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Everything posted by TheArtworkGuy

  1. i bought my comp at walmart 2 months ago
  2. i asked someone what the best kind of ram to get was, and they told me a DDR2 5200 something, so i got that. but it wouldnt fit in right, so i went to staples and got a DDR PC 2700 for 80 bucks, and with the 30 dollar rebate its 50 bucks, and it fit right in now i have a GB of ram yay : ) and it was funny the tech support guy asked me "did you recently try to put memory in your computer?" after i told him what was wrong, as my computer is opened up with a memory stick on my desk lol. "no i didnt touch it! it just beeped."
  3. O.K. just want to post this in case any other fellow HP PC users are victim to this problem. i got a new RAM stick from newegg and tried to stick it in my comp. didnt fit. i tried for 5-10 mins it wouldnt go in. called a friend, found out my comp isnt compatible with the RAM, so i took it out, tried to turn on my comp, and it turned on and beeped. a long beep, a long pause, repeat till you turn it off. so i called India ( HP tech support) and spelled out my name, address, email address, model #, serial #, etc.. etc.. btw never tell them that you messed with the computer or your warranty is voided, so i complained that my computer randomly started beeping, and it was because my original ram wasn't in all the way..so just make sure your RAM is in correclty if your computer does that. hopefully this thread will spare at least one person from calling HP tech support
  4. thanks all for the nice words. i am going to try to start commissioning portraits, so if you or anyone you know wants one done and like my style then PM me or IM me. i'm going to charge 100$ for a straight portrait, if you have a special request, like an object in the background, a double portrait, and so on, the price will go up depending on the time it will take me to complete it.
  5. yeah she is cute. she has beautifly big eyes. : )
  6. i heard eric doesn't have inter access, so i hope you will see this post and show him the finished portrait of aimees mugshot.
  7. heres a test [img width=346 height=400]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v18/osmus/bde37558.jpg sweet! thanks Damon
  8. i recently posted a few images in the forum and it turned the quality of those images to crap. before the new forum came out my images transfered from photobucket.com just fine. is there any way to keep the image quality with the new forum, or does the new forum just suck?
  9. damn you guys are funny. halo 2 is a fun game its not about the violence, its about teaming up on X BOX live, more like capture the flag. when you talk about how you think violence will come to an end, remember that nothing on this earth is linear. it will ebb and flow, increase and decrease at different rates, depending on unforeseeable situations. things are very uptight these days, and yeah i think its sad that an upset christian mother can influence the content of video games, a fat guy can sue mcdonalds for 'super sizing' him, and a clumsy woman can get money for spilling hot coffee on herself. freedom of speech is one thing ( as seen in this thread ) but the events mentioned above bring clarity to the suprising ignorance of the general population ( as also seen in this thread ) P.S. DAMON I HAVE SHIT READY FOR YOU I NEED YOUR FEEDBACK TO CONTINUE PRODUCTION
  10. he's the CA3LE guy
  11. yeah i also need a thing below my name so i can feel special and you never gave me feedback on the contest thread i posted the template for tonenation
  12. i have the settings as high as they go and the game runs smooth still! no lag. i have an athlon 3000 2.1 Ghz
  13. hey guys thanks for all the tips! i ended up buying an Nvidia Gforce 5200 FX 256mb 8x/AGP for 80 bucks. i can't afford to spend 200 bucks on a good video card. wish i could : ) . but this card works MUCH better than my 64mb of integrated memory. i can run WoW on high and it runs nice and smooth.
  14. if your a fan of the Warcraft series, it's a great game. most of things about this game are identical to Everquest, but they did well in creating a world of warcraft. i give it 8/10
  15. :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is: 2747 Kbps about 2.7 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Upload Speed is: 335 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line: 49 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 3.06 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=QYTPAVX99
  16. hey guys thanks a lot ! : )
  17. hey i just bought a new computer and i'm lookin for a video card for it..cuz the one it has sux. i can't tell if my comp is AGP or not. i have windows XP AMD Athlon 3000+ 2.10 GHz 448 MB of RAM thats all it says in the info on my comp its and HP pavilion. on the box it said it has 512 MB of RAM..i dunno why it says 448 on the computer on the box it also said something about 400 mhz front side bus help!!!
  18. thank you all for your advice. right after i posted that last message and i closed the browser, it crashed again. here's what i did 1. tried to reformat- but i don't have a windows cd ( never came with my comp) so i used a system restore to the earliest point i could (last week) then i downloaded the firewall ZoneAlert, re-installed and ran the web. it crashed again i shut down zone alert, and downloaded Spybot and got rid of FIfty things with it. now it seems to be working O.K. but it could crash right after i close this window again : (
  19. O.K. i didn't uninstall firefox, first i checked to see if i could use IE. i had to search the comp for it and when i ran it, it worked, but it ran very, very slowly. so slowly i shut it down before it loaded up the homepage... before i did that i went to ADD/REMOVE programs and got rid of everything i didn't recognize. then i ran firefox again and came here and it hasn't rebooted. i toggled the auto reboot mode and it said something about checking my disk space ( i have many gigs left ) and checking to see if any drivers are malfunctioning..i dont know how to do that. on the bottom of the screen it told me what went wrong, but it is a language I can't understand- STOP: 0x0000008E (0x0000005, 0x00000167, 0xF02CFCC8, 0x00000000) i have no friggin idea what that means. thank you for the quick reply, and thanks for snipping my email out of there : )
  20. i am locked out of webpages i downloaded a firewall program, and played with my Startup ( i unchecked everything except 6 things in the menu) so i wouldnt have to wait for all those useless programs to start on Startup. then whenever i go to a webpage, my screen turns blue for a second and reboots itself. EVERY TIME. ANY WEBPAGE. i use FireFox. i'm on a library computer so i won't be able to read replies until monday. if anyone knows anything that will help me i would be eternally grateful and will do a free portrait of someone who can fix my comp. it lets me go to my homepage for a set amount of time, so i can read emails- [snip - remoted by admin for member privacy ~~ please use email link below or contact this member with this link https://testmy.net/forumz/profile.php?mode=email&u=483 ~~ please also post your answer here so that future members can have an answer to their ailment] i CAN go on AIM without my computer rebooting- IM me my sn is OneandOneareOne thank you!
  21. your never online when i get on, and you don't answer your phone. i figured since you live here i would post a message ^.-
  22. all i remember of what you wanted was a 'rage' pose. did you want the entire form in there, or do u want it cut off at the knees again? did u want it in profile or frontal? and if u want any others let me know now, so i can start sketchbook storming. also i was thinking to do the next one in pencil and scan it in. or do u want it to look the same as the other?
  23. well right now im still learning the basics of drawing. i enjoy figure drawing. i need to learn how to paint. eventually i'll have some webspace here and put up a gallery. during my learning experience over the next 4 years i hope to discover what i would really like to do.
  24. the eye and the mouth/nose are original works of Anthony Ryder. I copied those from him in the book. ( best way to learn is to copy from the masters) and then i drew the pepper shaker from life trying to use his style.
  25. me? strange? i'm just a fine arts student that carries his sketchbook around everywhere and draws people in the library when they aren't looking..ok maybe i'm just a little off. again, thanks everyone for your interest in my crap.
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