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Everything posted by fattymcbluff

  1. i think it will only work if your table has a pre amp built in to it
  2. http://www.cyberpowerpc.com/ is also a good site for pcs
  3. 4x is fine a fx5500 does not need the bandwith of a 8x
  4. just plug in one of your pc's in to the router so you may config it say the one right next to your verizon router
  5. yup i got to 10.5.5 i just had to patch the update since i have a amd, i had to remove AppleIntelCPUPowerManagemnt.kext and remove the cpuid form the patch
  6. well i got every thing working on my hackintosh got full 3d support, and i have t say this run pretty damn fast and smooth
  7. well if you have an intel just google kalway 10.5.2 if your on a amd google leo4allv4.1 there are outher ones out there just google around it runs vary nice except trying to get my 9600 gt working its annoying editing and installing kext then creating efi strings
  8. yup only took like 45 mins to install dident have network still i installed a driver and sound would only come out of the left channel but i fixed that now i need to get my 9600gt working but ill have that after i update to 10.5.5
  9. so i just installed mac osx on my pc and i was wondering what is a good media player for macs?
  10. most likly it is the usb ports on the back of routers are there for printers or to attach a usb hard drive for network storage
  11. tom tom has certin settings for the routes it makes there are the shortest one, tole roads, avoide tole roads and i belive 2 outher. hmm if you want the one from map quest then why not just print that one and give them the papers
  12. is it a usb headset? i hade one with that same problem there there was just a loose wire that i had to resoder
  13. you school will probly throttle bandwith on certin ports
  14. you dont need a massive upload for any online game really i have a 1.5/256 connection and i play games none stop and never have lag well the only time i have lag is when my sister is streaming movies while im playing
  15. so far i like it, it is vary fast but the only thing that is bugging me is that i cant do a speed test
  16. im saying sept 26
  17. well if your just doing the basic stuff then eather drive would be fine and most ssd now are extreamly fast I belive someone posted a guide here on the forms about dual booting windows and opensuse
  18. well what would you be useing it for takeing notes in class? writing papers and web browsing? there are + for both the os and hdd, im pretty sure if you go with the ssd you will get more out of your battery but at the expence of stroage. As for the os it really just whitch one do you feel more comfortable with both are great OS's. linux bening opensourse you will fine a lot for free programs on the web, but if it was me i would pick the one with xp, if you get tired of xp and want to try linux you can allways download what ever distro you would like and install it on the Eee what. most of the linux distros are extreamly easy to use and configure and there are plenty of experienced linux users here so if you want to go the linux way there are many people that can help and answer your questions
  19. ok i have had gmail since it vary first started, but ib the log in page it says 2.7 gigs of storge (and counting) yet at the bottem of the page when i login it says i have just over 7 gigs what i want to know is if they gave the people that have had a account for how ever many years more storage
  20. and yes that would be fine as long as it hasent ben split to many times befor sorry for the x2 post
  21. you would have to move the modem that you have allredy to the basement and plug it in that outlet geting a second modem will not solve your problm cable internet does not work that way the easyest thing would be to eather go wireless or to move the cable modem that you have down to the basement
  22. well if you get a new cable modem it wont work, you cant have two cable modems unless you pay for two internet lines. is there no cable line downstaris?
  23. rockbox all the way
  24. yes what part of so cali cuz like i hate att slow dsl and cant wait till something better comes im in ventura
  25. Comcast blocks bit torrent traffic but if you use say µtorrent then you can just enable encryption witch is built in to µtottent and you should get past it
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