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Everything posted by RTB

  1. And once again, The Reverend has been owned in speed.
  2. Ok, make that ISS. *orders a comet to drop from the sky on resopalrabotnick*
  3. I hear ya, I've been using Irfanview for years now.For video files I still use Media player Classic for the extra features, but for images it plain rules.
  4. *does one step forwards, sofa lands right behind him* At least I can sit now while I order heavy stuff to land on your head. *Orders a crane, skyscraper, couple of sattelites and whatever there is left of MIR in space to drop from the sky*
  5. Nice, I make my own backgrounds too, but then in a game called Quake3. All settings to max and AA & AF too, then the quality is nice enough.
  6. If only more would post, then this would become a very popular forum in no time at all.
  7. She has forbidden me to enter her room, and I'm not interested in speeding her computer up. She doesn't deserve it.
  8. There is some automatic image resizing feature that could screw them up. The solution would be to post links instead of direct images, or add it as an attachment.
  9. You know that isn't really passive advertising any more? I'm not sure whether I should just let this one slip away, or put it in the archives.
  10. Green = subforum moderator blue = global moderator
  11. It does not work that way here. The maximum is simply 40 GB per month, go over it, and you get capped at 64/64, even though Chello also claims it would be set to dial-up. I would test it, if it wasn't for the others that wouldn't like me to fill it up. She has no idea of internet speed, or what is needed to be able to do what she needs for school projects. She currently uses my ex-computer, which is a P3 1 Ghz, 512 MB ram (it was 384 originally), Geforce 5700 (or something cheap like that), and decent Gigabyte motherboard. I doubt she is happy with it. Sigh.
  12. You on the other hand, are still on the list. Beware. *Stuffs MICROWAVE in an oven and turns it on for a full 10 minutes.*
  13. That was an evil thing to say. I won't abuse the karma system for jokes, no one should.
  14. On my school you get a get a copied 'book' called "Vademecum" for Dutch in 4th year, and the front page has the best headlines found in newspapers the previous year. Last year they were hilarious, now they're the best. I hope they can find even better ones.
  15. I'm amazed that some people are able to use a computer without crashing it every few minutes. Another example would be that my sister almost demanded a P4 3 Ghz, etc, etc etc for browsing and other really minor stuff. but when I tried to explain to her that such tasks need no more than a P2 she went beserk. New calcs: It takes 18 hours to use up the full 40 GB with this connection. Something really does not add up here, and even worse, my dad first thought we had a cap of 1.5 GB, which is reached in 42 minutes with the pipe fully used. I believe it was my last post on any forum yesterday, after that I was watching Naruto epps. Downloading 50 epps of that anime was 16 GB bandwidth used already.
  16. *Smites Indestructable into a bloody pulp* Don't you dare try that to a Moderator again.
  17. I vote for Applaud, and don't forget to do that for every post I have made so far.
  18. Pity I couldn't actually provide him the file. Chello did lower the maximum use to 40 GB, and my dad got a warning email. He then forced me to say I won't download anything anymore for the sake of my sister's wrath. He's a moron with computers. We used 30 GB so far, and the irony is that this 'agreement ' has one flaw: I can still upload enough to cap us out.
  19. I'd like to see him fetching a sniper gun when he gets to a place where no one can reach him.
  20. Install free AV program?
  21. And you to my re-retaliation list. *Orders an anvil to drop from the sky, aimed at Indestructable*
  22. I don't see why we should close it, the thread is dying already.
  23. Because your true MTU is 1460 and 1500 only makes it slower?
  24. Just gimme the link and and I'll get it for you. Then you've got a choice between downloading from me (125 KB/s max) or YouSendIt. That FAP thingy is called AUP at Chello. Even tho they don't officially tell what the cap is, it was at 50 GB/month before the upgrade. 50 GB per month isn't that much tho... I could use that much bandwidth in 23 hours.
  25. Or you just so happen to accidently click the wrong link.
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