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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by compuguybna

  1. Via-Sat1 sounds promising............ SpaceWay3 sounded promising . . . . . But its all in the way the NOC manages traffic flow. I still believe Hughes would be good if they didn't purposefully throttle. Still hanging onto EVDO Wireless Broadband for now. Its been good for 4 months going now . . .
  2. What's a GAMMER?
  3. If you have a NEW INSTALL on a HN9000 system your Account # will look like DSS8001235 If you had an UPGRADE from a Hn7000 to a HN9000, your account # will look like DSS0045678 I am quite sure Hughes keeps these series of #'s seperate. DSS800's get full speed....... DSS00's get throttled. Possible theory. I had TWO NEW INSTALLS of an HN9000. both my account numbers were DSS800xxxx and DSS825XXXX. good speeds til day 32! NO slowdown at ANY time in the first 30 days.....
  4. One more question . . . . when you upgraded to the HN9000 system . . . . Did you keep your OLD account # (that you had on the old HN7000) or were you assigned a new account like DSSXXXXXXX ? ?
  5. The pin #'s to ECC change every week. If you just talk to the operator, and say you have an OLD pin #, and that you need to speak to your contact, they will usually put it through. I dealt with William on two accounts.......... who is your contact. I know most all of them. Weren't you paying $79 for your plan on the 7000 KU system? They might cancel you without an option (they turned my signal off the moment I hung up with them on my last phone call to them). of course, I didn't want it anyway.
  6. Yet . . . so much better what I get off a 'lil ole USB wireless adapter! :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 1461 Kbps about 1.5 Mbps (tested with 1536 kB) Download Speed is:: 178 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main) Test Time:: 2009/09/29 - 4:34am Bottom Line:: 25X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 5.75 sec Tested from a 1536 kB file and took 8.612 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 76.45 % faster than the average for host (myvzw.com) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-BM2ODZHFJ User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.0; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; msn OptimizedIE8;ENUS) [!]
  7. ROFLMAO ! :haha: :2funny: :grin: :haha: :cheesy:
  8. Yeah, you're getting spanked all right, and PENALized! LOLOLOLOL Anyways..... Look back to my theory............ Three people we're talking about here. Fikester, his brother, and guitarjim. Fikester and guitarjim are BOTH upgrades.....They're experiencing the same issues.........throttled during peak time However, the brother was a NEW INSTALL...... Isn't having any problems. (less effect) Are they purposefully giving UPGRADE users less speeds than NEW users? I will say that on TWO account, my speeds were throttled after my 31-32 period (at WAY WORSE limits than any of you have experienced). So yeah, you're getting screwed and spanked both at the same time! LOL
  9. Yeah, I read that a while back......About the NOC..... did you watch the video with it? I think I seen a NOC operator throttle my speeds in that video. He had my diag page up on his console! LOL (just kidding). Makes you wonder what they do to you system, though, as they have DIRECT control of your modem!!! I watched Tier-4 nosey around in my modem one night. He could pull up every screen I could as well as reboot the modem.
  10. If you happen to have OVERLAP in spot beams, would that cause some type of speed issues? I am in an overlap of 41 and 42.... As far as your brother's consistent speeds.....wasn't he a "new" install? and you're an upgrade? Just my theory that new installs have priority over upgrades. Also the DSS #'s aren't even in the same sequence!
  11. I believe the NOC has more control over speed and operations than any of us know. Tech Support and Tier-4 acted like the NOC was this hidden and remote facility and no one could contact...Like it was a big secret what went on there. BULL. Tier-4 was probably AT the NOC.. LOL Actually I think Hughes Tier-4 is in Florida. I think I read somewhere that the NOC got moved from Germantown to Winnipeg??????
  12. I think guitarjim is beginning to see the bad effects with his new equipment as well . . . .
  13. Typically, weekend speeds were always better. Seems to be alot of load during the week. Even on EVDO Wireless, speeds are alot better on weekends for some reason. Good speed test though!
  14. wooo hooo! Check this one out! He must be smashing an HN7000 modem! LOL
  15. that is so F*****G funny! That's the exact same thing I did to mine to get it off the side of the house. Damn installed had drilled about 10 screws into the brick. (I did take the TRIA off like that guy before I busted the hell out of it! LOL the HUGHES dish was on the roof because I refused to pay $125 for a pole install.. That would have been an awesome video of me sailing the dish off the roof like a frisbee...... I just yelled "LOOK OUT BELOW"!
  16. Keep us informed ! ! ! Be sure not to FAP yourself doing speed tests. I did that once! Of course Tech Support was UNWILLING to "un-fap" me, even though they requested that.. Give ECC hell if things don't improve (of course, at this point, it would either be keep it or cancel it).
  17. That was my whole basis of complaining with Hughes.... PERFECT speeds day 1-32 24/7....... After that, Almost near plan speeds until about 4pm, then about 300-400K. So, one is to only derive that there was NOTHING wrong with the equipment (if it achieved 1.5Mbps until 4pm). and what I said earlier might possibly be true. New users are not throttled sometime after their trial period. Upgrade customers are throttled during 4-12 from day 1. But ooohhhh, no one at Hughes will admit that, not even Tier-4 Engineering, and all ECC can say is "speeds aren't guaranteed"......
  18. I'd ask for some explanations. Everyone knows me very well at ECC! LOL By the way, tell William HELLO for me! :haha: Make sure you document those...Use the EMAIL link to send them to Tech Support (you'll just get an automated response as usual, but at least your email will be documented in your file).
  19. Any WEB RESPONSE test greater than 20 = terrible. even the India tech support would transfer the phone call to Level 2 with plenty of those. Tier-4 said 50-60-70 were terrible. I've had them in the 120's..... I will be most interested when guitarjim posts some of his speeds. He did an upgrade about the same time as you. Didn't you say your brother had the same system and it was good? What is your SIGNAL STRENGTH?????? Do you have alot of RX and TX errors? You can check the stats in
  20. Yikes! Are those speedtest screenshots from the OLD system or the NEW Hn9000 system??????
  21. Slightly irratic though . . .but still an improvement, eh? Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 6:31:32 pm DN 1013 kB 179 Kbps (22 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com CH1TDUINE IMG Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 6:20:18 pm DN 512 kB 251 Kbps (31 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com 1OGI4DZWA IMG Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 6:06:02 pm DN 3072 kB 1625 Kbps (198 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com 1ZQSBK4R6 IMG Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 5:46:00 pm DN 1544 kB 1650 Kbps (201 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com DQ9CHLP0M IMG Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 5:37:00 pm DN 1544 kB 1642 Kbps (200 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com E5ANQJG3O IMG Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 5:36:43 pm DN 1536 kB 1571 Kbps (192 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com K8OW5I4UB IMG Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 3:38:17 pm DN 1544 kB 259 Kbps (32 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com FKHVM3B06 IMG Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 3:20:35 pm DN 1544 kB 842 Kbps (103 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com 43FE8J1XL IMG Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 3:20:06 pm DN 4096 kB 793 Kbps (97 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com P3K7QAUF1 IMG Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 3:11:26 pm DN 1013 kB 288 Kbps (35 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com MB8CFVIL1 IMG Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 3:10:27 pm UP 1013 kB 197 Kbps (24 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com XDYO6M4HU IMG Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 3:07:08 pm UP 579 kB 204 Kbps (25 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com QOFWVL5DE IMG Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 3:06:29 pm DN 1536 kB 1436 Kbps (175 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com 1XNS6LG3T IMG Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 3:01:49 pm DN 1013 kB 885 Kbps (108 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com 9RLWF6Y3Q IMG Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 3:01:19 pm DN 1013 kB 305 Kbps (37 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com X5BTKDF2Q IMG Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 3:00:19 pm DN 1544 kB 411 Kbps (50 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com P5M4YWRVL IMG Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 1:38:48 pm DN 4096 kB 1634 Kbps (199 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com VAWLX032N IMG Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 12:22:32 pm UP 1013 kB 243 Kbps (30 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com 489W25YZ6 IMG Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 12:21:29 pm DN 4096 kB 1609 Kbps (196 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com 49YATQKS6 IMG Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 11:15:47 am UP 1013 kB 249 Kbps (30 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com 6HIPXF53K IMG Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 11:14:50 am DN 4096 kB 1612 Kbps (197 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com 4PYBK80S7 IMG Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 3:08:18 am UP 1496 kB 260 Kbps (32 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com 9Y0T1MRZL IMG Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 2:23:11 am UP 579 kB 227 Kbps (28 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com IHLPBRAYW Fri Sep 25 2009 @ 2:22:37 am DN 4096 kB 1616 Kbps (197 kB/s) fikester 1598607392790 DirecWay.com 2TEJ7009B IMG
  22. Enjoy it while ya can. I guarantee ya it wont last for long! Begin the 30 day count-down ! :haha:
  23. Yea, my SECOND dish was different from my original. In only two months, they'd changed dishes. The installer said this one was more lightweight, and had a handle on it where he could carry it to the roof. the LNB and feedhorn looked the same (elliptical). Can't really say if it worked any better (well, I guess it worked GREAT but then the NOC dicked me over.)
  24. Another member on here "guitarjim" I think, also got an upgrade to the HN9000. I am very curious to hear about his experience and his speeds since then. Poor guy dedicated an entire website of speed tests.
  25. Was your brother a "NEW INSTALL (eg, never had hughesnet before)" or an "UPGRADE".....??? I would think an new install would experience better speeds than an "Upgrade"..........For the mere fact that they're trying to impress a new user with higher speeds, but dont really care about existing customers. My opinion though
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