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Everything posted by generallee76

  1. I for the 1st time can say, Wild Blue your system sucks for sure. I've been with them for some 4 years, maybe getting my posted speeds of 1meg 6% of this entire time. Well I'm done with you and your shit. I now have 3G service and its nice to run at 3meg 95% of the time..... Thank you ATT for 3G
  2. I know that I'm a Patriot, I was always early enough to the Sat. matinée to see the old newsreels of the end of WWII and the Korean war. After high school I was drafted and served my country. I was injured in the Line of Duty and I'm now 100% disabled, but I would tell you that if they needed me to help teach what I knew about warfare I would go back in a heart beat. I am of Irish, English and Dutch decent, but I AM AN AMERICAN. Born here and PROUD of it..... If you don't like it here than LEAVE and go back to where you came from. PLEASE.......
  3. I thank you for this information on this subject. Yes, I am still stuck with Wildblue seeing that AT&T has yet to upgrade the local cell tower to 3G as they said that they would....So much for that.....I hope more people drop off this beam I am on. Its said to be one of the Nations most congested, I can only at this point HOPE.
  4. Yes Striker, I know what RA means, I served my country also, did 3 tours in Vietnam, USAF Security Police Special Operations "We owned the night". I received injuries that cause be to be 100% disabled "LOD" and I'm still proud to defend this great countries flag and what it means. But to use the term that I'm a quote "I'm a Disabled Veteran" to get service and your not that is not being honest with your fellow veterans as well as yourself. That was NOT the issue here. I live in middle Tn and my Dish/Wildblue service sucks. I on an average have download speeds from 1pm to 11pm, 7 days a week that run's below the 380kbps average. The upload is 120-153kbps has been as low as 87kbps it must be the . I just stopped calling because it was always the sun was shining too much, the moon was up or my computer was screwed up and it was never their service. They have a real problem of NOT facing up to their responsibility to the customer. If you have a service call ordered, your system will run like atop, about 24hrs after they leave its back to the normal, can ya just go figure!!!??? I wonder if they really care, I don't think so. Disclaimer.. Dish network TV is fine, its just their Wildblue partnership that is crap........
  5. NEWBIE THIS IS YOUR QUOTE.... "Anyway, the last two times I called I played the disabled vet, advanced old age, vision impaired, one foot on a banana peel card (which I am) and guess what. You betcha, test results back on par with the touch of a button, for a few days at least. My plan should continue to work until one of them damn gremlins rat me out or I start getting the same tech support person" NEWBIE Yes, WB DOES NOT STAND BEHIND THEIR PRODUCT. BUT ARE YOU A VETERAN?? MOST OF ALL ARE YOU A DISABLED VETERAN?? SHAME SHAME SHAME ON YOU IF YOUR NOT. USING THAT TERM IN YOU REQUEST FOR HELP FROM WILDBLUE WAS WRONG AND DISGRACEFUL TO THIS COUNTRY'S GREATS MEN AND WOMEN. STAND ON YOUR OWN GROUND NOT OURS.
  6. Might I ask you marsh_0x from what part of the country do you call home???? The second is that depending upon your location, the Sh-itter your service. Hughsnet will become like WB one of these days, and I DO NOT want a 24month contract. Were getting close on the 3G here, tower upgrades this summer....That I will do.....
  8. Well your Wildblue is what ever they want you to have and they less the better. They figure that we have to have their service and we'll pay another great American Co. Here is my last test for the evening.... marsh_0x made the statement to have them change your transponder location to ease overcrowding but they don't do that it is what it is. I'm on beam 124 its the only beam that covers my area. :idiot2:
  9. :knuppel2: So to go with my last post, heres the TRASH level :uglystupid2:
  10. What WB package do you have??? Where are you located?? Mine is the Gold and more like Trash level
  11. "But it comes down too. Does the customer believe 100% what support tells them? Since support must be telling the truth, Right? But for $95 with an installer visit, your problems will magically go away" direct quote from Zalternate. Thats true, to the point of 24hrs after they leave and have soaked you $95.00 it goes right back to the same old s--t. No change but they think you feel good and have a warm fuzzy feeling about your service...
  12. Ping Results:PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=52 time=15.4 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=52 time=17.2 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=52 time=14.2 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=52 time=14.9 ms 64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=52 time=16.7 ms --- ping statistics --- 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4004ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 14.284/15.736/17.232/1.102 ms, pipe 2 Morning test, and to the defense of WB we are having very light snow this AM.
  13. Heres my evening test. My ping test failed. So one can do the math, I'm clearly at 80% of my package . I love my service
  14. I tested my ping on Speedtest.net, the results are, ping: 1859ms, Jitter 758ms, line quality F. I normally can't do a ping test. it fails right away. Here is my AM speed posting of which at 5 PM will be less than 50% of this score.
  15. Well this 45% of service, is starting my day off, so by tonight who knows...... Just learned that AT&T will be upgrading the towers in my local area to be 3G. That will allow me to go with wireless and I will use my antenna then.....I just hope its sooner than later in the year..... Thought you might get a LOL, out of this posting....
  16. generallee76


    Ya did ok. Welcome to Testmy.net. These folks are great, if you have a question as it and it will get answered. Again
  17. :idiot2: Nice download test, ya think????? I mean it could be 92kbps, oh ya thats right it has!!!!!! :knuppel2:
  18. sorry I guess it didn't take last time
  19. Here's another GREAT test on the Gold Package, DO NOT SIGN WITH WB :knuppel2: They really try to do the BEST for the Customer bull sh**.........The BBB will be hearing from me on Monday locally and in Denver where they are based. One would expect to run just abit faster, its a weekend ya, think.....
  20. I'll bet ya that the system will run like a dream. Good luck. But wait for the 24hrs after he leaves.......That what happened to me.....it tanked!!!!! Good Luck
  21. What are you talking about with the "Lease Router" time. My router is mine but the Modem is leased from Wildblue?????? My speeds today are about 500kbps down and 125kbps upload..... I'm confused about the lease router???? Thank you
  22. This is a normal rate of service for me at this time of day, but for the past week I have averaged less than 500kbsp download 90kbps upload. As a normal I never have my plan rate except 12midnight to 8AM. My plan is the Gold package of which is 1 meg down and 250kbps up. At $69.95 a month ya getting scr*wed. I have contacted WB corp and I have had a tech come out and check the system and wouldn't ya know it the system worked better than plan. The next morning its back to usual. I do not have access to EVDO, wireless or anything else. I've tried.
  23. I started off this morning at 339kbps download and 101kbps upload. So I reset the modem and my Linksys, cleared all my browsing/cookies, etc and powered the system back up as per Wildblues procedure and you can see what it got me. The same old sh*t. I have had atleast 10 techs tell me (at the service desk and service techs) that the beams (2) here in the Tenn area were oversold. They never expected so many to signup. I have 2 other friends that have Wildblue and they have the exact same problem. From what part of this great country do you call home?? There are folks in different areas that don't seem to have this problem, sooooo... One could go to Hughsnet, but they will soon have a problem with all the band switching going on.... The best way to go is EVDO, Verizon, AT&T and Sprint if they have strong 3G in your area, I have NONE of the 3 in my area. AT&T said that within the next year the 3G should be working in my area.. I have tried to take Tommie's advise and try the omni directional antenna, tried all 3 air cards/sticks and not really much better than dialup. Sprints didn't even work. The 3G is still too far away. So in short if you can go to one of those that would be the way..... HAPPY NEW YEARS TO ALL........
  24. Seems like were going in the right direction?????
  25. My latest, is it 80% of my 1meg?
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