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ghostmaster's quote above is why I said ghostmaster referred to two religions split at the time of Isaac & Ishmael. I know the religion of Isaac also called Israel. So what was the other religion started at this time? From the Wiki you ghostmaster linked: about Allah So the word Allah came from pre-Islamic Arabia & is of pagan origin. Refer to this wiki link on the tetragramation.Where you will find this is the name of the God of Israel.Since the God of Christians is the same as the God of Israel Christians do worship the same God as the people whose religion is Judaism. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YHWH Since the God of Israel has a name He can't be the same as Allah who according to ghostmasters post is nameless. The answer to that is simple .It's yes. Check out the Tower of Babel in the old testament.I think there is even more to the story than told.I believe this is when different races were created as well as the languages.So one minute you were of the Jewish race like everyone else on Earth at the time .The next minute you were Oriental ,black ,etc
This is the procedure I found concerning this.A Presidential veto can also change the amount of votes required by both. Neither shows that the Spearer of the House or Vice President of the Senate has the power to decide whether a bill will be voted on.Their signature is only to certify the bill & I think refusing to do so would be malfeasance.
mudmanc4 ;People whose religion is Judaism do not believe Jesus is the son of God.That is why the members of the religion of Judaism in the time Jesus was on the Earth persecuted him & eventually had Jesus crucified.They did it through the Roman legal system but it was certainly at their request. You can be a member of Judaism even if you can't trace you ancestry to Abraham. A person whose gene pool can be traced all the way to Abraham can be a Christian .Many would call that person Jewish .Which would be racially correct but this person's religion would not be Judaism.It would be Christian so that "Jew" would believe Jesus is the son of God.There are thousands of Jewish people that are Christains. I hope that explains it. btw mudmanc4 the there you used should have been they're .
This is in response to some of ghostmaster's posts but for everyone to comment on. I'm going to post some personal beleifs so take or leave them as you like. First let's start with this although Abraham's sons Isaac and Ishmael had different mothers I see no proof that Ishmael went & started a different religion.I think he did start the Arabic tribes that are now in the Middle East.And Muslim Arabs trace their ancestory back to Ishmael. The covenent(the old testament) between God also known by the tetragramaton YHWH & pronounced in English as Jehovah or Yaweh .The covenent Abraham was made 13 years after Ishmael's birth.So this was passed down through Isaac also known as Israel.This genetic line became known as the Jews.This is the God Christians worship. I don't beleive Allah is this God but that Allah came from the Egyptian gods.So Christians & Jews worship the same God . Muslims worship a different god.To me that makes their god a false god that doesn't exist. Also Ishmael could not have started the Muslim religion since it did not exist befor approx. 670 A.D. The Christian religion was started by Jesus the son of God this is the new covenent or testament between God & mankind.Both the old & new testaments are blood covenents. Now there are several denominations of Christians & their interpretations of the Holy Bible differ.But as far as I know all hold the beleif that Jesus is the son of God .This is what binds all Christian's together.That would include the Catholics to me just another denomination. I know the Catholic church was responsible for executing many Protestants as heritics when they had that power.One of the many wrongs done in the name of religion but I don't know how they would justify this form the Bible.
Are you German or American? If you were born in the USA or to American parents you are American.You probably mean some of your gene pool is German. I vote no on Obama being the Anti-Christ.I don't give him that much credit. I hope the label will stick on him maybe that would stop some people who will vote for him just because he's black.There will be a lot who do. Personally I beleive the Anti-Christ will come from the EU sometime after the USA joins them. Vote for McCain he can't be worse than Obama will be.At least I don't beleive he will be at this point.If he's elected time will tell. Pretty sorry state of affairs when we have to vote for a candidate because he won't be as bad for the country as his opponent.Instead of having a hard choice over which one will be best for the country.
This software is updated much like AnyDVD for removing DVD protections.But free. DVDFab HD Decrypter (July 30, 2008) DVDFab HD Decrypter is a simple version of DVDFab Platinum. It copies entire DVD movie to hard disk, and removes all the protections (CSS, RC, RCE, APS, UOPs and Sony ARccOS) while copying. It also comes with full HD-DVD and Blu-Ray support (Removes AACS). http://www.dvdfab.com/free.htm FixVTS is probably a good software but if a DVD is correctly decrypted you probably won't need to use it. VobEdit is a software similar to FixVTS. AnyDVD is probably the best & works with many other programs but should be off when using DVDFab HD Decrypter. In DVD Decrypter if you have AnyDVD you should use it by going to Tools/Settings/ I/O / Interface/ElbyCDIO Elaborate Bytes.
