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Everything posted by RTB

  1. No PM from me. I totally agree with that.
  2. This topic has been moved to Adelphia Communications. [iurl]https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=6005.0[/iurl]
  3. 3016. No overclocking and just 512 MB ram.
  4. If you want to know your maximum AGP speed you'll need a program like Everest or SiSoft Sandra. The difference between 4x and 8x is minimal, so don't worry about that. Your computer will most likely support 4x, and I advice a GF660GT, as that card should be able to max out your computer. An X850 is complete overkill for 2.5 year old computers, that money is better spent elsewehere.
  5. Use Cablenut and VanBuren's CSS files. There are a couple of entries for cable/dsl with 512 advertised down.
  6. Nice collection of links.
  7. Showoff. (3 gigs of RAM is overkill for almost everything, you sure you need all that?)
  8. Unfortunately for you, your ISP has capped your modem. It wasn't supposed to be 160 KB/s. You're going slower, because you haven't tweaked your settings to 512 Kbps yet. I hate to be the bringer of bad news.
  9. Let's see... Dutch/English and a bit of German/French. That argument of yours is worthless.
  10. If the stickies didn't help, then one of your last options is to contact your ISP, Charter in this case. Doing everything in the stickies to no avail would mean that the problem is most likely the connection to your modem. Have you tried getting a different computer plugged in there yet?
  11. I guess your motherboard does not like that brand. It happens.
  12. Your sentences are still not making much sense. Yes, I had a list thingy before I went to 4/1 Mbps. It's gone now, because of a format/change of computer. I might want to start a new one called "Those that need a grammar check badly" with you as the no1 on it.
  13. Norton slowed you down. Those are excellent speeds for 3000/768. Don't forget to tell your friends about testmy.net
  14. I know this pipe can do 500/125 KB/s just fine, but I never got that to show here. If it could only ignore the first second of the download/upload test it'd show me at my cap. That's my only gripe with ALL connection tests, and yes, testmy.net is the most accurate one of all.
  15. Or in the nearby future. Time aplenty.
  16. This topic has been moved to Make it Faster.... [iurl]https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=5937.0[/iurl] Good luck VampireXxX
  17. That wasn't funny. Mind your language.
  18. Sygate here. ZA before that, but it had issues with BT.
  19. Agreed.
  20. Last test was 975 Kbps. Once my dad is gone for a moment I'll turn of his BT and show you speed. Note: That means tomorrow.
  21. If you get such bizarre speeds do a couple of tests and show us that it's not just a cached test. That kinda speed just isn't possible for people using non-business connections.
  22. Didn't sound rude to me at all.
  23. Number 62. Damn I feel old. Did I mention I'm back yet?
  24. Not much point to compare, since testmy.net will be the more accurate tester in all but a few cases. The route to testmy.net can be lousy for some people. At that point all you can do is complain to your ISP.
  25. When my dad isn't around I can beat you. Try the biggest upload test to see if this isn't just burst.
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