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Everything posted by FallowEarth

  1. to check for static IP in XP: -open control panel -get into network connections -right-click on appropriate connection (local area connection if hard-wired, wireless connection if wireless), choose properties -highlight "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)", click properties -set to "Use the following IP address" and specify accordingly
  2. Sorry, didn't see that.....the modem you use is older though, you're right....Toshiba makes some good newer ones, PCX2500/2600, and also Motorola makes some good ones, SB5100....
  3. emjrc, what's the down/up speed package you are using from Commiecast...oops, I mean Comcast?
  4. Best way to test that is to connect direct with another computer. It could also be the cable, I know that's easy enough to overlook.
  5. If your wireless is 802.11b, there are many things that can interfere, since it has a frequency range 2.400 GHz to 2.4835 GHz, the same as cordless phones and other household junk. Not to mention it can get mixed signals from other wireless networks on the same frequency if anyone nearby has the same idea as you. There are really almost too many elements to figure out, and for the convenience of having the freedom of a wireless connection, its probably not worth it if your speeds suffer. Get wired and notice the difference.
  6. hey Gusted What you can try, if your PC has a NIC, is to hard-wire into your modem and see if there is a connection speed difference. As for maxing your connections, follow the link below! | | | | | | | V
  7. Not unless they are seriously motivated! But i mean, rural life is just more laid back.
  8. FallowEarth

    Speed Me Up!

    Oops, note to others, don't post HERE for this topic, post here: https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=5278
  9. Sure, Supreme1, what kind of router: brand name, wireless/hardwired.... be sure to connect everything properly and then powercycle properly: -shut down PC's, disconnect power to router, disconnect power to modem, wait 1 min -return power to modem first, wait for initialization of connection -bring up router -bring up PC's the order to bring up devices is important. If you're running XP, it should recognize the connection automatically, given the proper devices and drivers are installed. Any more info you can provide will help if this doesn't get you going.
  10. Yeah, I mean taking on all these customers is cool i guess, but you gotta be able to support them all lol
  11. Just to expand a bit (no pun intended): A bit is a 1 or a 0. A byte is 8 bits. K = kilo = 1000x, M = mega = 1,000,000x ...metric prefixes....
  12. They will probably do what they need to do to get speeds up for when all the junk goes down, but it's a shame that the current cusotmers have to suffer through it....i think they should just take a week, shut down all services, do what they need to do to upgrade, and then credit everybody for it. That seems like the most logical business solution to me, but then again, I'm not running jack.
  13. hmmm...well I have to be careful about the information i divulge ( ) no seriously tho, I'm not really sure about what TWC's intent is, but with all the merging and buying out going on, there will have to be room made for higher traffic volume on probably every node, so there will most likely be a period of crappy service before it gets better.
  14. Those are real good speeds on that package comptech!
  15. You know, that makes a lot of sense to me.
  16. Sweet Canadian DSL
  17. I don't know for sure what the outage is caused by....usually an upgrade or maintenance of some sort...you can call the local office for more info.
  18. I'm an RR tech, NYC is on the board today for DHCP errors and flashing cable lights....the servers must be down.
  19. That test is cached and completely bogus, you can't just click back in your browser and try the test again it loads it from memory....
  20. Yeah, NYC can have outages for a while....NHD=National help desk...tech support
  21. Call up to the NHD, they'll take a look to see if it's your modem....there are outages in NYC though.
  22. Interesting topic.....I live in rural Ontario, Canada, and I own several guns -- a shotgun, couple rifles and a pistol. However, I do not own guns for security purposes (well, that's not my main reason anyway), I was born into a family and society of hunters, and have done so most of my life. I also enjoy simply shooting guns, I can't really explain why....I suppose it is just the fact of being able to harness such an awesome power. While there are lots of guns in Canada, there do seem to be relatively few crimes involving them. Those people who own guns are responsible with them (for the most part): gun lockers, trigger locks, keeping amunition in a separate part of the home, etc. However, there are parts of this country where crime is an issue, and shootings are abundant. These areas are mostly in cities with a denser population. Out here in rural country, you can shoot a gun and nobody cares, you've got room to breathe. When you compare Canada to USA, the ratio of urban:rural population is much lower, and I think that crime rates are a direct representation of this, not a mere coincidence. Regarding the news content, all I know is that I won't watch if it's all killing and crime. The way I see it, I can't do much about it, and watching it on the news is a form of encouraging such behavior. If I want guns and blood, I'll throw on a Tarantino movie, thank you. Otherwise, I try to limit the amout of bull that I allow into my life from the TV. Shut it off, go outside, and make your own news.
  23. is that cached?! lol...nice speeds.
  24. naw, it certainly ain't broke
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