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Everything posted by The Reverend
Hi there bmillham, Welcome to Testmy.Net!! I really hate to lay this on ya, but DWay doesn't support that browser because it is FULL of freaking holes (security) and if you set up an IE6 to my latest specs, Turob, or FireFox won't hold a candle to it. All day yesterday it was tried, but the new math I laid on them doesn't lie ....IE "rules" if you are using a Dway SATCOM (satellite communications) connection. Please ditch that puppy and get yourself into a fullblown IE6 (SP2 if possible), and you'll rock the house. Otherwise, it is just a matter of time before somebody gets into your machine and takes you out. I used to wear one of those "blackhats" ....so please trust me! Dump it. It was a bad idea designed mostly to get into https sites ....but you can't trust security to Dway!!!!!!!!!!!! So, they left it up "for show" .....but few are using it because of that reason. I"ll help ya all the way. Post me, email me, IM me ....I'll get to you as fast as I can. Cheers!....and ty for joining us! (yu won't regret it)!!!!! The Reverend
That is looking MUCH better. Remember that I have a Corporate Account and so my speeds will be slightly higher (sometimes anyway) because I have a 1.5Mbps down and 256k up. BUT ...with this new math being injected into all the machine we are using plus at direcway ...I am expecting speeds to come up slowly and steadily (hopefully they will raise the FAP too). SUPER! The Rev
A little humor amidst the confusion
The Reverend replied to xmechanic's topic in HughesNet (DIRECWAY)
There may be more truth to that than you think! You see, the need for low-level tech support is in great need, so many companies are forming, training people to work in a variety of environments to where they know NOTHING about what you are talking about, but they have access to help screens, manuals and at least one REAL tech. So, they may get a DirecWay call one minute, and then the next time it is for a Dell problem ...get the picture? Low Level Tech Support is getting to be a real joke because of this, and it is a bad reflection on the companies that are doing this to their customers. So, check into who is providing the support for your new computer or TV or Airplane before laying your money on the table. I was taught my lesson the hard way. DWay put the screws to me big time (which is why I am here putting them right back to'em)! LOL.. Well, I am also here because I love this crazy place ....no damn games, just great people! Cheers! The Reverend -
Well.....keep in mind that it is "Rock City" out there right now and we are running into dime-sized rocks (or a sort) that are not perceptable as "falling stars", yet they are pinging off the Space Station and most likely nailing a few birds from time to time? Just a guess on my part unless the story about the "green" lasers are true and they are now nailing "birds". There has been alot hit the API only to get squelched before going one inch further. My lips are sealed. The Reverend
Tehn who neesd Selpl Cehck?
Hey WingZero2309 Just find a registry editor that you like that shows you the startup files and you can then kill MS right there. I am using one that would do you perfectly, but I can't find the CD that I backed it up to. It is over 12yrs old but still works with all O/S's as I keep modifying it to suit. heheh... I'll keep looking in my spare time but I don't have too very much of that right now. I am buried with trying to get this new Server off the ground. Hey! I see you are fairly new so if nobody else has, please let me welcome you to Testmy.Net! You'll love it. (We are all crazy)! The Reverend
Cool! You can pull large downloads from the big files / programmes like from ALIAS (Maya 6 Unlimited) or many of the larger programmes from www.adobe.com .....I know of none that are in the gig ranges for long-runs, but with my kind of account (FAP restrained) I dont wanna!!!! LOL The Reverend
Pentagon reveals rejected chemical weapons
The Reverend replied to VanBuren's topic in General Discussion
? That's only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to late-breaking tech on warfare. TRUST ME! The Reverend -
You know Suprnova.org is shut down?
The Reverend replied to organ_shifter's topic in General Discussion
Lorne!!!! Hello and welcome to Testmy.net. I do not know what it would cost in CA to get everything up and running, yet I can state that I just started up and 2nd Server (EV1.net) for the purpose of adding to the capacity of this website and as of this afternoon the charges are about $5,000USD. I'm in Costa Rica so if you multiply that by 444, the current exchance rate for our colone, it looks like I spent a small fortune! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well over 2.2 million colones anyway. You can get cheaper, but if you going to run a PSP you''ll neeed alot of transfer each month or you get socked with overage fees, so you'll need at LEAST 100,000GB per month (I think). You'd be amazed how fast it adds up when the MP3's and vids start flying around. heheh.. Best thing to do right now is leave it be. YOU could be charged for giving access to bit torrent even though it is legal in your oountry. Fact! Cheers! The Reverend -
A little humor amidst the confusion
The Reverend replied to xmechanic's topic in HughesNet (DIRECWAY)
That can't be right .....I could understand every damn word they said! The Rev -
For the Users of G3C (Galaxy 3C) 95
The Reverend replied to The Reverend's topic in HughesNet (DIRECWAY)
LakeCity10, I gave you the first applause because nobody comes into this Forum and leaves empty-handed! Cheers! "The Reverend" -
For the Users of G3C (Galaxy 3C) 95
The Reverend replied to The Reverend's topic in HughesNet (DIRECWAY)
I am running "flat out" ....so what you are getting is confined to that bird if not that frequency. I can't pull any info on it yet because nothing has been posted except to say they have "noticed" there may be a problem. (Really? No Shit)? "The Rev" -
The Reverend
Securing Your Wireless Home Network - From Waresoft Inc.
