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Everything posted by RTB

  1. You use three examples, each a very long time away from each other, then refer to violent games as if they will lose their playability ina much shorter time. I agree with the world trying to become less violent, but there are certain presidents and bosses that do not listen...
  2. I was thinking of evil thoughts waay before you said that. So I aint paying up. Pay up.
  3. Oblivious?
  4. Actually, blackmailing is a much better idea. My own idea as well, so that makes it even better.
  5. Kids can do pretty crazy things somethimes... and some pretty original stuff too on occasion. Hell, one or two even become millionaires before they're even 18.
  6. Ok... I hope some of them get sued.
  7. If he knows the word, and it fits perfectly in a sentence, yes. Mr. Hahn: Regulars don't get attracted to them as much, but might still peek in and get sucked it sometimes. You are a frenzied poster tho. You were faster than me AGAIN.
  8. Depends on the kid really, some can be very aware of what is real, and what isn't. Strangely, IQ has something to do with it. (yeah, yeah, everything's relative... C'est la vie.)
  9. No idea. I'm just glad they aren't as common as people getting 1/2 their advertised speeds.
  10. Do you consider yourself to be in a position where you can make pointless threats like that? Consider yourself warned, because your discussion with Mr. Hahn wan't one that we prefer to see on the forums. A forum is a place where people communicate with eachother, but this does not neccesarely (sp?) mean that there has to be a discussion in every thread, or an opinion in every post. When you have an opinion something, don't expect someone to just go along with you or stand 100% against you. The world isn't black and white only, and neither is this forum. Grey is the most common color here. btw, how hard is it to normally type out words, like "you' and "are"? This is a forum, there is plenty of time to type out a normal post without such abbreviations, and it makes reading your posts much easier. Capiche? NoShow: Graphics so beautiful that you need a high-end computer to even see fluent movement at all. I need a new computer already. Flamers get attracted to controversial threads like a moth to lamps... Bzzzzt. End moth.
  11. Try Doom3. What kind of violence makes Halo 2 so pointless?
  12. His true cap is unkown, his advertised speed is 3 mbit IIRC.
  13. I wish you best of luck Mr. Hahn, cuz those smilies couldn't even hit a truck heading straight their way. They're in the smiley hospital now.
  14. :knife: ^That's Mr. Hahn. With all the shooting, he did not hear me coming. Sorry dude, but I do not need back-up. Just wait till you can respawn. I'd hate to get shot in the back by you.
  15. What isn't better than VanBuren? Kinda explains why the topic has so many replies
  16. Yeah, I prefer defualt over default too.
  17. Thing is, I remember doing a tracert a few days earlier and then they were at ~20...
  18. Tis a pity it doesn't work on living humans.
  19. And a horrible route to yours, so it evens out I guess. To testmy.net 9 19 ms 17 ms 22 ms pos5-1.mpr2.ams1.nl.above.net [] 10 123 ms 122 ms 122 ms pos8-0.mpr1.ams1.nl.above.net [] 11 125 ms 123 ms 122 ms pos2-0.cr1.ams2.nl.above.net [] 12 30 ms 22 ms 22 ms so-5-0-0.cr1.lhr3.uk.above.net [] 13 95 ms 96 ms 94 ms so-7-0-0.cr1.dca2.us.above.net [] 14 95 ms 96 ms 93 ms so-0-0-0.cr2.dca2.us.above.net [] There's currently an issue with those two nodes, the ping is way high for a node in Amsterdam. Just as high as pinging straight to testmy.net... With 2560 advertised, I get about 2350-2400 Kbps. 90% of bandwidth used
  20. Yeah, typical for Windows.
  21. 50? Woa. Motherboard is at 28 here, and processor idling is 45, active is 52. Three fans, four if you count the power supply, in the case.
  22. Hint: Win98 default RWIN is for 56k. Is it still surprising that you got low download speeds?
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