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Everything posted by RTB

  1. dihydrogen monoxide, better known as water. Makes perfect sense that that particular molecule killed so many people.
  2. Ya, tried to get an .iso file of RTCW multiple times, but for some reason that Torrent just won't work. If you would try out quake3, prepare to get your ass kicked
  3. Yes, really... ironic.
  4. RTB

    Ah yes.

    I was gonna show off my results, but it seems my dad is leeching once again. Goodbye 500 KB/s download, cya 125 KB/s upload. See you back tomorrow morning.
  5. But it's sad when you try to see a link between numbers that simply do not have a link between them. This hasn't been the first time someone claims that computer speed matters quite a bit and then starts bragging on what he/she/it has. You just don't know, because you're new to this.I've seen plenty of newcomers trying to pass off their 'facts' and theories as true on stuff that only has one right answer. It gets worse when the newbie tries even more desperately to prove the experts wrong. Don't go this way, it will get you banned.
  6. SP2 was pre-installed on this comp, and I went all out to turn off all extra features. And still it kills certain programs searching connection to the internet. Oh well, unless it gets worse, it's staying. Evil fits evil.
  7. The newest game this system runs decently is Halo 1. UT2004 is at 10 fps or less, so I'd say it's obvious that I do not play Doom3. The story and darkness don't interest me, so I'll just stick to the easy to run games like Quake3. I'm hoping that Quake4 will be playable on a system as crappy as mine.
  8. I really feel like smiting you now. So far, my three (!) smites were done by mis-clicking. It's just annoying, so I ignore the whole karma stuff for now.
  9. I don't think your rig is responsible for the high speed. The main factors are your true cap, tweak settings, and network hardware. Unless your system is prehistoric, it can handle such speed.
  10. A single T1 line does cap out at about 185 KB/s, so yeah that's possible. Test the download too, it should be very similiar to the upload. You're off the list, as that's just your school's score.
  11. If a format (or a clean computer with tweaks testing your speed here) doesn't help, then I'd say call your ISP and ask what the cause of this slowdown is. Just hope that they take your seriously, since your speed isn't dramatically lower than before. Relatively speaking it's a 20% slowdown, and I don't doubt that some helldesk members will ignore you because of that.
  12. I got lucky and found a moment when they weren't on as evident as normal: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3637 Kbps about 3.6 Mbps (tested with 12160 KB) Download Speed is:: 444 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 65 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.31 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=DC3V6MUDC No difference in max speed, but it takes a lot longer to reach 500 KB/s.
  13. Is that cable/dsl?! *adds xyther4523 to the list anyway* Oh btw, do the 3 MB upload test. Pray to get a lower results if you like your life as it is now.
  14. *adds Senic to the list*
  15. I will, but i just hope my dad isn't downloading around that time too.
  16. I'm gonna kill you. Or someone else. Whatever. My head hurts.
  17. Strange that it doesn't affect my speed: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3697 Kbps about 3.7 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 451 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 66 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.27 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=MBO59LN7X Tracert is fine too.
  18. RTB

    T1 help!!

    Only moderators can literally smite you MICROWAVE, normal member can only smite you theoretically.
  19. Now I'm not sure whether to kick you in the face or just click the smite linky. Either way, it's gonna hurt.
  20. Sorry, clicked the wrong button twice.
  21. Actually no, he can't so far, but he said he would look into it, so we'll just have to wait and see. I don't remember smiting VanBuren on purpose, but it's easy to mis-click. Just ask .s1
  22. RTB

    T1 help!!

    Yup. Wait for fiber, best thing since sliced bread.
  23. I went from a P3 1GHz to this system, and I've been owning better than ever. Fun thing is, I was a killer a few years ago in Q3, then lost the CD, when I got it back I was a
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