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Everything posted by FallowEarth

  1. Ok let's keep the personal issues to a dull roar. I'm seriously curious about the technical aspects that cause your speed issues, Blunted/2. Have you tried connecting both PC's direct to the same modem and performing a download speedtest? I understand that you have 2 servers running, but why the routers plus switches? How many nodes are running on your network? What kind of operation you got running? What is the purpose? I imagine we can simplify things to increase efficiency....
  2. hmmm....could be. lol
  3. That might prove difficult to determine the piece of hardware that is slowing you down. Can you provide any more insight as to the topology of your network, and why you are implementing so many devices?
  4. FROM: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-12007 How do the traceroutes compare? Do you use a router, or 2 separate connections?
  5. You mean exact same hardware configurations? Software, BIOS? Same IRQ? Just doesn't make sense?! (wish there was a smiley for pulling my hair) Have you tried exporting the registry from the fast PC and importing to the slow PC?
  6. This topic has been moved to Non-public Deletes. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=12088.0[/iurl]
  7. That's interesting Blunted. You have the same NIC's, but do you have the same mobo's and hardware configuration? If not, what are the difference in specs? I imagine that some hardware works better with other hardware. Are you installing the same OS/version on both PC's? Same software? (This could probably almost seed another thread)
  8. Those check out ok. You can always call your ISP to check your modem's flap list, see if it is maintaining connection properly. However, I believe that it is more likely to be caused by a bad cable or NIC. Do you have another cable you could try? Are you able to connect using another NIC (ie. another PC)?
  9. I think you've prolly got to be feeling the first quote pretty strongly to properly enjoy the rest. But I happen to enjoy that one, and find the first one rediculously annoying.
  10. What are you looking for specifically?
  11. What are your advertised speeds?
  12. Looks like your are on the standard package, of which the advertised upload speed is 384 Kbps, so you're really close. You may be able to squeeze just a tad more. I'd check out this post: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097 especially the bit about tweaking with cablenut.
  13. This one's actually quite well done: http://albinoblacksheep.com/flash/lifecynical.php
  14. I'd be starting here: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097 Ask lots of questions and be specific.
  15. safeboot should be your best bet. otherwise, open system configuration utility (msconfig) and disable your startup items, then reboot and torch the file.
  16. Still getting loss. Could be due to: bad NIC, bad cable, bad modem. Do you have another cable you could try? Are you able to connect using another NIC (ie. another PC)? Try logging into the diagnostic page for your modem and checking the signals.
  17. Fasterfox does not make your connection faster, it only makes your browsing faster using caching. To actually make your connection faster, you must use a program which will adjust your registry settings, like cablenut. Read more here: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097
  18. That's a little strange, but I think that's just a non-specific router. It's Adelphia IPs before and after. uf0, it looks like there is packet loss between your router and your modem. Can you connect your PC directly to the cable modem and provide another trace?
  19. word to your mother (check out tha links down in ma sig there be some sh*t that y'all can dig)
  20. http://www.processlibrary.com/directory/files/conime/index.php Trojan? Did you run the scan I linked to above? It's really good at removing trojans.
  21. Are you using a router? Do you have a firewall running? Post a screenshot of your running processes from the task manager, something must be hogging up all your upload bandwidth (unless you've been capped by your ISP?) Also, make sure that you are free of any and all malware. Try this online scan (XP/2000): http://www.ewido.net/en/onlinescan
  22. Judging from your netstat, I imagine the eliminating some startup items will do some good. Click start, run, type msconfig and click ok. Go to the startup tab, and start unchecking things that you don't absolutely need to load when windows starts (keep in mind you can always start applications manually when you need them). For example, you don't need real-time anti-virus/anti-spyware protection; it is a resource hog, and you are just as well protected if you are updating and scanning manually. You don't need IM or P2P programs on startup, and you probably don't need 90% of the other stuff starting up. Basically, anything with the path of "C:program files" is not absolutely necessary. Once you've removed a bunch of checkmarks, click apply, then click close, and restart when prompted. Then try another speedtest and a netstat.
  23. If they are doing maintenance on some of the downstream servers, then they may be load balancing on some of the others, which might cause a slowdown. Can you provide a traceroute? from cmd: tracert www.testmy.net You may consider posting one here too: http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=11000.0
  24. That cablenut setting is for a much faster connection than yours is, and using it may cause packet loss on your end. Try the either the" DSL PPPOE 3000+" file or the "Cable & DSL 4000" file from Van Buren's cablenut settings v.8 [LINK]. After opening each one, be sure to save to registry from the adjuster window, then reboot your PC and try a few speedtests. See which one of those works best for you.
  25. Looks like your receive window is a little small. It could be that the router is specifying it, but I would try cablenut. Get the program here: www.cablenut.com Then extract the "Cable & DSL 6000 512" custom file found in Van Buren's cablenut setting v.7: [LINK] Click save to registry, then close and reboot your computer. After that, try another speedtest and the analyzer at https://www.speedguide.net/analyzer.php
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