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Everything posted by FallowEarth

  1. pr0duc3r, are you on the premium RR package?
  2. Any time, glad to help.
  3. Real good, on both!
  4. you can get them pretty cheap, yeah, and they all do the same thing you're right....Netgear, Linksys, D-link are all good names....obviously the quality of the product is going to be represented by the pricetag, something just to think about.
  5. great speeds for 5/384 moonlancer!
  6. Supreme1, your other option is to get a router, it will take your IP address and split it between the computers connected to it....this also gives you the ability to go wireless if you wanted to.
  7. RR upspeeds are not guaranteed, no, but you should be able to get the cap if you follow the all the steps in the link posted above by php.
  8. I bet you it's because they are trying to reduce the number of AOL customers and get them over to cable (RR)....it's craziness.
  9. for sure, check out Check it out: https://testmy.net/forum/t-2097 VanBuren has put lots of work into this thread, it is your connection speed bible.
  10. Real nice! what'dya do .s1?
  11. Reboot, run AV and spyware...then get back
  12. I just checked the link and it should be ok...its definitely not a virus If you want to do an online virus scan you can go here: http://www3.ca.com/securityadvisor/virusinfo/scan.aspx
  13. LOL nm, i see you changed ISP's,.....duh!
  14. wow, what did you do between those download tests?? what a difference...
  15. you can purchase a second IP address, yes.
  16. To check if its your inside line there, just ping your modem with at least 20 hops.... to find the IP address for your modem, just run a tracert: "tracert testmy.net" it is the first IP generally then ping it "ping -n 25 x.x.x.x" where the x's represent the modem IP address if there are any losses to your modem, your cable might be *#&*@#^*'d
  17. Hey bp10885 There are lots of ppl who can help you out here, but we need some more info first. Operating system? (which version of windows), type of connection? (ethernet, USB, router or direct, wireless), any antivirus, firewall, spyware SW, or even updates running that might be interfering or hogging the bandwidth....what browser do you use? etc.etc. And be sure to check out the link at the bottom of my post!
  18. I know it was already posted by Dn0, but be sure to go here https://testmy.net/forum/t-2097and follow all the steps....it is your one stop fix.
  19. sorry cre8tor, you posted while i was typing that up
  20. be sure to reset everything properly first: -shut down all computers on network -pull the power to the router -pull the power to the modem -let everything sit and checked that all connections are correct and secure -bring up the modem first and ENSURE that it has initialized a connection before continuing -bring up the router -bring up the computers if that doesn't work, be sure that all firewalls are off, and try this (assuming you have XP): open your control panel --> network connections --> right click on local area connection, choose properties --> click install --> click on protocol and then add --> click have disk --> where it says "copy manufacturer's files from" type "c:windowsinf", then click ok --> choose Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), click ok --> close all windows and restart the computer....if that doesn't work, get back at me
  21. hmmm...it could mean that.... i always took it for either "radical" or "radiator"....but i suppose that interpretation is both subjective and relative....so its whatever you want just-
  22. rad sig bro, i like the whole thunder god thing going on
  23. "You are Debian Linux. People have difficulty getting to know you. Once you finally open your shell they're apt to love you."
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