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Speed Test
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Everything posted by trojanvirus
it's peak hours today.. i'm having a hard time too with my connection when it comes to this point of hour.. just monitor your speed and we will know where the problem is.. if you can't handle it anymore.. call smartbro your speed is higher than mine..
tdawnaz is right.. at this point of hour.. there are users online... downloading, friendster, chatting, playing online games, even accessing streaming music and videos.. last night my connection is 600-700 kbps.. but right now.. without even changing any settings the connection drops to 200kbps.. you just need to monitor first your speed for about 2-3 days.. after the tweakings that you've done.. and still the problem exists, that's time that you need to call the smartbro and ask for a field technician.. just follow first all the troubleshooting that their agents will ask you.. then after that tell them that it might be the problem with the canopy.. if you can access your canopy post here your RSSI Jitters and the Power Level and how far you are from the base station.. in that case we will know that the problem is with the canopy or with the base station.. try pinging if you receive 25% or more loss then that means the problem is with the canopy.. [ping -t]
Is it possible to change IP address of smart bro?
trojanvirus replied to tamie77's topic in Smart Bro (Wi-fi)
i don't recognize the change on my ip address too.. haha.. i'm forcing my dns to push my wireless connection.. i change it very often on and off peak hours.. when it's off peak hours, i use the default.. when it's on peak hours, i force my dns -
this is my connection on peak hours.. but off peak hours.. i can boost my connection up... cablenut + tcpoptimizer + opendns = good connection try setting up that 3 tools.. it'll do a thing.. if it doesn't call smartbro and tell them that you have a low connection.. remember to unplug all the tweaks that you had when they go to your house to check your connection.. we need all the tests of all the time stamps that i posted the last time post your speedtest on each of the timestamp.. 1. 7am 2. 12nn 3. 5pm 4. 9pm 5. 12mn or 1am
post all the troubleshooting that you've done ok.. @coolbuster tsk tsk tsk... personally? hahahaha
Is it possible to change IP address of smart bro?
trojanvirus replied to tamie77's topic in Smart Bro (Wi-fi)
you need to buy what coolbuster posted (Hide IP Platinum), that's the answer to your problem.. but if you can find a free one good for you.. but make sure that the free one that you're going to download is virus-free www.google.com has lots of search result, you just need to read, analyze, download, install, and configure it according to your preference.. what coolbuster gave you is one of the anonymizer that you can buy able for you to have an anonymous or hidden ip address.. but remember this.. dynamic ip address, which smartbro is using right now or every internet service providers are using, are updated every hour.. that's why you need an anonymizer or proxifier that can adapt to the ip addresses set by your ISP. -
i tried both of the proxifier.. i was like accessing the opendns.com then suddenly POOF! it became koko krunch.. just kiddin.. i can't surf any websites except for the online game that i'm playing.. i can play online but i can't surf.. weird..... hahahaha.. i don't know how did i enable and disable it.. i don't have any freakin idea.. i was freaking shouting in front of my computer.. i was like "dammit trojan why can't you surf.. are you doing the power trip?!" i shutdown the computer and tried the proxifier that i've downloaded last night.. restarted the computer again.. then my browser is back i can surf again.. and tried testing the net if i have a good connection.. cause it's kinda fast and smooth.. then i saw my speedtest.. i was like.. WOW!!!!!! i can play while i download again haha but i really don't know how did it happen.. how did i activate the opendns.. i really don't have any idea.. if you didn't say that you're using the opendns i'm still puzzled with what had happened... this is my test result while playing
OH MY GOD!! WHAT A NEW TWEAK HAHAHAHA i'm currently using my new proxifier from proxifier.com still counting... my connection after i disabled my proxifier.. not bad
why.. what happened to your connection?