The Reverend replied to The Reverend's topic in HughesNet (DIRECWAY)
Say what resopalrabotnick? You been into the Phenergan or something? -
For the Users of G3C (Galaxy 3C) 95
The Reverend replied to The Reverend's topic in HughesNet (DIRECWAY)
You are most welcome, but I am MORE appreciative of your feedback or I would simply be dead in the water you see? -
Did you konw taht it ins't ncecssray to sepll aynithng rhihgt as lnog as the fsrit and lsat ltetres are kpet in psoisiton?
I am glad I don't have to render that sucker...........
Hey don't worry about it ....Please! TY "The Rev" We have far better things to worry about than common misunderstandings. Please be yourself in all ways and everyone will get used to you just as I learned to perceive your words. WORDS ARE WEIRD. Did you konw taht it is not a rqeirenemt for aynnoe to sepll crorcetly as lnog as the frist and lsat lttres are correct? The human mind does not read letters, it interprets words. So, you do not have to spell great at all to be intelligible! That sentence I provided is living proof yes? heheh... The only problem with words is tha they lack inflection, and so they can easily be misinterpreted, and this is a simple instance of just that!
Oh my reso, don't you know such things are not politically correct? OMG!!!! I HATE Leo with a passion. Limp-wristed waste of valuable oxygen.... No worries, Clint will blow him off with his ole 45mag heheh....
Lots of info there. Please let me say that I am running several thousands of dollars worth of corporate programmes like "tea timer" - Process Guard - and others and they are ALWAYS popping up to warn of potential hazards. If you have allowed something into your system despite the warning, you may be facing a reload (but I doubt you need to reformat unless you really have a 'royal mess'. Take yourself to www.trendmicro.com and do a "housecall'" scan then go to www.pcpitstop.com and let THEM do their scan too. The 2nd one will even tell you what is wrong and how to fix it. If all else fails just reload your O/S right over the top of your existing (if that is possible for you) ...yet it will not cure a Registry error!!!! I am unsure of exactly what you are asking or saying, so I will "study" your post and then answer back if I can untangle it! LOL (just teasing of course). Cheers The Reverend My first inclination is to say RELOAD the puppy right over the top of everything OR ....uninstall everything that you can, run a "barebones" scan at trendmicro.com, then if it still finds nothing (or if the offloading clears you up), go ahead and reload one at a time. I am assuming you are fully defragged yes? Also, there are Registry defraggers ...free ones. You may need nothing more than that. I would try everything before a reload because XP has a habit of repairing itself if you give it a few days to think about things.
TY Lance for holding this place down in my absence. I can't be two places to once since it requires ALL my resources to "marry" into the new Server. Things will return to normal soon enough. (Nice cut n paste work too)! Dunno how YOU do it, but there are every bit as clean as my methods, so that is great! Hint: If you have Paint Shop Pro (or anything like it), export your image as a jpg and compress it five times in one pass. The quality will actually go UP (lossless) but the pic will be smaller in kb size. Strange but weird yet true. "The Rev" *Ah ..I see that you did this when I passed out on the couch! lol.... Sneaking around when I am helpless eh? heheh.....
You may like FireFox more, yet if you are DirecWay user with a DW6000 modem you are simply stuck with the IE6 Browser unless something changes. No exceptions that I can find plus I have been working on find "speed fixes" for the "Fox" ....so far it just cannot compete for speed against IE with a DW6000. ....and that's the bottom line to that one. I am still pulling down a 100mbps from the link VB moved from the DirecWay forum except I see he forgot to move the link? I'll let him correct whatever it is he wanted to do by splitting this off. Cheers! The Reverend
Affirmative. Port 83 will only work with a few DW4020 and some 4000s now. If Port 87 doesn't get you running, you MIGHT get a better response on port 86 or 85, but I do believe that you will "fly low" with Port 87 in there my friend. The Rev