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Everything posted by tstillery

  1. Thanks for the B-DAY wish 21yrs young HOOAH out tstillery
  2. Thanks TOMMIE ill keep checking back as often as i can. and THANK YOU to CA3LE for putting that on there for ...i think im getting a woody from it lol everyone take care HOOAH out tstillery
  3. Thanks for the kind words guy you all are good friends!! i am having a lot of fun was thinking about going airborn and EOD school, airborn would be OK don't know about EOD tho? lol wounder if CA3LE would put Professional Soldier below my name? Again Thanks guys HOORHA out tstillery P.S still no takers on the sig?
  4. well i got a few minutes thought i would drop by and say hello to all Things are going pretty pretty good ..The MIA2 Abrams is one bad MOFO as of now it is the worlds best tank.. but i think it needs A/C ..lol gets kinda warm inside. will get to fire some rounds down range next week wife will be coming for a visit in November for family day then i will graduate on the 15th of December then on to FT Benning Georgia after christmas Hope everyone is find and dandy take care yha'll HOORHA[move][/move] out tstillery
  5. Just a quick note to say hello to all TMN Its going on 3 weeks of training now finalley got a little break so i thought i would stop by. i should be done by 14th of December then i can go home and see my wife and by then i should know where my PDS is. Over all i am learning a great deal of new stuff that will (hopfully) keep me alive on the battle field I also want to go to calvery scout school when i am done here i will keep you all posted if you would like to hear more. In the mean time you all take care and god bless. out tstillery
  6. Damn im good now all must bow before me ....................... well i,ll be gone by sun up butt i am ready in my mind no takers on the sig? much love and godbless out tstillery
  7. Damn the luck :haha: paladin ? wasnt that a name of a Tank? out tstillery
  8. yes the age limit has changed to 42 thats what got me to thinking about reenlisting do it now before it was to late my walker lmao thats was good o by they I'm working on a get rich project ...............The man bra ......... [move]Remember its' not about making the team it's about making the team stronger ![/move] out tstillery
  9. Hey Roco thats what me and my wife talk about when we put the house up for sell .well selling the house is what started it all got to thinking about what house to buy and where. we wanted it to be the house we would retire in. then i got to thinking about going active to get the retirement because i already have 10 years in so lets just finish it.and to my surprise she said OK not what i suspected at all LOL so we will sell the house and put the money in savings and use that in 10-12 years to buy a new one. i don't plan being a tanker that long hopfully i can reclass in 3 yrs Again Thank You all for the kind words even including the guy with the man boobs would any of you kind folks be willing to make me a ARMY sig with a tank and the ARMY colors and tstillery? i would be forever greatfull (Black and Yellow) out tstillery
  10. TY all for the kind words it has been and will still be a great pleasure coming in here to chat or just to read the post. Cant believe I'm doing this at the old age of 40 but i do want the petion out of it. well if i do go to battle i rather be in a tank lol but over all I'm OK with it. y'all drink a for me Friday night well the ones the are 21 or better out tstillery
  11. OK my TMN friends I finally went active ARMY i ship of on 8/21/06 going to Fort Knox Kentucky for school to be a tanker. here is a link http://www.army-technology.com/projects/abrams/ so wish me luck it might be awhile before i can check back here but as soon as i can i will - and post some updates Much love to all and Thanks to ca3le for such a great site out tstillery
  12. yes i like Sirius but i am using XM now due to the fact that my head unit supports XM and not Sirius. The sound quality also depend on your head unit you can buy one that already supports ether Sirius or XM and your sound will be good or if you already have a good head unit you can buy the add on and your sound should be good but if the head unit is crap then your sound will be crap over all not bad for $12.95 a month for all the choices you get hope this helps let me know what you get out tstillery
  13. i have had both.. i had Sirius in my dodge truck i bought it at wal-mart $80.00 easy hook up and turn on but the radio i had in my truck sucked so i got a lot of static in some place's, so i took it out and put it in my wifes car sounds great digital music needs a digital radio Sirius has good choice of stations and no commercials. bought a new trailblazer and it came with XM i like the channel line up but some of the station have commerail that really ticks me off since i have to pay for it but i guess it kinda like cable you pay for that to i guess you cant out run the advertising giants hope this helped if not pm me out tstillery
  14. Where else can you go and vote on something and in the process get a edmucation in math and science and vocabulary and handtools? This forum is the best IMHO i even like the they guy with the man boobs 101% to power of 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 divided by 33 times 99 o and don't forget to Carry the 1 out tstillery
  15. i have heard about the salt water cleaning systems they seem to low maintenance the wife and i are going to go and look at a house that has a nice pool to see if we like the house not sure if we want a ore owned house or if we want to build ? i will post the links later if you all would like to see? thanks for all the help you guys tstillery
  16. does any home owners in here have a pool in their back yard? in ground? me and my wife are thinking of buying a house with a pool and i was just wondering how high maintenance they were. we live in Texas so i know we would use it but is it worth the added cost i.e ele,water, and the chemicals and service? Thanks tstillery
  17. The only day i get a job tstillery
  18. i got so much to say about this i have to set back and think about it before i say it !!!!! i hate it so much when the the race card is pulled tstillery
  19. i just love treehuggers they taste great .................. tstillery
  20. Your sick T.G just sick tstillery
  21. Can you please translate that...... tstillery
  22. You T.G good find i did not think that posting that letter would turn this thread into a raciest thread but then again we always turn theads into something Else. tstillery
  23. http://www.newswithviews.com/Bresnahan/david6.htm pretty funny letter tstillery
  24. Don't forget a new PS at least a 500watt and new ram 1 gig would be nice and video card i don't think your old stuff will be compatable with the new mobo but it might be. jmho tstillery
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