Although DVD Decrypter will do fine to backup older DVD movies that were made up to the time it stopped being updated.Copyright & other protections will usually stop you from making a good backup of a newer movie. You need to use DVD Decrypter's replacement the free version of DVDFab HD Decrypter.This is still being updated so it can handle most protections.You have to have the HD space as it will use approx 9GB for a dual layer which most commercial DVD movies are.Then after DVDFab HD Decrypter has done the decryption you use DVD Shrink to "shrink" compress it to a single layer approx 4.36 GB . You will also need the space on the HD for the 4.36 GB from DVD Shrink .If you used DVD Shrink to build an .iso you can then use DVD Decrypter to write the .iso to a single layer disc. If you use DVD Shrink to build standard DVD files you will need a DVD burning software that will burn these files to DVD disc. Myself I no longer use this method as I have AnyDVD & CloneDVD2 these are faster & easier but not free.
It has worked well for me.The only problem I have had is with AlTel when one of there customers gave them my number.I spent about 30 minutes talking to them before I got it straitened out. Felt like a fool for selecting #3 on my phone.That was what the automated called message said to select if it was the wrong number that it was calling. When I talked to AlTel I found out that was just a disconnect. Before I called AlTel I reported them to the Do Not Call list since I wasn't there customer.This did not stop there calls & apparently nothing was done in the way of fines or anything else. I was just curious to see if anything would be done that's why I reported them. I probably was getting 3 calls a day for about 3 weeks .I pushed #3 every time.So the joke was on me. That's just to let everyone know that a simular button from another business may not do what you think it will. I still fell I had to give them TMI about myself to get the calls stopped.I shouldn't have needed to give them any information about myself since I wasn't & have never been a customer of theirs.They couln't even find the customer they were trying to call with the name being given by the automated call.I had to give them my phone number for one thing.Interesting they could set up an automated call to call a customer of theirs but couldn't find the number they were calling with only the customers name.And the name wasn't Jane Smith .So not so common they shouldn't have been able to find it in their system.But they couldn't. So all you AlTel customers keep that in mind.
Thanks tommie gorman for the link .I had already managed to find it.I now have a .flv of it on my HD incase it disappears from the web. btw I also found it in several segments on YouTube. I guess you had to post it like you did to keep it from being a video.
First thank you tommie gorman for posting this video I listened to the whole thing. I would like to know the names of the people that are really in control of the World Bank & IMF probably the speaker in the video didn't know those.I think either the illusive Illuminati or a similar group that doesn't have a name .You can bet there is a group of extremely rich like this at the control they just separate themselves with the "middlemen". Now I know why no deal was made with Canada to connect to Canada's natural gas pipelines which would only take about a 300 mile pipeline across Alaska to Canada then through it to the USA.Supplying cheap natural gas. I hope Iran succeeds in using Euros & supplying cheap crude oil & the US dollar does collapse.I think that's the best thing that could happen to the USA.Heres why if our dollar collapses that really only means in the rest of the world .It could & would still have value here.We just couldn't buy foreign goods & would have to make our own.We would still produce food & other countries would have to buy that or starve.So we wouldn't be as broke as it might look on paper. I have long said the Congress should just declare the national debt gone & any country that no longer wants to trade with us fine.That alone would eliminate a lot of our problem & screw what it does to other countries.We have the ability to be self-sufficient.It might be hard for 5 years or so but the American people have survived a lot worse when they settled the country from coast to coast.We will just have to hope we still have some of that pioneer stamina. tommie gorman; For all the good it might do could you give me a link to the video? I would like to send a copy to my Senator & Congressman.If the speaker was right they already know & it won't do any good.Also the fact that Texas is an oil state won't help.But maybe others will do the same in states where oil is not so big & could have more influence. I guess the American people need to be more like the signers of the Declaration the speaker ended with :Willing to give all they have including their lives for freedom.
Try PC WIZARD 2008 http://www.cpuid.com/pcwizard.php This may or may not list your soundcard drivers but should identify the sound card. Look for it in Hardware/ Multimedia /Device Audio . Mainboard should also identify your motherboard.
I'm not an expert on this but did you flash the firmware on this drive? If you did that could be the problem. Nero info tool also shows ; Lightscribe software is not installed that might or might not be a problem. Also shows no Region code. You might try a slower read speed. Does it recognize single layer DVD +R ? Last try Verbatim or Taiyo Yuden discs. Even on Verbatim avoid ones made in India or Viet Nam.Try to get made in Japan or Taiwan.I wish I could say Made in America but there are none.
Will windows 7 be another waste of time??
