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Everything posted by tstillery

  1. well here's my shout to yha ..a big ole welcome from TEXAS .. AND BLESS YOUR HEART...................jk :haha:
  2. Anybody need a beer?
  3. Well im voting USA all the way baby.....
  4. Well for me i don't believe in this amnesty crap screw that. Tommie i don't quite agree with you on they fact that we should help Fox build up their economy Fox has known that this has been going for along time has done nothing to try and stop it because it is already helping out their corrupt government why don't they all march in front of him and tell their government that want to change Mexico ? ideal: we build a wall on our side and they build a wall on their side jobs for all tstillery
  5. With fdisk? did not think i could if windows could not see them i got all the way to set the partion size and that when it comes up saying windows can not access the drive? Thanks for the help dlewis23
  6. Well i tried to install windows on the the drives but it keeps telling me that windows can not access the drive ....does mean it is locked i got these from a friend not sure where he got them. if i can use them as storage that would be fine tstillery
  7. darn so i must reinstall windows or will that work as i installwindows on the sata?
  8. i put in the floppy and i dont see any install am i suposed to do this as i install windows under 3rd party raid drivers sorry for the double post forgot the edit button
  9. ok ihave a ABIT-AV8 i installed raid tool i take thats not the same ehh?
  10. ok how do i hook them up ? it keeps asking to set up raid i have no clue what that is when i hook them up windows install disc does not see them so i hook up my ide hdd and i can see them in the raid tool is there a theard on this or has someone written a step by step? any info would be great Thanks tstillery
  11. I also like the new set up very sweet indeed tstillery
  12. Has anyone used a WD Caviar SE WD 2000 SATA is it any good and can i hooked two of them up and use an IDE HD or what would be the best way of doing this? Thanks tstillery
  13. i have that same mouse and it is sweet my batteries stay good for almost a month but i am not at my pc all day i also up my PS to a 550w it dose help out a lot trying to talk my wife into letting me up my AMD3200 64 to a dual core
  14. resopalrabotnic you smoking tonight?
  15. i want to hear too plz post a time
  16. email it to the president lol
  17. TY EWO but i to am wondering if its fake? like when the tries are going up the ramp
  18. My hats off to the both of you......
  19. Try this one This is very cool.... Read the article first, then click to see the video... AN AMAZING ADVERTISEMENT MADE FROM PARTS OF ONE CAR -- Just Unbelievable! And you thought those people that set up roomfulls of dominos to knock over were amazing... There are no computer graphics or digital tricks in this film. Everything you see really happened in real time exactly as you see it. The film took 606 takes. On the first 605 takes, something, usually very minor, didn't work. They would then have to set the whole thing up again. The crew spent weeks shooting night and day. By the time it was over, they were ready to change professions! The film cost six million dollars and took three months to complete including full engineering of the sequence. In addition, it's two minutes long, so every time Honda airs the film on British television, they're shelling out enough dough to keep any one of us in clover for a lifetime. However, it is fast becoming the most downloaded advertisement in Internet history. Honda executives figure the ad will soon pay for itself simply in "free viewings" (Honda isn't paying a dime to have you watch this commercial!). When the ad was pitched to senior executives, they signed off on it immediately without any hesitation - including the costs. There are six and only six hand-made Honda Accords in the world. To the horror of Honda engineers, the filmmakers disassembled two of them to make the film. Everything you see in the film (aside from the walls, floor, ramp, and complete Honda Accord) is parts from those two cars. The voiceover is Garrison Keillor. When the ad was shown to Honda executives, they liked it and commented on how amazing computer graphics have become. They fell off their chairs when they found out it was for real. Oh, and about those funky windshield wipers. On the new Accords, the windshield wipers have water sensors and are designed to start doing their thing automatically as soon as they become wet. It looks a bit weird in the commercial. click here: http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/honda.php
  20. yes that was a hard watch but well worth we are the best and we have to stay that way i read today Russia is going to step up their forces!
  21. wow thats cool i like the shotgun monkey lmao
  22. http://www.aclu.org/pizza/ This one kinda scary huh?
  23. http://www.wimp.com/monkeycompilation/ OMG lmao @ this one this would so cool to have!!!!
  24. thought was pretty cool dont why we would need it?
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