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Everything posted by tstillery

  1. A JAP truck in NASCAR well that just me sick no good cowboy would drive a JAP truck well i would hope not lol but i guess each to thier own tstillery
  2. Amen to that tstillery
  3. Do you'all remmber this one :haha: very ugly tstillery
  4. WOW looks like the MAVS have given up and they got one more to play there i hope they will turn it around and bring it on tstillery
  5. Bring it on MAVS by 6 [move]GO MAVS[/move] tstillery
  6. England won 2-0 got to goals last couple of minutes of the game the goals where pretty sweet shots tstillery
  7. Thats is amazing cant believe he didn't crash it tstillery
  8. Well i guess we will how they will play tonight. i bet the MAVS will open up a can of wup A$ [move]GO MAVS [/move] tstillery
  9. DUH MAVS [move]GO MAVS[/move] tstillery
  10. T G i agree with you about the Ford trucks for real work they can handle it so can the chevy's you just dont want to ding up the Chevy...lol and what the is up with the Toyota and Honda wanting to play with the big boy's ....lol thats un-American to buy a jap TRUCK Found On Road Dead i drive a Doge now and i hate it waiting on Chevy to change body style well i hope they do i think it will be later this year Sorry guys didnt mean to dereal this thread jk yes i did hey daycheck welcome to the forum good to have you aboard and very nice ride tstillery
  11. i agree with you Wade really step up and carried the whole team shaq still is not up to par i think the Mavs gave up a big lead hopefully they will bounce back [move]GO MAVS[/move] tstillery
  12. OK i kinda like FORD trucks tstillery
  13. World Cup what the hell is that? jk.............. I would like the USA to win but i really don't think it will happen Italy is very good and the checz already kicked are butt. (i think that who it was...lol) tstillery
  14. i am kinda thinking the same..if the MAVS do win it will crush the HEATS moral!! [move][glow=red,2,300]GO MAVS[/glow][/move] tstillery
  15. bring on the HEAT Game 3 tonight [move][glow=red,2,300]GO MAVS[/glow][/move] tstillery
  16. Julian Edge welcome to the forum hope you enjoy your stay Remember we will leave the light on for yha tstillery
  17. OOPS ...lol tstillery edit god i cant seem to get this right .....i can try when i get home - work PC sucks tstillery
  18. Just my little pice of the world
  19. I like CHEVY trucks tstillery
  20. well that review SUCKED like resopalrabotnick said its a BETA tstillery
  21. very nice find only $10.00 not bad at all tstillery
  22. GEEZ.I feel guilty for picking the MAVS to win 6 GO MAVS tstillery
  23. tonyswhirl Thanks for the link its good to know the truth about the story i guess it shows you cant believe everything you read i will pass the link on to my friend that emailed the story again Thanks for link tstillery
  24. This is incredible!!!!! Got any hunting trips planned for Alaska???........ Read the article under the 2nd photo below: Enough to scare the heck out of you.These pictures are of a man who works for the US Fo rest S ervice in Alaska, and his trophy bear. He was deer hunting last week when the large grizzly charged him from about 50 yards away. The guy emptied his 7mm Magnum semi-automatic rifle into the bear and it dropped a few feet from him. The big bear was still alive so the hunter reloaded and shot it several times in the head. The bear was just over one thousand six hundred pounds. It stood 12' 6" high at the shoulder, 14' to the top of his head. It is the largest grizzly bear ever recorded in the world. The Alaska Fish and Wildlife Commission did not let him keep it as a trophy, of course; but the bear will be stuffed and mounted, and placed on display at the Anchorage airport to remind tourists of the risks involved in the wild. Analyzing contents of the bears stomac h, the Fish and Wildlife Commission established the bear had killed at least two humans in the past 72 hours, including a hiker missing two days prior to the bear's own death. Backtracking from where the bear had originated, the US Forest Service found the hiker's emptied 38-caliber pistol. Not far from the pistol was the remains of the hiker. The other body has not been found. Although the hiker fired six shots and managed to hit the grizzly with four (that the Service ultimately retrieved, along with twelve 7mm slugs, inside the bear's body), it only wounded the bear and probably angered it immensely. Think about this : If you are an average size man, you would be level with the bear's navel when he stood upright. The bear would look you in the eye when it walked on all fours! To give additional perspective, this bear, standing on its hind legs, could walk up to an average single story house and look over the roof; or stand beside a two story house and look in the upper bedroom windows tstillery
  25. Mavs played like crap and still won :haha: [move]GO MAVS[/move] tstillery
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