Is it possible to change IP address of smart bro?
trojanvirus replied to tamie77's topic in Smart Bro (Wi-fi)
excuse me.. i work with geeksquad and at&t. and with at&t 2wire home networking department we setup dynamic ip addresses to have their own ip address able for them to have a more secured network.. you just need to tweak something or use a software if you don't want to mess around with your registry.. my 2 cents with the help ^_~ by the way, you can disable smartbro's dynamic ip addressing with a simple click save and restart.. another 1 cent for the information you provided.. would there be anything else that i may help you with? -
Is it possible to change IP address of smart bro?
trojanvirus replied to tamie77's topic in Smart Bro (Wi-fi)
be careful with the download.. you need to use google.com to search for the right softwares that you need.. and before downloading.. find reviews of the software that you want to download.. sometimes those free softwares have virii installed on it.. be careful of your downloads.. if you accidentally downloaded a software with virus on it.. try using trend micro sysclean to clean your computer from virus.. don't forget to update the antivirus try this one, www.proxifier.com.. there's a 31 day trial.. if it works for you.. buy it.. if it doesn't tell me... then i'll look for another one that fits your preferences.. hehe.. smartbro blocked my proxy address earlier that's why i can't access my proxyfier earlier.. hahaha.. they really have a weak security.. i can enter now do what i want to do haha -
what time is that? cause before i can download 5-10 movies for about 1-2 days (that's 250-300mb per movie) but now, i haven't tried downloading movies.. i haven't bought a new HD (my HD's full whaaaaa i need a DVD writer) by the way, for evryone who needs help on analyzing the connection.. i suggest to post your speedtest of the follwing timestamp.. 1. 7am 2. 12nn 3. 5pm 4. 9pm 5. 12mn or 1am we need to see all your speedtests the whole day and we will do our best to help you out guys.. thanks @rich_aled it depends on what you are going to clean.. cause i'm using the following tools on my work (i work at www.geeksquad.com) 1. spy sweeper - full paid version 2. spy doctor 3. ad aware 4. ewido 5. trend micro sysclean 6. hijackthis 7. and the regedit those tools are the one i use to remove spywares, adwares, virus, and fix windows errors (e.g. blue screen of death) but all those tools are to be used only when there's an error.. after we fixed the error we uninstall everything but not spy sweeper. i suggest to use the antivirus such as AVG or avast for xp.. nod32 is for vista
Is it possible to change IP address of smart bro?
trojanvirus replied to tamie77's topic in Smart Bro (Wi-fi)
are you using smartbro? i see your host is different.. who banned your ip? do you receive any errors when logging in to that application? -
Is it possible to change IP address of smart bro?
trojanvirus replied to tamie77's topic in Smart Bro (Wi-fi)
we can ask coolbuster when he gets online for a good proxifier that can hide your ip address.. my network is not accepting any proxifier right not let me see if i can open it later.. i'll just tweak again my network.. i accidentally blocked my access to proxifiers hahaha bad meh.. -
Is it possible to change IP address of smart bro?
trojanvirus replied to tamie77's topic in Smart Bro (Wi-fi)
as far as i know.. it's the proxifier that can change your ip address to another ip address that makes your network a new set of ip address.. errr.. is that correct? haha well, basically if you're playing online games the network gives you a network identifier so that the security guard of the game that you are playing will recognize you as part of the community.. one process that can change an ip address is by using the bridge mode that makes your network more secure.. let research for your issue for today.. would there be anything else that i may help you with? -
:::.. testmy.net test results ..::: Download Connection is:: 429 Kbps about 0.43 Mbps (tested with 386 kB) Download Speed is:: 52 kB/s Upload Connection is:: 140 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Upload Speed is:: 17 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Main) Test Time:: 2007/11/19 - 2:29pm D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-N67LQGHI2 U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-BV81RIQ2F User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) [!] hey CB.. what proxifier are you using right now?
