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Everything posted by Sequoia
Thought I would add a couple:
I'm suprised the satanists aren't complaining about being compared to politicians & federal agents like that. I mean even they can only take so much of an insult. smuth;I would like more info on their weird bibles
I agree at this time as far as Christians know the anti-Christ has not come to power.He may not even have been born. So if something doesn't currently exist it can be said "there is no such thing". I & many Christians do believe that eventually the anti-Christ will come to power.We just don't know when. Christians will recognize the anti-Christ by the signs given in Revelation. So far these do not fit Obama. I will repeat this again if your religion is not Christian or you have no religion the word anti-Christ should be a non-word to you & have no meaning.It has no definition outside the Christian religion.If you don't believe that try to define anti-Christ without any reference to the Bible.
In the UK too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CN1ZM90oY60&eurl=http://www.lionheartuk.blogspot.com
I'm not sure what the government could recover with their best experts.I've heard of recovery even off broken discs. Not sure on the corroded ones. But melted definately makes recovery impossible.
MttFrog13 ;The videos are good & helpful.I just wanted to let you know Vista doesn't let anyone takeown a few of its files. I have worked around both the SVI folder & the files above but not with takeown. At your own risk & please check these out before you use them.From an administrator command prompt. The Vista drive for example C:> This is safe at command prompt type icacls c: This just gives some information about permissions. These are for advanced users: WARNING !!! TAKEOWN /F * /A /R /D Y then icacls * /grant:r Administrators:F /T /C /L Again WARNING !!! Please gather more information before using these.I had to call MS & reactivate after using them but I now have administrator permissions for almost everything in my Vista.& I don't use UAC.
After you take a HD apart smash if you want to but melting it is even better.I have an acetylene torch so a through melt is no problem .A good cooking on the grill might work too.
You may have to try & find a specific trojan remover for this one.It looks like it made several Registry entries. If you can't try the AVG forum & ask about this trojan. You might try emptying the AVG virus vault & scan again. Do the same for any other anti-virus you have. I don't run more than one AV because I've read not to . Do a disk clean up with at least the Windows one. Then use the error checking & then defrag.
OK I see what you mean . With the brackets the videos can "always" be accessed with copy & paste.
ghostmaster I listened to a couple of the Jeff Buckley songs.I actually hadn't heard of him. I don't think of this topic as a "greatest " list just "some songs of our lives ". I don't know your age but I'm probably older.I listen to a wide range of music. If you like some octave range then You have to include Roy Orbison. Roy Orbison This one starts with a German intro. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFxbIYF6cmw Roy when older but still sounds good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EV2Ue7f1u7w&feature=related btw even if the links don't embed they are easier to use as links I think all you have to do is not bracket them.
There still posting as links instead of YouTube videos.They are videos in Preview. Bob Dylan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0jHraq3UXs&feature=related Waylon Jennings The Eagle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyLr-oIROSY&feature=related Waylon Jennings America Get Drunk with Dignity
Not one of the fat Americans myself either. The videos did not post correctly .They did in Preveiw .I will try again later.
I'm more of a rock listener than country but I listen to both. These are some you might not have heard. Willie Nelson from Red Headed Stranger.A mix of the songs shortened a little. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMZ2zDW42O8 There was also a # 2 on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OXx4H9DuZY&eurl=http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=24468.new Charlie Daniels In America ( Live 1980) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZW0-Cl100rc&feature=related Uneasy Rider 88 Beatles do a country song Act Naturally http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzEuhIIK6cw
Here is some extra information & a tool for uninstalling AVG if you need it. http://www.avg.com/faq.num-946 I never did get AVG to work correctly with Windows Mail in Vista.I'm still using AVG though.
I have AVG but when the AVG thing occured I just let it ride & didn't update for a couple of days.When I did update I had no problem.So the AVG problem could have messed something up. Possibly an uninstall of AVG then a new install of AVG would correct the IE add-on problem.Probably not but something to try. I don't think Vista has any uninstall option for IE7.At least I haven't found one. In Program Files /Internet Explorer I have this file ieinstal.exe . It doesn't do anything that I can tell on my OS but says it is :
Thanks I hadn't found that.Good to know if I ever have the problem. It is available in both IE & IE (No Add-ons). Easiest way to put it is Internet Options> Programs > Manage Add-ons. You probably haven't accessed the remote machine yet. I'm interested to see if changing the target works. Since my IE is working correctly I hate to test it on mine.
mudmanc4 ; Above you posted Where do I find this ? I couldn't find any properties that showed Add-ons enabled.
mudmanc4; When I choose IE with no add-ons either way under Tools the Manage Add-ons is greyed out. This is either if right click on the desktop IE icon is used or from the Program list. Is the one you are having a problem with this way ?
