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Everything posted by RTB

  1. You will see what happens to them... I won't be needing additional bindwifth btw, as long as that rumor from Chello is true. But it's still going to take months to upgrade. What I need is a smarter router than this one, I've looked all over the admin settings and there's no option for throttling. Whenever dad accesses the internet, all bandwidth is transferred to him.
  2. *adds paintballman1212 to the list of potential targets* Let me know if you want on it, by posting scores like that.
  3. What the deal is? The usual fuck-up, but this time it hurts the client.
  4. RTB


    For some strange reason, I do want to know.
  5. Ask around if more people joined your node. That should affect the extra speed the most.
  6. You just started one yourself.
  7. I'd say that that's a fuckup @ Alltel. Enjoy the speed while you have it
  8. My dad pays 50 euro for a package with 384 advertised upload. We never get higher than 100 Kbps.
  9. 1. Those are the advertised speeds. 2. It's chello. 3. I don't have that package. 4. That package costs 80 euros per month.
  10. With Windows, anything can cause problems, even doing nothing at all. Keep that in mind. :/
  11. Wow, someone downloading slower than me. Poor you. What's your upload? if it's lower than mine then you really need to find a better ISP, if there is another one in your area.
  12. 4 Mbps, I hope that where chello is going to set the new cap. Yep, chello is going to increase the advertised speeds again. The most expensive package goes from 4.5 to 8, and they didn't say anything about the rest
  13. The zombie? Good. Feeding him bits of Sin0cide was a great idea.
  14. Somehow I doubt that
  15. Now THAT is fast! And hella expensive I presume. If you haven't started sharing on P2P networks, go do it now. I don't want anyone to waste bandwidth
  16. I hope he did, or he's going way past me. Good speed
  17. RTB

    ha HA!

    Showoff. So many bandwidth and you want to become a Photoshop lunatic.
  18. Nonono, IE was made to crash once every few minutes, but since Microsoft sucks at sticking to features, it only screws up all your settings once every few weeks.
  19. Sure... if only it was up when I can enjoy my speed to the fullest, which is in the morning (gmt+1). I think some of the problems are on my side, IE has been screwy for the last few days.
  20. RTB


    My dad pays 50 euros, and I get that. I've even got a 12 Kbps score once, that was really rediculous.
  21. Touchscreen LCD screen Next time they ought to put it on the side, much more room there.
  22. I'll stick to Win98. Microsoft really doesn't seem to care what the customers think.
  23. Won't that require everyone who tests to register at the forum? Or are you going to link comp ID and username?
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