Sequoia replied to ninjageek's topic in General Discussion
I have Vista & would sure choose XP instead.Vista does run fairly well for me but I have tweaked & leaned it down a lot.I use Classic & not Aero just for one thing. Right now I use 1 GB ram & that's two 512 MB sticks.I intend to go to a 2GB stick(not that cheap) & try that then add another 2 GB later if necessary. One of the slowness problems is MS caved even more to the MPAA &RIAA .The constant checks for Blueray piracy cause some of the slowness.I think Gates should have told them Go to Hell on that & DRM or any other automatic copy protection.That his customers didn't want that & shouldn't have to put up with the extra space & slowness to protect someone elses commercial interest.Then if they didn't want computers to be able to use DVD's by not selling him the rights he would not include these abilities/But he could sure advertise that & maybe computer customers could have boycotted movies & music. The thing is the RIAA & MPAA want computers to be able to use DVD's & CD's with music & movies.If Gates had refused to cooperate on this they would have caved instead & we would have a better OS with Vista than we do now. It will take a lot to convince that Windows 7 will be any better.Because I think it will have the same protections or worse.I think it's time thea MS said they don't believe most of their customers are pirates so their not putting these protections in. -
I'm sure Ford's designers have thought of the same thing.They are just not going to apply it that way.They already probably have a problem with the petroleum industry over the hydraulic pressure system anyway.You know that petrolem companies must have a major amount of stock in vehicle manufacturing companies to have the control over them they seem to .With the excess profits they have made they should even be able to buy more. The problem is that if the Ford engineers didn't think of this & an individual like me wanted to put it in practice it would cost too much .So it really needs to be done by a company like Ford.
tommie gorman ;Heres some info on the hydraulic assisted Ford pickups: Called by both these names: Ford Hydraulic Power Assist (HPA) Ford Hydraulic Launch Assist (HLA) http://media.ford.com/newsroom/release_display.cfm?release=12525 http://www.autoblog.com/2006/02/14/ford-f-150-to-debut-with-hydraulic-hybrid-system/ http://www.canadiandriver.com/articles/jk/020925.htm What I would be interested in is seeing this put on an all electric vehicle.Both for brake power recovery(I think this would really save the brakes.) Mainly I wonder how an electric motor connected to a hydraulic pump instead directly to the drivetrain to pressure these cylinders.Then the hydraulic pressure to drive the vehicle completly.Of course that coupled with the brake recovery pressure.
Heres a couple of link s to some sports models that will soon be available.Expensive now but like most technology if they become more common the price will come down. http://www.lightningcarcompany.co.uk/home.php http://www.teslamotors.com/ Here are some more electric car vids: tommie gorman your first vid didn't work for me so I posted the same one hope it works. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKUyZHTNOiY
No but the explosiveness of hydrogen. Hydrogen burns with an almost invisible flame, sustains a fire when at a concentration of between 4% and 75% of the air and ignites at a low temperature. For an explosion you need a concentration of between 18.3% and 59%. Do you have anything that compares the cost of hydrogen production compared to gasoline production? Like the cost of the hydrogen to do the same amount of miles as gasoline. Also if you can include equivalent tax on the hydrogen compared to the current gasoline tax. something like this battery developed for vehicles.China is supposed to have some of their garbage trucks using this for the 2008 Olympics. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithium_ion_polymer The one good thing I see coming from hydrogen vehicle development is the fuel cells produce electricity for electric motors .This will lead to better electric motors for battery vehicles. One other we all need to wonder about is why Bush an oil man is in favor of developing hydrogen vehicles to lessen dependence on foreign oil. My preference is & I think will always be all electric battery powered cars. I think I can find you some info on fast electric vehicles.Of course this lowers efficiency a lot but it does with internal combustion engines too.
Many times a virus hides in your system restore points.Disabling that temporarily then running the scan usually gets rid of the virus. The bad side of this is you lose the previous restore points. So another form of backup is good to have before you do this.Of course a currant backup would have the virus but would get you back to where you are now if need be. If all went well then you could just erase the backup with the virus.
I think you are thinking of something like regular car batteries like fuel cars now use.It already takes about 12 of those for an electric car.That's part of the problem the weight & the constant drain is also hard on them. I think they are already doing this on prototypes but dual large batteries one use while the other charges with the energy available from the cars motion.One way they are doing this is energy from the braking system.But eventually both need to be charged.This could many times be overnight.But the ability to take a quick charge would be even better.