I like my bug better but you have to watch or he will grow.
The reset is probably what disabled the add-ons.That's what reset says it will do. Check the image below. If you didn't reset prior to the problem then I guess it was caused by something else.
mudmanc4; I haven't had this problem .This is with IE7 on Vista HP. Would you let me know where in "properties" it shows addons are enabled ? See if this fixes it. In the Start/Programs list.Probably under Start/Programs/Accessories/System Tools. There should be two IE shortcuts.One like this: Internet Explorer ( no Add-ons) The other just :Internet Explorer Right click both and select properties. In the image below The left side should be the one for just :Internet Explorer The right side should be the one for Internet Explorer ( no Add-ons) It has the extra -extoff in Short cut /Target. If the just :Internet Explorer has the -extoff remove the -extoff & apply. If that's not it try in IE Tools/Manage Add-ons/Enable or Disable Add-ons Then enable the add-ons you want enabled in the list. If none of that works I'm not sure what to do. btw if you do a reset in IE/Tools/Internet Options/Advanced it tells you it disables browser add-ons.If you tried that then reenabling them as above might work.
Coknuck ; I just wanted to know this if you know . Are the focus group DVDs in standard DVD movie format? For example are the files in them .vob , .ifo , .bup ? One more thing . mp3s on a DVD disc will play only on a computer. They won't play on most settop DVD players. There are supposed to be a few that do but I'm not sure how long any of these will be available. You see the RIAA & MPAA have stopped this because they don't want anyone to put 600 plus songs on one DVD. I think there is a chip that prevents this like the Macrovision chip. btw: If anyone has a settop DVD player or player/recorder that will play DVDs with mp3s on them please post the model.
Are they encrypted? I don't have anything like that to practice with. If there not encrypted.You could load them directly in Shrink. Preview the titles select what you wanted.Use Backup.Then put those VOBs in SUPER to convert to mp3s. I would match the bitrate & other settings as well as possible in SUPER. VLC player if you have it will let you play the individual VOBs so you can see if they are in correct order. Then you can merge them into one mp3 if you want to. That would probably be easier than tapeing & using Audacity .Although Audacity is a nice software too.
You are welcome Coknuck .If you will let me know what from a DVD you want to make mp3s of I think I have it down pretty good now. Here's the method with all freeware for one large mp3 of the main movie. 1.Rip the DVD to the HD with DVD Fab HD Decrypter (Free).Full size (9GB) setting. 2.With DVD Shrink v. 3.2 open files from DVDFab copy to the HD. 3.Select ReAuthor then add main movie title.Set compression settings at no compression. 4.Select Backup.Shrink will put a main movie copy on your HD.On the movie I used this had 4 VOBs. 5.With SUPER select mp3 for output.Make settings you want for the mp3s. 6.The settings I used were: Sampling Freq 44100 2 channel bitrate 192 default language. 7.Add the VOBs from the Shrink main movie BU copy. 8. Select in SUPER "Output File Saving management" (right click anywhere on SUPER for settings panel). Select location for the mp3 files.It will create one for each VOB. 9.From these mp3s use Meda MP3 Joiner.Add the mp3 files.Select "start to merge" . http://www.medafan.com/mp3-joiner/ 10.That's it you now have one mp3 for the main movie audio. If you wanted any of the Extra titles made into mp3s you could have selected them in Shrink where you can Preview them.. If I wanted any of the Extras made into mp3s I would do them after the main main movie in there own folder. Then rename them in order.run the VOBs through SUPER & add the to the mp3 merge.I didn't try that but I hope they would be in order after the main movie mp3. megabytez ; SUPER has four different mp4 conversions available.
I found this YouTube of the video but the link in tommie gorman's post has a lot better quality video.