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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by SlowFreddy

  1. AT&T Wireless. Mobley.
  2. Mine dropped to around 43, on the signal strength. Call Hughes and they said they would send someone out to check the dish, this afternoon. Just after the call, about 30 minutes, the signal went up to 70. So they did something on their end. The low signal occurred, just after hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico. I was wondering, is it possible Hughes diverted most of their signal to that area. Do they have the capability to do that in times of emergency. Anyway. I called them back and asked them not to send the tech, but he said the signal is to low , (even @70), it should be at least 100. So Im waiting for the guy to come and check. Those Mbs seem to go really fast, like you guys said. Will let you know if they can get 100% signal. I do have trees
  3. ............ AT&T Uverse.. 18 up.. 1.. down.. internet only.. testing single pipe dns against AT&T.
  4. Well, it flashed for about a month,(Dell M5030, Win-7-sp1, Home Premium), then I got tired of it, So.. took out some software I was playing with, and no, it still flashed. flashing about 60 times per minute, and yet the computer didn't have any problems at all, worked like it always has. Did all I could think of (scans, regedit, files), and was about to do a recovery, when I noticed the little icon on the tool bar, 'ACTION CENTER', so I went into the action center and it says you have 'one' issue to resolve..Run- BACK-UP-, which I haven't done in several months.. So that's what I did, and backed it up on an external HDD, without any problems. Guess what, the light STOPPED blinking 60 times a minute, and now the HDD light is quiet and only works when it's suppose too.. NOW.. the QUESTION is.. Why would this cause the problem.. I have no idea, I'm not a computer technician. Maybe you can resolve this question, thanks for your time, and expertise.............
  5. Mud...I'll give you 35 bucks for an unopened copy.. what a deal...?
  6. AT&T Uverse.. 18Mb down.. 1Mb up..
  7. Mud.. you'er doing the right thing getting rid of XP. A 12 year old XP, who drives a 12 year old car anymore (except me, but it only has 54,000 miles on it).. and about that 53%, it's more like 33% world-wide for all users of XP. Systems come and they go, XP is gone. How many Mac Os's have met their demise,(Mac people call it revision), and there all named after some animal living in the zoo. Lets move-on, nothing here to see. Have a PC day.
  8. AT&T Uverse...working great...!
  9. This is a 'BURST", christian, something to do with build-up in ram cache...it happens once in awhile. but not enough, as you can check my speed results.. maybe someone can start a conversation on the subject.
  10. Mud, sounds like you have some money tied up in the internet... I only have one and keep renewing every five years..hoping someday the name will sell for millions, when space travel and colonies on other planets are as common, as driving to the 7-11 store. It's gonna be a long, long, time.
  11. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,<< he CHEATED!................................
  12. Dell website; Dell provides Porn through it's members. could this be true???? UPDATE......LOOKS LIKE DELL HAS CLEANED UP THEIR SITE... http://en.community.dell.com/members/hotjoan1217/default.aspx
  13. In Dells terms of Use.. Links. The Site may include links to third-party sites, which are not under Dell's control. You access them at your own risk. In order to use certain features of the Site, you may be required to install or use equipment and software. You do so entirely at your own risk. Dell can't control it's own website links... pornography and what else..? Called this morning, the Dell representatives didn't seem to be bothered by the porno, nor did they seem interested to get rid of or discourage porno from Dells site. NO HELP FROM DELL..
  14. When I visit the Dell computer website and input the word 'free' on their site search, the drop-down has several choices related to computers. But...the last choice is 'PORN" and carries over to another Dell page, with links to hardcore porn. Personally I don't think this should be on Dell computer's site. Called Dell and a Technician said he would notify a higher authority. As of today the 'porn' is still there. Maybe it's been there a long time, but i have just noticed it lately. Porn has it's place,but not on Dell/s website, even in the form of a link, or forum, in my opinion, and everybody has one.. thanks for your time, have a good day. Dell Community will be performing site maintenance August 21st through August 23rd. During this time the Community will be search and read only. Users will not be able to login or post to the Community. For more information regarding the upcoming site enhancements see our blog. Thank you for your patience. UPDATE..............Dell has cleaned the porn off their site....for now. free downloads free drivers free fall sensor driver freefall sensor free fall sensor free fall driver free driver updates free fall free porn
  15. Multi thread readings...Washington, DC and Texas.. don't know why Global Multithread doen't show up in the upload results..?
  16. UPPDATE: AT&T Uverse 2 wire..18 Mbps down............1.5 up stream. ..the modem has stopped rebooting itself and speeds are much higher and steady.... At&T internet only, hard-wired in, the modem has WIFI.. Motorola NGV 510.. streaming of movies and YouTube is great. thanks for looking..
  17. After licking a frog, you would be a slow too.... .................... .
  18. The voting machine isn't working... first thing I see is 'delete' vote..when I delete, then try voting, it won't let me apply down n up, just one r the other..whats the deal, Mud... yes I'm a dummy,, what dummy usually admits that ?
  19. What are the qualifications for beta Testers...could I screw something up and cause TMN to go down in flames ? thanks for your reply. <<< scale of my intelligence, but harmless.
  20. Another Tech came out this morning and put a NEW 2 wire line from the box on the house to the inside of the house, with a new outlet. The modem hasn't rebooted, and the speed is steady. I needed new wiring. The problem is solved, and a customer is thankful and happy . The tech even cleaned the limbs off the outside wires from the street to the house! GREAT service and high quality workmanship from this AT&T employee..? If this sounds like I'm sucking up to AT&T, well, maybe, but for good reasons, as mentioned above and my AT&T service has been more than exceptional in my area. Thanks AT&T.
  21. Just tried DuckDuckGo.. works good. Thanks for the info. ..video link below. <iframe src="https://duckduckgo.com/about-video.html" width="640" height="360"></iframe> http://donttrack.us/
  22. For members who want to sale are barter their Domain/Domain Name/Web site. Members could list their holdings and information of each property and use the in-house (TMN) regular way of communicating, (PM, Messenger, mail, etc). Non member would have to Log-in (become a member) to list, buy or get information on the property. Also information on ' How to Find if a Website Is Legitimate'. No one wants to buy inferior property, or get scammed. TMN could recommend wed-site builders and companies that handle full service to new customers looking to build or have someone to maintain their property. TMN would not be involved in any sale or barter, just recommendations, (could be future ads) from Wed building, domain. domain name and registering of property, companies. Is this idea feasible ? thanks for your time.
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