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Everything posted by lorne

  1. Run a virus scan also
  2. Ahh i understand what he was saying now
  3. Not sure i understand what you mean, the size of the stick in (MB) has no bearing on timings or speed. Is that what you were talking about?
  4. Sell your 2 sticks of 256 and use 2 1GB sticks of what you posted and run them dual channel. 2GB is easily enough for what you want it for. Check newegg and see if they have that same ram, they may have it a little cheaper.
  5. Its not the speed it is latency and stability of connection that makes the game laggy or makes you get DCed on online games. You don't need a 2mbps connection for games to be smooth as they should be. His pings are good until he is game so possibly the computers are not fast enough. If he loads the game and it is taking all resources it may not be leaving anything for his connection to be managed therefore cutting it off (999 ping). So yeah we need system specs forsure
  6. Or you can just format and re-install whatever windows OSyou like.
  7. Still waiting for him to post the temps from Bios. Though when in Bios it is only a slight load it will still tell us if they are higher than they should be or not
  8. I have had them on my box but as usual they were unsuccesful. Brute force attacks like that are generally done by people that don't know what they are doing. The people you have to worry about are the ones that don't show up in the logs
  9. Video drivers are notoriously hard to get rid of. If the previous drivers were ATI than they provide a uninstaller/cleaner on their site. Not sure if Nvidia does or not but it would be worth a look. Also if you google driver uninstallers there are some 3rd party programs. Or you can uninstall and run a Reg cleaner to get rid of the entries in the registry. Reg Cleaner and CCleaner are pretty good free ones. Sorry haven't got the links at the moment and its bedtime for me. Google will find em for ya
  10. That is strange usually those erorrs are because of your ram. Let memtest run overnight sometimes it won't catch a error for awhile. You can also try swithcing that stick of Ram to the other slot. To see what program that is i forget how to trace that i will look it up later tonight if i have time.
  11. I think he cleaned it out in registry, but if not good info Sure ya haven't got a install disk forgotten about in your drive Also you might be able to disable that program from starting and trying to install when you reboot by using MSConfig
  12. That might be fine for viruses and a little spyware. But those won't catch most of it. Really should try Ad-Aware and Spybot.
  13. lorne

    Help with memory

    This could very likely be the problem. Not only do AVs use a fair bit of ram (which you are a little low on) they interfere with eachother and can cause all sorts of instability. I would reccomend only using 1 AV program
  14. This topic has been moved to HELP! With Other Stuff. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=9032.0[/iurl]
  15. Very strange problem. Only thing i can think of is the temps. Is it warmer in your house than it is when he is out on the road? Lappes don't have the best cooling so if there is a difference in outside temp that might be doing it. Check temps in Bios while at home and see what it is.
  16. Run Ad-Aware and Spybot (make sure to update them after installing). Than scan for viruses. Either of these things can affect your internet and spyware especially can gobble up bandwidth.
  17. What program? Is it still listed in Control Panel>Add/Remove software list? Try uninstalling it that way if it is still listed there. You also may want to try a virus and spyware scan while in safe mode as some viruses and spyware won't be picked up unless in safe mode.
  18. Yeah that is possible i that it may take less. I forgot to mention the most important thing as far as hardware load goes. I also played the game on the server while hosting with no lag so bandwidth would be the only issue. If you want to know forsure how much CS uses per player download netlimiter and see how much each player uses in upload. DC was 7-10 KB/sec CS must be a bit less.
  19. The connection was cable 1mb up. So i couldn't have alot of players or people on ventrilo. I gave that more as a example of how it loads hardware. CS uses 7-10 KB/sec upload i believe, the same as desert combat. So worst case scenario 50 players would use 500 KB/sec upload.
  20. I have and as long as you have lots of speed available on your connection it shouldn't be a problem, considering you have a fairly strong server. The site and teamspeak (ventrilo is better IMO) aren't heavy enough in resources to lag the game. I ran all of that and desert combat server on 1.5 GB PC 3200, Athlon 2500-M (@2500MHz) with no lag.
  21. Yep that is what i was looking for, ty
  22. Why rent a box when i have 1? Costs to much, i know there are companies that do this i just can't find them lol. The game is Lineage 2, and it is currently running off of a cable 748 UP connection. Though it is a small town provider that currently has to many customers on the network. So i only get 512 up, they assure me they are fixing it but it doesn't matter because i will need more than 748 soon anyways. No business running off of it, strictly non-profit
  23. I have the fastest connection offered in this area. It doesn't matter where the server is as i barely play the game. It is the type of game also where pings between 200-250 is still easily playable so location don't really matter to me.
  24. try googling for it. I wouldn't have posted if i found anything good with google I will check out that link thx, and i don't have any friends Good prices but not quite what i am looking for, i want to send my server not use one of theirs
  25. I am running a Lineage 2 server from my house, and the way it is growing i will soon need a faster connection. Thing is in my crappy little town there are no faster connections. So does anybody know of a company or datacenter that you can send your server to and just pay for space and bandwidth. Preferably canadian but if not wherever i have to go is fine.
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