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Everything posted by FallowEarth

  1. think you'll give it a go? its probably good practice for if you're interested in making a real cannon...if not, its still a riot. Pretty cool at night too, it shoots some good flames.
  2. Yes, that is exactly it, cholla! its relatively cheap and easy to build (be sure to use glue), and its lots of fun....just be sure you have the room to play, and that you're not firing into somebody's back yard! Apples work best I find too.
  3. I've built potato cannons, they're pretty cool....fire up to about 250 yards...WHOOMP! lol
  4. hey Skwurr...is that the RR Premium package you upgraded to? Nice speeds btw.
  5. hmm, little slow there...what OS? do you have a router? USB/ethernet/wireless connection?
  6. Hey Ned....try a direct connection to the modem and see if your stats improve, also be sure to read https://testmy.net/topic-2097, it helped me lots.
  7. I don't have VOIP, sorry. RR NHD tech.
  8. Digital phone - yep, but video = "vibe" video email the pacakge is called the "triple play"...but double check if it is offered in your area, its not in some
  9. RR Premium alone = $84.95 with video OR phone = $69.95 with video and phone = $64.95 it's an upsell tactic they are using this spring.
  10. RR premium (8/512) usually includes wireless, + digital phone + video = $64.95....lol i sound like i'm pushing a product but i'm not, just info to wet your whistle. How does that compare to what you've got, cutest, if you don't mind my asking?
  11. I thought maybe RR....the SB5100 is a great modem, but Motorola also has a VOIP modem, provided by RR...it also may be more economical to get the RR VOIP package (if its offered in your area?)
  12. does anybody use Outpost?
  13. cutest, who provides your digital phone service, and ISP?
  14. XP HOME desktop, ME on an old shitty laptop (joy!) that i just write on, and MAC 10.3.8 on iBook G4
  15. the only reason that AOL keeps their customers is because it keeps them stupid about the internet and basically everything else having to do with a computer. AOL customers are likely afraid to switch ISP's because they feel they are so far outside the real internet bubble that they are afraid they will be shunned by the rest of the world
  16. After power cycle: Check TCP/IP settings for connection with that adapter (make sure IP address is not hard coded): --Local area connection properties --> highlight TCP/IP --> properties = obtain automatically for both Restore TCP/IP if necessary --Local area connection properties --> highlight TCP/IP --> install --> protocol, add --> click "have disk" --> type: "c:windowsinf", ok --> internet protocol, ok --> reboot Otherwise, make sure that there are no conflicts AT ALL in device manager, check pinging ability (URL and IP, try for google) to test if its only your browsing, make sure firewalls are off when renewing IP (is it DHCP error or socket error?) ... and good luck!
  17. Hey, thanks php I've been enjoying this site and forum for a while now, just decided to join....I'm a tech for Road Runner and usually bring the customers here for a speedtest, as it's the best! I found myself snooping around and reading threads...lots of fun, great stuff....this one esp! LMAO
  18. Good one, Lorne. I tried the sink once, interesting experience. Outside at the local tree generally worked for me living out of town, in the summer anyway... My gf is currently preggers, and although i agree with the "both down" practice on principle, she insists on "seat down, lid up." Why? I don't know, but of course I know better than to argue that one, so it stands at our place.
  19. Anybody used, or heard anything about, the new Mac OS?
  20. nothing like a nice rich ale....Guinness or Kilkenny for me I live in Ontario, Canada, there's some local breweries that make a nice lager here....Churchkey and Streamwhistle are my favs....also Upper Canada is quality....if you're ever in the area, check em out! But I'm definitely a wine man in the end
  21. hey pepsidruid, looks like you're getting some real spikes there in your tests even though you're averaging 3000 something Kbps download what make and model of cable modem do you have? ethernet or usb connection, router, wireless? OS? Internet tools, tweaks, utilities, security? what RR package do you have, and in what region ([email protected])? I think average download speeds are usually 3 - 5 Mbps
  22. <bitchchecker> your gay fire wall directed my turn off signal back to me...be a man turn that shit off...thn my virus destroys your pc man LOL....this guy is great! that's the best laugh i've all today, great story!
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