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Everything posted by FallowEarth

  1. Looks like your modem is not maintaining a stable connection on the downstream. I would call your ISP and have them check the flap list on your modem.
  2. The SpeedGuide.net TCP/IP Analyzer does not reflect the same .ccs file I tried. RWIN is way too high, MTU is 1492...i'll upload the file for you when I gets hoooooome.
  3. This topic has been moved to Security Threats. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=12303.0[/iurl]
  4. This topic has been moved to Security Threats. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=12632.0[/iurl]
  5. This topic has been moved to Security Threats. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=12591.0[/iurl]
  6. You may be interested in setting up a schedule of Disk Cleanup daily, and Disk Defrag weekly. You can do this in scheduled tasks on the host machine. Here is a walkthrough on how to do so in XP (I imagine 2k is very similar): http://www.tweakhound.com/xp/tasks/sch_disk_cln.htm
  7. Try changing DefaultReceiveWindow to 384000, save, reboot, and perform the following tests: https://www.speedguide.net:8080/ http://nitro.ucsc.edu/ http://www.testmy.net/tools/test/d_load.php?ni=1&st=st&tt=1&ta=1&top=mirror-Blunted2&out_src=16 http://www.testmy.net/tools/test/d_load.php?ni=1&st=st&tt=1&ta=1&top=mirror-Elite.Pete&out_src=20MB
  8. That SMwN test shows double that of normal mode, you can safely say there is a software load slowing the 2k machines. We also use 2k and XP workstations at my workplace, and 2k tends to be very slow over the network in comparison with XP. It must be something within the networking implementation of the OS (2k pro i assume). Also, do you use a proxy? Do you have XP machines mixed in with the 2k machines, or are they each on separate network segments? Do they connect to the same switch/router? Are the NICs the same in both machines? What OS does your server run?
  9. Happy Birthday!
  10. Try the Verizon_Fios_DHCP_15000_2000.ccs from VanBuren's v.7 batch. It will increase your MSS to 1460 and your RWIN to 512000, and also your DefaultSendWindow to 128000, which should help your upload. Remember to click "Save to Registry" and reboot your PC, then run those tests again. Question: is your PC connecting wirelessly as well?
  11. Looks like a bad link in your ISP's network. The FQDN is unassigned, which is strange. I imagine that this is a temporary configuration to balance the load while maintenance is performed on other cards. See if it clears up in 24-48 hours, or call your ISP. Also, try some traceroutes to other sites, esp. Google. Google often has a dedicated route. What you might be able to do is contact the IP administration for the network, provide a number of traceroutes to a specific site or network, and ask them to optimize the route. Here is the email for this department of your ISP: [email protected] ...just try to be very thorough and accurate in your information, otherwise you will get nowhere.
  12. Hey all, here's the scoop: On my laptop, I have found that I always have the same two devices sharing an IRQ: PCI to USB Open Host Controller, and my vidcard (must be PCI....laptop is a few years old). The IRQ# changes after a reboot, but always puts these two devices together. My PC has IRQ's remaining unused. Under the resources tab of either devices properties, it will not allow me to configure the IRQ. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314068/EN-US/ This article states that you cannot manually specify devices to IRQs while ACPI is enabled (it will override IRQ configuration in the BIOS). It states that in order to manually assign IRQs, one must reinstall Windows to use to use a Standard PC HAL rather than ACPI. My question is: does anyone know of a way around this? I do not wish to disable ACPI, but I am not happy with devices sharing IRQs. I would like to take this laptop apart only as a last resort (believe me, this thing is a pain....one million microscopic screws...besides, i don't seem to remember any free PCI slots from the last time i did this).
  13. I'm not absolutely certain, but I don't think you can legally use any DNS servers you want to. That is something I would contact your ISP about.
  14. Etiolate, have you read through our sticky? http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097 If you post some more information, we may be able to help you. Start with some feedback from the sticky, along with speedtest results and a traceroute if possible. Also, with your connection, remember to test with a LARGER FILE SIZE. Try testing from some of the MIRRORS, too.
  15. Did you just recently upgrade from 98 to XP, or was this a while ago? Are you using the same ISP and hardware? Are you living at the same place, connecting the same way as before? I'm failing to see how this is a DNS issue at this point...throw me a bone.
  16. First thing, make sure you get all the Windows updates available to you. Also update your browser and your network adapter drivers. Second, minimize your startup items (msconfig...i think that works in 98, been so long ). The fewer, the better. Thirdly, use only one registry tweaking program: we are more accustomed to Cablenut here, so we may be able to assist you better with that program. Oh, and read here: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097
  17. Traces are looking good. Latency through Level 3 network seems to be resolved.
  18. I imagine a defrag of C: would help some, Ray. I didn't see it there, but how much RAM do you have? Is anything overclocked in your system (CPU, Vid card)?
  19. Isn't it legal to sell your kids in the US? Meaning there is no law against it?
  20. :haha: I thought I died. That is funny.
  21. This topic has been moved to Battlefield. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=12602.0[/iurl]
  22. This topic has been moved to HELP!. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=12545.0[/iurl]
  23. That's nuts. What are your PC's specs?
  24. Earlier this year there was a story about a couple who named their baby Yahoo, in honor of having met over the internet. That story turned out to be a hoax invented by a Romanian reporter, Ion Garnod. But now there's a case, apparently true, in which a couple decided to name their baby Google. In response to whether he thinks his son will be teased in school on account of his name, the father stated: "not if he is using Google Search engine and he is building new idea with his friends around The Psychometric and Informational Structural Mind." I have no idea what that means. However, according to the Google Blog, the baby's full name is Oliver Google Kai, which means that Google is his middle name, which isn't quite as odd as if it were his first name. <hr> Source: http://www.museumofhoaxes.com/hoax/weblog/permalink/a_baby_named_google/ <hr> Other sources: http://www.google-kai.com/ http://santh0sh.com/blog/2005/10/20/a-baby-named-google/
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