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Everything posted by RTB

  1. *defenestrates PeePs* *scratches PeePs off the hitlist* One down, plenty to go. VanBuren: I don't have the most up-to-date drivers for my NIC, as they were impossible to install. Whenever I change the setting from AutoSelect to 100 full duplex it asks for a file called protman.dos, and it's simply not there on the win98 CD AFAIK. Got tips?
  2. Crazy speed sghetti, I hope you don't mind being put on a hitlist, because I don't care whether you care or not..
  3. Just because you're now on the list doesn't mean you can add other to it. I kill for free, but getting me to put someone on the list because of some other reason than excessive download/upload speeds will take some more. I'll take a soul anyday.
  4. There's a six missing.
  5. Of course will I still talk to you guys. There will always be some crazy dudes faster than me, but the list will become alot smaller. Possibly because certain deaths have happened before the upgrade.
  6. Because satellites are outside of the atmosphere. That's a lot of distance, and the distance between two satellites isn't that small either.
  7. Note to self: Kill PeePs when posts another upload higher than mine.
  8. Still the same: 2250 - 2350, but that wasn't the problem. Upgrading to 4096/1024 in 2 months. The 2 months are the problem Of course the list is still there. Those on it won't like that fact tho
  9. Got ya beat: :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is: 340 Kbps about 0.3 Mbps (tested with 579 KB) Upload Speed is: 41 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line: 6 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 24.98 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=7D321G280 Can't believe I have good upload now.
  10. My best one ruled. Until it was deleted. And yes, the background of this one could use some work. It's good enough for now...
  11. Sweet. Now everyone is getting a sig
  12. Now get a real sig Ask me or Cobra, even tho I don't use Photoshop I can make decent sigs.
  13. I suggest you go see a shrimp at 3:30 AM.
  14. 33% more download than advertised Damn nice for the package you pay for.
  15. Sometimes such a huge company has to set an example, by nailing a small guy. It's exactly what the RIAA is doing, except much worse. The money it earns off selling CDs is put into sueing those that download those CD illigally. Makes me wonder what the point of such a company is.
  16. Nice move by Verizon, let's hope it doesn't go bankrupt because of the huge investment. 10+ Mbps connections are also being tested in Amsterdam, but nowhere else in Holland. Sometimes, you just gotta be patient.
  17. 90 Volt is quite strong, but what really matters is the Amp
  18. RTB


    I need to find that 12 Kbps upload test I once did. I'm glad that time is over, decent upload is finally available to be as well. It's still only half your upload. *adds PeePs to the hitlist*
  19. You certainly don't hesitate to post, even when nobody responds. It looks way too vague to be called a sig. It's just a blurry pic of your speed, and not even tested from this website.
  20. RTB


    And I agree with this. Compatability issues sometimes cause funny quirks, but it's better than IE. Much better.
  21. I think you're gone.
  22. Subtle advertising really works. Just look at how CA3LE did it.
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