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Everything posted by RTB

  1. Ask CA3LE to add that to the guides we have. I think it's going to be viewed a lot.
  2. Tho the program itself didn't came from M$ originally. I just realized I have absolutely no anti-spyware programs installed.
  3. This topic has been moved to Archives. [iurl]https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=1443.0[/iurl] Such a thread already exists.
  4. Nah, I just love to kill/torture, but in order to be a decent killer you need a reason to act so twisted. Killing for no reason at all isn't any fun.
  5. Or leave it non-sticky and search for it as soon as someone arrives with the same problem. resopalrabotnick : What?! No torture before quartering? Geez, so lame.
  6. Anyone who posted a higher download speed than mine (which is 500 KB/s, or ~4100 Kbps) in this thread have been added to the list, unless they were already on it.
  7. The 'typo' was intentional. I don't bother with helldesks or tech support, anything can be found on the net.
  8. People will be scared away by that limit, and as you may know, not many like to wait. So unless the routing issues can get fixed without resorting to extreme measures, I'd stay away from such an idea.
  9. Seen one of them on TV before. They always get arrested after a climb.
  10. The problem is not your computer, it's either the cables between you and your ISP, or some other major problem at your ISPs side. We can't help you further until those problems are fixed.I hope your ISP has a good helldesk, although that sounds like an oxymoron.
  11. Testmy.net is having problems with routing lately, with a high amount of users, speeds plummet.
  12. Trolls rule! You just gotta be careful feeding them.
  13. You're going too fast.
  14. And make it really hard to find suitable tables and chairs for that person. It's expensive, such a genetic failure, or lack of brain for some rare cases.
  15. You're losing you copy'n'paste skills. Also known as lack of attention. Karma addict.
  16. Uh oh, I'm in deep trouble now. Anyone can smite me now.
  17. http://www.dslreports.com/tweaks That's the test he means btw, nice copy'n'pasting VanBuren. Edit: btw falco, you're either being ripped off, or your ISP is blatantly lying on their maximum speed. You are not even close, and you'll never get close...
  18. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3703 Kbps about 3.7 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 452 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 66 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.27 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=DPWB3DFLR I'm faster than this.
  19. After setting almost all settings to minimal I'm finally getting good fps in UT. I'm off killing bots. Man, I love insta-gib!
  20. If I have to be honest the picture doesn't hit me that much. It's one big mess there, and thanks to the whole world donating it's going to be cleaned up soon.
  21. I'm hoping this thing contains spyware, and I'm not downloading it just in case, there's enough Micro$oft on this computer already.
  22. Must be some strange inefficiency in windows net code that is elimated when using upload.
  23. There are far more programs that show you what's in your computer, such as AIDA32, Sisoft Sandra or Belarc Advisor. Your program looks very similiar to AIDA32, it might not be more different than the name alone.
  24. Yeah, a conspiracy can be seen in anything, if you're superstitious enough. Shit happens, and why would one want to see a reason behind everything, if such reason rarely exist?
  25. Can't you just look at the amount of data being received by your server from the computer ID after the upload test has begun? Or is that also impossible?
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