I've had this problem with this router since day one.
trojanvirus replied to x_6985381's topic in HELP!
all routers, modem, and wireless device still have software issues as of now with vista.. you need to wait until the updated service pack be released on the market. uninstall all your antivirus, cause they all failed the security test with vista, mcafee scored between 85%-90% according to a report from microsoft.com and they are still working on the fixes able for all the antivirus be usable with vista.. as of now what i can suggest for you to use as antivirus is the trend micro sysclean.. it is an antivirus executed on msdos.. i would suggest to downgrade as of now to XP.. but if you will still use your vista i advice not to use a router but a switch hub.. -
:::.. testmy.net test results ..::: Download Connection is:: 415 Kbps about 0.42 Mbps (tested with 386 kB) Download Speed is:: 51 kB/s Upload Connection is:: 115 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 386 kB) Upload Speed is:: 14 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Main) Test Time:: 2007/11/18 - 8:54am D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-VLMO9CJQZ U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-4MV8OCJ1W User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071025 Firefox/ [!]
that's a good connection already.. test it tomorrow afternoon and post another speed test without changing any settings.. by the way don't forget to optimize your browser by checking the cookie settings, security zones, and advanced settings.. it'll help a "little" but not all the time.. i suggest to defrag your computer once in a while so that the system will not have a hard time looking for their system files.. you might want to upgrade your RAM.. cause basically, RAM lessens the processing of the data that you got from the public network.. the more storage of the memory the more fast is your connection.. but i'm not saying that RAM will totally boost up the speed of your internet.. it'll just help the network in processing raw data.
:::.. testmy.net test results ..::: Download Connection is:: 429 Kbps about 0.43 Mbps (tested with 386 kB) Download Speed is:: 52 kB/s Upload Connection is:: 29 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 97 kB) Upload Speed is:: 4 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Main) Test Time:: 2007/11/18 - 8:29am D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-U3H70OLCF U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-O1INWBXR4 User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071025 Firefox/ [!] hmmmm this is my connection today after the tweaks.. i don't know tomorrow.. i'll update it without tweaking the settings..
1st replacement - the canopy was striked by the lightning 2nd replacement - i'm always disconnected, reason is the canopy is always reset to its factory state 3rd replacement - technician can't access the canopy settings those are the reasons why they replaced my canopy again and again and again haha
did i not post "with almost like the same" it will really be divided into 3.. cause your computers are connected into 1 lan.. canopy (e.g.384 kbps) ----> router (300+ kbps) ----- pc1 (100+ kbps) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ pc2 (100+ kbps) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ pc3 (100+ kbps) canopy (e.g. 384 kbps) ---> router (300+ kbps) ----- pc1 (150+ kbps) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ pc2 (150+ kbps) canopy (e.g. 384 kbps) ---> router (300+ kbps) ----- pc1 (300+ kbps)
CSR nor TSR of SM don't know all about intermittent connection for wireless, to the fact that they only hire people who can immediately follow scripts and call flows. companies here in the philippines are some kinda racists. they don't look on the technical skills but they look on how an agent can manipulate or even dominate the minds of their customer. that's what call center is all about... to be honest, call center is all about convincing other people to do this and that.. if they catch you in control then you can't do anything but to follow direction.. lucky them, they can only encounter 95% of the customers who don't know all about computer networking, and 5% don't call cause they know what to do if ever there is a problem. but it's bad luck for them when they started messing around with computer geeks who knows the in and out of the computer. they can't do anything nor the company but to follow us. they've already change my canopy thrice now..
with the speedstream modems that the americans are using on their end.. they usually use the netgear router to network their computers with almost like the same bandwidth if they are using 1 computer. but here in the philippines, i don't know if there's an available netgear router.. what i always see are dlink and cnet routers.. i haven't tried the dlink but when i was still working in a cybercafe, we use cnet routers and it has a good connection than using a switch hub on networks.. how to use it.. plug the cable coming from the canopy to your router. get a cable and plug it to your router and to your computer a simple illustration: canopy ------> router -----> computer
connection speed = (maximum bandwidth) / (number of users using the connection on the same access point) hope this helps a little to understand wireless connection.. but if you're going to use a router that can boost connection, it's an additional 20% of bandwidth will be distributed on your end.