do multiple movies on one single layer disc. I actually do know a way to do what you want to do .It requires you to make a decrypted copy on your PC.You can do this to an DVD RW disc (Only use the recomended speed for the RW usually 4X).Then you need 2 home DVD units one can be just a player.Then you can copy with the home DVD recorder in real time.Some of these units will let you record up to 10 hours on a single layer disc. If someone knows a way or the software to do this with a PC I would like to know myself.I don't think I would do it much but would like to be able to if I wanted to. If you are going to try AVI & back which is basically editing you are going to have to get into it above my level.I read some on that & it is more than I'm willing to do just to put more movies on one disc .Only to end up with poor quality.
  5. I haven't used ripit4me. A good program to check your DVD's after the burn is Nero CD-DVD Speed also freeware.Check with the disc quality
  6. Blako ;I mostly use my older PC for burning & the speeds above are for it.I burn a DVD +R at 6X speed on it .Its CPU is a 450 MB Intel. I also have DvdShrink but I like the ease of the other 2. When I have time I will do some comparing with my newer PC.I just find it convenient to let the old one do the DVD's while I do other things on the newer one. The newer one has a AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 3800+, 2000 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s). You can copy with all freeware if you use DVDFab HD Decrypter,DVDShrink & ImgBurn.It takes about 13GB HD space & you have to build an ISO file in ImgBurn then write that to DVD.
  7. starship_troopers ;your correct there is a trial for both & it's not a crippled version.I used the trial first then decided to buy.
  8. alan8187 ;I suggest you buy these two programs Any DVD & Clone DVD2 if you buy them at the same time there is some discount.They come with lifetime regular updates.Used together they will decrypt shrink & burn a DVD to the HD in about 11 to 15 min.The starting original DVD being approximately 8GB will shrink to 4.36 GB for a full copy.Assuming you are copying to a single layer disk.Then from HD to DVD in 9 to 10 min. I think you can burn directly to DVD if you have 2 DVD drives one to read & one to burn but this is not the recommended way to get the best copy. One added hint if you let your burner cool about 15 min between burns it will last a lot longer.That is the burn to DVD not the read & burn to HD the latter does not heat the DVD drive much. btw Verbatim discs are considered the best.
  9. You can turn off the daily update & do it manually when you want to.That's not automatic but it is the way I do it.
  10. Almost every wise saying has an opposite one, no less wise, to balance it I would never let a woman kick my ass. If she tried anything, I'd be like, EH. You get your bitch ass back in the kitchen and make me some pie. Eric Cartman (South Park)
  11. There's not always enough water & you can't always choose your own company.Theres some that say that's all that's wrong with hell. Gil Favor
  12. A little different way to listen to Purple Haze.I tried to find it by The Bobs doing it a capella but it was not on You Tube. Kronos Quartet
  13. "Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom." John F. Kennedy
  14. Currently Vista on one & on my older PC Windows 98se. resopalrabotnick I will see if I can find out the motherboard .That one is not my main PC but still works as a backup PC.I'm planning to put a new HD in it soon .I already have the HD .When I do I will give it the no RAM test again.& see if I can let you know what mother board it has.I have it written down somewhere but it would probably be quicker to find when I open the case.
  15. I haven't tried with a newer OS & PC but I could boot my Pentium 3 with Windows98se with no RAM installed.So it may be os dependent on whether this can be done.
  16. Have you tried not using any RAM ? This will make things very slow but I only suggest it for testing purposes.I'm not sure you can play a game with no RAM installed but it won't hurt anything.If you don't crash then it would point to bad RAM or a bad slot.
  17. Birds always seem to have plenty of ammunition what ever the source. Coknuck here you have to plant poke weed.My grandmother was from the South .I bet it grew wild where she was raised too.She liked it so planted it on purpose. I was raised to eat what was on the table so I ate it growing up. Now I think I will leave eating a plant alone that has to be parboiled 3 times.Then only maybe the toxin is diluted enough not to make you sick.
  18. Roco Having a Southern background I have eaten poke salad.My grandmother raised her own the only way to get it.I know more now & think it's better left alone. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pokeweed
  19. I remember a joke punch line ."Joes out there picking a watermelon." anyone remember the rest of the joke.I think it's a farmers daughter joke. Here's a pic for you Roco
  20. If you have or could get an onscreen keyboard .Then you could test with that before buying a new keyboard.
  21. Try this StartProgramsAccessoriesCommand Prompt right click select "Run as administrator". Then enter the command at the command prompt. See pic.
  22. Do you have another Video card other than the Nvidia you could try?Some vid cards conflict with some motherboards. For diagnosing a brand other than Nvidia would be helpful.
  23. I guess I've been lucky.I've bought many things on ebay almost all with good results.I've never sold anything though.I use Paypal but take their advice & never respond back via e-mail.If I get an e-mail from Paypal I go to their site through my browser not an e-mail link. Also I have only a credit card backed Paypal account & that card has a low limit on purpose.Paypal has wanted access to my bank account for I think they call it "Verified" but I continue with only the credit card. So I guess I will continue to buy from ebay.
  24. TheHalf
  25. I found some information for you.Check the links there might be some information you could use for the VIA USB .I read there should be one for each set if USB ports you have .Do all your USB ports work? 4 of the same seems like a lot.I don't have the VIA chipset so I can't help as much. One of the solutions in one of the links was to uninstall the VIA driver & install the MS Windows driver post by Anthony_Stratton. http://forums.viaarena.com/messageview.aspx?catid=16&threadid=69491&enterthread=y http://forums.viaarena.com/searchresults.aspx VIA chipsets VIA 3038 Universal Host Controller Several popular computer motherboards, such as the Abit KT7 Series and Shuttle, use the VIA 3038 chipset. Microsoft has identified communications problems that may occur with this chipset. Complete the following steps to resolve the problem: Remove the all-in-one software and then disconnect the USB cable from the all-in-one. Update the Via 4-1 driver from the www.viatech.com Web site http://www.viaarena.com/?PageID=2 Update the Via USB filter driver http://www.viaarena.com/?PageID=71#usb from the www.viatech.com Web site. Install the all-in-one. If the installation still fails, remove the all-in-one software, disconnect the USB cable from the all-in-one, and contact the manufacturer of the computer or motherboard to obtain the latest BIOS version for the computer. Even if this doesn't fix your problem it should make sure your USB hubs are working correctly.
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