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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by FallowEarth

  1. 676.42 Kbytes/sec X 8.192 = 5541.2 Mbps As network/server traffic fluctuates, so will your results. Take an average of 3 test for better accuracy.
  2. Attached is a zip file which contatins 2 files: test.bat and script.txt. Extract both of these to the same directory and run test.bat. This creates a log which contains the speed of the download (over ftp) in kB/s. If you want to know the speed in Kbps, just multiply that number by 8.192. The size of the download file is 12.5 MB (please do not attempt on less than 1 Mbps connection). This test is not intended as a replacement for the main speedtest on this site, but is intended as an alternate test source. <hr> NOTE: a firewall may cause results to be slower. For best accuracy, disable your firewall for the duration of the test. <hr>
  3. Also, with a direct connection, log into the diagnostics page for your modem using your browser (usually type, or something very similar, in the address bar). Then post your modem's levels. Do you notice the modem lights change (ie. cable light goes out) when your connection drops?
  4. Your RWIN says 17520. What are your advertised speeds again?
  5. Welcome to the forum, KaRRoT. First stop: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097 Please try all steps. I imagine that we can boost your speeds up quite a bit. Once you get to step 15 (Cablenut), the first tweak setting I'll get you to try is Cable & DSL 6000 768 from VanBuren's Cablenut Settings version 7. Ask if you need clarification, and good luck!
  6. If you are unable to run the download test with Norton's running, try this version of the test: http://www.testmy.net/d_load.php?ni=1&tt=1&s=97&st=st&ta=&top=&nobar=1
  7. Hey, Xero123, and welcome to the forum. You trace looks good. If your advertised speeds are as you say they are, then you are already over cap. It may be a slower connection than you are used to.
  8. I'm actually your principal. I've been waiting a long time to bust you. You're mine now.
  9. I guess that is modern warfare. Not exactly as glorious as in years gone by.
  10. Sweet deal. It's likely that Earthlink won't be too far behind.
  11. I know that Tampa Bay has upped the basic packed from 5 down to 7, because they also have the 10/1 and 15/2 packages. I haven't heard of any other areas doing the same.
  12. Welcome to the forum, amish. Please start by reading here: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097 Looks like you are on RR's 8/512 package. Once you get to the cablenut section, try using the 'Cable & DSL 10000' custom file from VanBuren's v.8. Other members on your package have had luck with that.
  13. Welcome to the forum, Phantom_Thief. What are your advertised speeds? Please read here for speed tips: http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?board=3.0 Are your torrent speeds any quicker if you were to connect your PC directly to the modem? Also read here about factors affecting wireless signal: http://www.hyperlinktech.com/web/factors.php We also have a torrent guide: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-890
  14. The higher the SnR, the better.
  15. Looks like a bad modem or line then. I'd call your ISP with the trace and see what they can do for you.
  16. Total Time Spent Online: 15 days, 15 hours and 13 minutes. Total Posts: 1635 posts Total Topics Started: 39 topics Number of Polls Created: 1 polls Number of Votes Cast: 29 votes <hr> I like to hang out here from time to time. Good ppl, good times. I'm nothing next to the man
  17. I was afraid of that. Well, go with the Cable & DSL 10000 file. Your trace shows really good route, so signal's good. I imagine that if you are able to eliminate many of your running processes and connections, then your bandwidth will stop bleeding. BTW, i noticed the networking IP from netstat. If you do a direct connection, then you will see higher speeds. Routers process data, which takes (a generally small amount of) time.
  18. 1059.36 Kbytes/set * 8.192 = 8678.3 Kbps Not bad. Try FIOS DHCP 15000/2000 cablenut setting from Version 8 and see if that works any better for you.
  19. Try this. Extract both files to the same directory, run test.bat and post the log. http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=12090.0;attach=10669
  20. Works for me. Must be that you're restricted by a network device.
  21. Nice trace. I've used the EZ Firewall, good software but it does affect your speed.
  22. Oh ok. Did you run Ccleaner? Try this online test to make sure you are malware free: www.ewido.net/en/onlinescan/ Do you have a firewall running? IM, P2P, etc? Try the test without those things running. What does your traceroute look like: tracert www.testmy.net
  23. I imagine some of those established connections are affecting your speeds. Try a netstat -ano (if you post, omit local address). Notice the PID. If you go to your task manager, processes tab, click view, set columns, you can check the box to show PID. This way you can check out which processes are making those connections.
  24. Welcome to the forum, DigitalRapture. Please start HERE, and try everything. Looks like you could do without a few that are processes running, judging from the netstat. Be sure to check out Cablenut. If you have any other tweaking apps, clear the values and save the null state. If you look in VanBuren's Cablenut Settings V.8, there is a Cable & DSL 10000 which would be perfect.
  25. Try using this speedtest on both PC's. Extract both files to the same location, run test.bat and post the log file.
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