Like I said I'm also in favor of making the heat sink fit. But if a person wanted to put a capacitor with just enough longer leads left to get 20 degrees without strain & making sure they weren't shorted to each other.Because if your not smart enough to do that you shouldn't be doing anything inside your PC anyway.The new capictor wouldn't have any charge yet. btw I replaced 3 defective capicitors (swelling because of bad chemicals used by the manufacturer) on the MB of my old PC cured the problem & it has worked fine since.I didn't need to bend them so I didn't leave any extra lead but I'm sure I could have with no problems.
I like mudmanc4's idea of modifying the heatsink to fit the capacitor. But if you are adept with soldering then if the capacitor on the board(southbridge) is tight replace it with a new one of the same type.Most replacement capacitors have longer leads.Try a company called Newark. http://www.newark.com/
I'm sure I couldn't get enough to do this.If the idea spreads this would work because it affects all the petroleum companies.Because it would take away billions of gallons of their storage capicity.Take a 20 gallon tank for example you only put in 5 gallons.That takes 75% of storage in your car that the petroleum companies use if you fill up.The petroleum companies count on this storage.This increases supply so to increase demand the petroleum companies would have to drop the price once all their own storage tanks were full & they had more coming in with no place to store it. tommie gorman I liked the hydraulic pickup as well. Personally I'm not sold on the hydrogen vehicles.I think they pose too great a danger in an accident.The fuel cells still aren't efficient enough & make the cost too high.Right now hydrogen costs to much to produce.The cost of hydrogen stations would come out of the pockets of gas & deisel vehicle owners.So for now I'm giving them a thumbs down.In the future maybe not. I still think a battery needs to be developed that is nothing like what we know about today.One that is light,holds a large charge & charges quickly.Then an all electric vehicle.say something that would do 200 miles in town & 400 miles highway between charges.Then only take an hour to recharge.I don't know how to do it but with enough research I'm sure it could be done.
I don't even think the farmers should be allowed to grow corn in my part of the country.It takes too much water.Now if they can grow it without irrigation I have no problem with the farmers growing corn. The problem with hydrogen is the same as methane.Storage capacity has to be too large for a vehicle.I did read somewhere this was improved for hydrogen but I forget where.Still it's better for stationary energy production.That means electricity.So what the research really needs to be into is a much better battery & efficient electric motors for cars. Also a very high tax on vehicles over a certain size.The more of us that are driving small cars the safer it is for those that are already driving small cars.All the large SUV vehicles should have been outlawed before they were ever produced.The problem was when in the late 1970's & early 1980's small vehicles are what many drove.These began to save too much gas so the gas hogs were reintroduced to make the petroleum industry more money. Leaving out foreign cars remember the Pinto & Vega came out in 1971.& I know in 1968 a Chevy Nova had a 4cyl option. We should have a small 5 passenger vehicle right now that will get 55 MPG highway loaded.We would if the trend had stayed small.Unless the petroleum companies stopped it .Which is what happened.
Maybe not the average American doing this by themselves but they have some kind of investment firm doing it for them as a group.Futures speculation is part of the problem.Oil company profits are at a record high so high even Congress is making a show of investigating.I don't see Congress really doing anything though. What I suggested would lower the demand because storage tanks would be full forcing a lower price. In the long run electric vehicles are the way to go it's just development has been suppressed so they're still not practical.I know there are hybrids but this is not really the way to go. We have the ability to produce more electricity that we can use.If it is just developed.Everyday more is being done with wind energy.Solar could be a lot better than it now is. We produce a lot of methane that just goes to waste.Not practical as a vehical fuel but to produce electricty it should work well. Main source would be human waste.The ocean also produces mass amounts that just bubbles up into the atmosphere.If that was collected & used for electricity on a floating charging platform then that would be one more source. Now let's see the government do some of that.It shouldn't even offend the environmentalists.Not that I would mind offending them. We should be drilling off the Florida coast & any other place we can.With proper precautions it shouldn't mess with the environment anyway. One other thing going on is in North Alaska Natural Gas is being pumped back into old oil wells because we have no way to get it to the USA.The stupid builders (the US gov) didn't think of running a natural gas pipeline with the oil pipeline at the same time. There is a solution .We would have to make a treaty with Canada to use their Natural gas pipeline the we would only have to build about a 300 mile pipeline from Alaska to Canada's already existing pipeline. If you want to know why this would help.If more people could use Natural gas for home heating then that heating oil could be made into deisel & maybe gasoline.
One of the ways to have enough gas in the tank but a partial strike is this: Don't purchase over 5 gallons then use that before purchasing another 5 gallons.This takes away the petroleum industry from using your gastank for storage. I know there are exceptions & people using several gallons a day because of their job can't do this but the average comsummer can.The problem is like mikewt24 posted: