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Everything posted by Indestructable

  1. Firetune it.
  2. haha, why that tweak? it's not one...lol
  3. Yes, please do note my sig btw
  4. darwin awards
  5. Everyone: NOTE--After doing all the recommended things that ROM has listed here, I restarted my computer and it crashed, taking all my pictures, email, documents, and Windows down with it.. These are complete crap people, don't do them.. HAHA!!! I had you all goin for a second there! Ok, seriously: NOTE--I did everything he has said here, and I even added in some registry values that were not there (probably about 5 or 6 of them). I am happy to report that I restarted and everything worked great, and I started Free Ram XP Pro..whcih is a big no-no...well, not really, but it DRASTICALLY slowed things down. If you are running such a program (Optimize Memory, F.R.XP.P, etc.) please report to me/ROM on this thread and let us know if you get the same results...please. This is actually pretty interesting, if you do all the stuff recommended. Oh yea, and I haven't even done the Services again yet (had to re-install OS), and Firefox (Beta RC3) starts up in 2.3 seconds flat. With a google homepage. So, I can yet again vouch for this guy...ROM-DOS knows what he's doin'! Thanks again man... Sorry about the beginning of that post..
  6. there's 2 mp ones coming out...and I saw on just yesterday that had a 2x OPTICAL zoom, and I could actually watch the lens moving in and out inside the phone, pretty creepy.
  7. dude, I got Vista beta 1, and I ran it great on a 32 MB ATI card, so..there's your proof...it depends on the computer.
  8. Ok, first of all, you can try FireTune, and there are also many other actual tweaks you can do yourself under about:CONFIG but I don't know of any off hand... *note to self: look up info for this guy soon*
  9. Why not? I really don't see why it would hurt your phone at all...and if it does, just return it and tell them to give you a new one...simple!
  10. Yea, that sure would do it, lol
  11. Well, guys, I'm surprised no one mentioned this: it's a 64 MB card deuling a 256 MB card...lol the 256 Mb would be better, though I'm sure someone will flame me over it.
  12. I know man, I know!
  13. Ok, I'm going to trust you this time doc.
  14. I don't know if I trust that link...
  15. yeah, I can second that. I'd just lock the doors then.
  16. Do you have a radio show? *hums 'Oh, you can get, anything you want! At Alice's Restaraunt' ...and walk out...* I'll have to get my mom to pull out that record for thanksgiving.
  17. Yeah, I gotta say, I don't think it should be this hard to remove a simple program. If registry editing is needed, well, so be it, but that is not what it sounds like to me.
  18. Haha, Why? I don't get what your trying to say... Hey, thanks Ray!! I'll make sure to click on that link entitled this_is_a_virus.txt you PM'd me...thanks man!
  19. This may be helpful, it may not be, but it's a compiled list of free software for Windows, put together by Microsoft. It did kinda amaze me when I saw the word FREE on a Microsoft run website though...haha
  20. ok, I gotta say, I wasn't when I started to screw with the registry, but simply don't do anything but what it says to do, and you'll be fine. i just took it out of startup by going to start>run type msconfig>click the startup tab and uncheck msmsgr, then restarting. That worked fine for me. It is true that you don't need Windows Messenger from what I know, unless you actually use it, which you most likely don't, because no one else does! So anyway, I probably would go with the msconfig one first (the one I told you about), then the Add/Remove Windows Accessories one, then the regedit (Registry Editor) one. Let me, well, us know what happens and if you need more help please. Oh yeah, good luck, your dealing with a Windows program...
  21. haha, your probably not going to believe me, being only 14, but that is possibly the funniest song ever, all 18 minutes of it! someone should post an mp3 of it, maybe I will, but my mom has it on record, and she played if for me a couple of years ago, all the while telling me about the White House tapes (from some important former president, can't remember which) having exactly 18 minutes of silence on them, and the joke being that Alice's Restaurant had been recorded and erased on them! Thanks for reminding me of that song waterRTBH...lol...
  22. Yeah, itis fiber after all, so theres always room, plenty of room for improvement.
  23. Shoot man, I wouldn't open it even if it really was from the FBI! I'd probably say to myself "F*ck this! More Options>Move to Trash" What a great idea for a virus though, I have to say. So ROM, your saying that if I recieve an email from the FBI, open it immediatly, right?
  24. Thanks Van-That's possibly the funniest thing I've ever seen...I watched it with my sister and she even thought it was hilarious.
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