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Everything posted by RTB

  1. New background and a whole lot more icons.
  2. So that's one. And the other? I won't smite you tho, you'll get into the negatives all by yourself if you keep misclicking
  3. 1x 512, or 2x 512 and removal of the 2x 256 that's in it atm? I don't know if the first hurts performance more than the second option. One additional 256 MB ram stick would be cheaper too.
  4. The problem is that the route is congested, thus people get lower speeds, and blame it on the server. Which then falsely claims to be most accurate bandwidth tester. Ironic, since the bandwidth at your side is just fine. I'm hoping this won't get worse for you.
  5. Shouldn't have bothered to install it. Even at 800*600 the framerate sucks... which is weird. I installed the demo on a P4 3 GHz with a Radeon 9600 Pro. Ran smoothly on 1024*768. I know of a couple of differences between that computer and mine: it has 1024 MB ram, mine has 512 it has a soundcard, mine is onboard, with no drivers apparantly yet It might have a 256 MB radeon. Different drivers. Less costum stuff, like theme and background. Blowing stuff up will have to wait in both real life and the virtual world.
  6. I got a database error too, so there's something in the database that has to be fixed before we can move stuff again. And btw, [smite] is for people posting bad stuff, like I apparantly did twice. [ ok didnt mean to edit it...ment to quote it lol , sorry ]
  7. It's not the server, at least not directly. IF there are more users on testmy.net the route will be busier and you get lower speed. I think that may become rather problematic when testmy.net becomes more popular.
  8. Certainly not, as there are 1024 MBs in one GB, 1024 GB in one TB,etc. Btw, with dual 500 Gig HDs you don't reach the 1 TB storage space. HD manufacturers don't know that it takes 1024 MB to get one GB, they just use the 1000 rule to make their HDs look bigger. I believe there's more then one zettabyte of data around, for more problably.
  9. Should've visited this page earlier: Tech Support If it only had helped... MICROWAVE: One cd-key found in the box.
  10. I doubt I did, there are two 8 (or shaped letters/digits in it, but using both 8 and B came out as false, the same with combinations of the two.
  11. I bought Unreal 2004 a few months ago, then tried to install it on my dad's computer, because I didn't have this one at that moment. The Cd-key that came with the box was deemed wrong according to the installer. Just tried it again and again it won't install. Just rediculous, since the rest of the games on this computer are illigal and I just found a cd-key for those. So... should I just do the same for this game and let my 'legal' Cd-key gather dust, or blow the Atari office up for being incredibly ironic and just find a Cd-key for UT2004? I'm very pissed at Atari either way.
  12. We welcome our 1000th member today, pns11. Don't forget to post.
  13. Cool stats indeed. I'm no5. Interesting to see that the Show off your desktop is the biggest thread so far, and it has almost as many view as an important sticky. Sniff, I'm so proud of that thread.
  14. I wonder what the ugly part is...
  15. Remember Basik, even after the upgrade you're still on my list. It feels good tho, to blow away just about all people on cable or dsl with upload. :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is: 917 Kbps about 0.9 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Upload Speed is: 112 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line: 16 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 9.14 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=TPNCCF2EQ If I take a look at Sygate's speed graphs I see a constant 125.3 KB/s upstream when doing the test. Really nice and stable.
  16. Clicky!
  17. If you got (far more) than your package was meant to give, then you shouldn't call this a problem. It must have been a mistake at your ISP's side, which has been fixed, unfortunately for you. You don't have more control over your speed than what you can tweak, and what you pay for. You can tweak, but if your cap is set at 512, then you won't get higher. We can't help you go over 512 Kbps, but we can help you get as close to 512 Kbps as possible. btw, on these forums, attachments are allowed.
  18. I can't vote. There are two options with 18. Now, I could edit it, but I'll leave that to you. Since you're the one that made it.
  19. VanBuren. I will kill you if you get 1 Gbps. Fiber speeds are amazing...
  20. Yes, you can't tweak your upload in Win98. If you decide to upgrade, WinXP without SP2 is a good choice for now. SP2 is causing quite a few problems on a number of computers.
  21. RTB


    You sure you didn't smite me for that? If this keeps up then I'll be smited to death in no time. This karma thing will indeed take some time to see if it is used well.
  22. This topic has been moved to General Discussion. [iurl]https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=1273.0[/iurl] Gmail invites for DW users only... tssk
  23. RTB


    Gmail invites for DW users only? I don't think so. Nice idea, I might have a few invites to share as well. Moving this to General Discussion.
  24. Off we go again. Nothing really changed, except for a lot more icons on my desktop (which are not shown on this older screenshot btw). Gotta make a new background really. I'll show it off when it's done
  25. I'm not the only one, .s1 also got hit. Is there no way to know what hit us? I hope it wasn't a train, or I'm posting this from the after-life...
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