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About 3DG3

  • Birthday 09/25/1980

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    Davao City

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  1. anyone from davao using PLDT 990 plan?
  2. this is a great deal of innovation if this would be successful but i think i wont b able to try this cuz i've had enough of smartbobos crap, i think i'll transfer to pldt next month.
  4. INTEL!!!! no more no less!!!!
  5. thanx man!!!! now i feel relieved!!! btw as of now im havin no worries bout my speed averagin 350kbps. what bothers me was that flush dns thing. thanx!!!
  6. ian is there any other thing i could try aside from restarting cuz im still unable to flush it. ive been experiencin this error for almost 2 weeks. btw, my pc is free from viruses, spywares and other stuff like that. anyway, could bein unable to flush my dns causes any complications? cuz i think im gonna leave it that way if theres none.
  7. ianonline i need your help.... i cant flush my dns using ipconfig /flushdns at d command prompt. i posted it in d how to tweak smartbro thread. i get this response: Windows IP Configuration Could not flush the DNS Resolver Cache: Function failed during execution
  8. use the first ap, color 37 since it has the highest RSSI of 779 and the lowest Jitter of 1 although it has a disadvantage of having 73 user count... and maybe try setting ur Sustained Downlink Data Rate to 800 and the remaining 200 to ur Sustained Uplink Data Rate.
  9. jpopc79 i also tried it without the space n i got the same error report. i try repairing using the system tray Local Area Connection icon since i usually can't connect easily to the net. it happens almost everyday during the first time i turn on my pc.
  10. i need help. i cant flush my dns wen usin d command prompt "ipconfig /flush dns" heres wat it says: Windows IP Configuration Could not flush the dns DNS Resolver Cache: Function failed during execution. anyone pls help and yah i also can't repair my Local Area Connection (Smartbro)
  11. hihihihihihihihi i love this forum!!!! LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!! hahahahahahaha
  12. hahahaha i second the motion!!! it really does sucks
  13. to all d guys n lovely gurlz here at testmy, u all hav my deepest gratitude. i was able to learn a lot o stuff here from tweaks to global news n pc updates. i salute u all!!!! btw, i was able to find this site back then when i was searchin for ways to boost up my netspeed and luckily a friend o mine told me to check this site. since then i've been visiting from time to time gatherin new infos n of course to educate myself more n more bout pc's and other stuff. THANX GUYS!!!!! i'm at home here!!!
  14. cool new wallpapers!!!! :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
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