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fmrusmcrntx got a reaction from CA3LE in "Copy to Clipboard" in "Share Results" nonfunctional.
Thanks again, CA3LE; you guys are THE BEST!! Have a great day & fine week!! jerry in TX
fmrusmcrntx got a reaction from iceb in Why Do My Results Differ From Speedtest.net / Ookla Speed Tests?
Very good discussion here, thanks to all. Further, thanks CA3LE for fixing the "Details" button so that the copy to clipboard works correctly once again; kudos to you for all your hard work! I've been missing for a while, had a HD drive crash on Saturday during Memorial Day weekend. Finally back up & running as of this past Friday afternoon. Glad I'd done a recent full drive backup just 2 days prior to the crash! Replaced the dead drive w/a solid state, what a difference in boot & application load times. OK, my 2 cents for a while, thanks again for providing us this great (and most accurate on the net to my knowledge) speed test website. Very best regards, jerry aka "The Old Marine in Texas".
fmrusmcrntx got a reaction from mudmanc4 in Cloning your HDD (what software)
I recently used Apricorn's "Apricorn Direct 5 GB USB 3.0 Notebook External Hard Drive Upgrade Kit EZ-UP3" product which I purchased from Amazon to clone my old WD Mechanical HD to a new Intel SSD. The kit includes both a USB 3.0 (backward compat to 2.0 if that's all one has)device that provides an external connection to the new SSD. It also includes Apricorn's "EZ Gig Cloning" software that's so simple to use "a caveman could do it". This product worked flawlessly, quickly allowing me to get rid of the old WD Mechanical drive. Once I'd done my PC, I told my neighbor about how much faster the SSD was; we obtained another Intel SSD and did the same job on his PC. The Apricorn product I'm speaking of can be found on Amazon at:
http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005PU8T44/ref=pe_175190_21431760_M2T1_SC_dp_1. Plz understand I ain't selling anything here, just providing info. I'm sure other products such as those mentioned work well also. But for me, going into this process cold, I found the Apricorn HW/SW combination to be a winner!
fmrusmcrntx got a reaction from CA3LE in Welcome to Version 13
Again, Damon I sincerely thank you for the fine job that you & your great staff do with this very BEST ON THE NET speed testing website. And appreciate your kind & totally professional reply. Please know that I do my part as well as I can in widely circulating through my email/internet community "the word" about this site. Keep up the great work. Very best regards and cheers as well to YOU! (Emoticons not working properly, disabled/grayed out; problem likely on my end, sorry!)
Jerry in TX
fmrusmcrntx got a reaction from CA3LE in Welcome to Version 13
*****************************My humble reply follows***********************************
Hello CA3LE, thank you for your response(s) to my post. I apologize if my post appears to be "cranky". But in fact I was cranky to be surprised by a totally new version this morning. Please bear with me as I explain as briefly & accurately as I can. I only do ONE speed test per day, when I first wake up in the morning. I do this because this is the time that Internet traffic is still fairly light. And over time, I keep my own log(s) by simply copying the results into an email that I then simply send to myself containing each days results. I do this on a weekly basis, and then file the weeks worth of information into a seperate folder in Outlook for reference/research purposes in case I need to deal with issues regarding my ISP or WildBlue/Exede/Viasat. Therefore, the "Results" button which provided me a convenient way to quickly copy to the clipboard and then paste into my email log was/is very handy for me. I was (and continue) a manual copy/paste into said email the "Broadband Speed Index" stats shown at the very top of the page in version 12.9. Perhaps this information isn't relevant, but it's what I did & continue to do.
In my experiences this AM with version 13, I was unable to find anything from my UPLOAD test to copy & paste. This wasn't the case with the download test. The results there showed me the complete text results which I then copied/pasted into my email. I then came to the forum and found the link to take me back to version 12.9. So I logged out, cleared cookies, and restarted my test process on version 12.9 which worked as it always had. I'm thankful that version 12.9 is still there! I will continue using it rather than version 13 until later when I'm convinced that 13 will do what I need. If you wish to email me privately on this, you have my email address & I'll be more than happy to share with you exactly how I use this fine website and provide you a copy of my daily (rolled up weekly) log. I certainly invite you to do so if you're so inclined.
Further, I apologize if my comment(s) regarding the roll-out of version 13 were offensive, that wasn't my intent at all. I certainly respect you and the fine work that you & your staff do on this VERY BEST Internet speed testing website. I was simply suggesting that rather than just surprising all of us daily users that you include a line in the currently running version (in this case it WAS 12.9) stating that a Beta version is available to the public and then allowing all to take a look, use, and comment prior to the actual rollout. This is what we always did when I was gainfully employed in the IT field all those years. Further, it's what Microsoft and other large software engineering outfits routinely do. In saying this, I'm NOT arguing with the way you manage your website. Rather, I'm humbly and respectfully stating my difference of opinion on this matter.
Finally, I appreciate the fact that your website is FREE to all to use. And the fine work that you & your staff do with this OUTSTANDING website. That said, speaking only for myself, I'd be happy to PAY a reasonable monthly fee to support & use the website if I could be assured that the website would remain stable and that I'd not be unpleasantly surprised as I was this morning. Food for thought? And perhaps the community would (or would NOT) agree with me on this.
Again, I apologize for any offense that I've caused, such was certainly not my intent. And I THANK YOU & your fine staff for the EXCELLENT WORK that you do for we, your client base.
Sincerely & respectfully, jerry in tx
fmrusmcrntx got a reaction from CA3LE in speed differences new vs old test my net
Hi CA3LE, thanks very much for your prompt response that clears up what was a mystery to me (should've figured it out for myself, duh!)...and for all you & your fine website does for us! I'll try to keep this brief. The reason that our (ViaSat/WildBlue/Exede) speeds have increased is that the kids are heading back to school; thus resulting in less traffic on our domain(s) and across the Internet in general. This is the explanation that's been provided us by our ISP during previous summers...that when the kids are out of school playing online games, streaming videos/music, our performance is degraded. Even though our performance was increased dramatically in May when we were cut over to Exede from the old WildBlue, we knew that once school was out we'd see a drop in performance..though not as significant as in past years. But now they're heading back to school, performance is back up. OK, I'm just rattling on here, enough of that! Thanks again for your courtesy, patience, technical knowledge and professionalism. Proud to be a member of this forum and yours is the ONLY "Performance Testing" website that I'll use or recommend to others! Have a great day, very best regards to you & all the fine folks there at TestMY! jerry in TX.
fmrusmcrntx got a reaction from mudmanc4 in speed differences new vs old test my net
Hi CA3LE, thanks very much for your prompt response that clears up what was a mystery to me (should've figured it out for myself, duh!)...and for all you & your fine website does for us! I'll try to keep this brief. The reason that our (ViaSat/WildBlue/Exede) speeds have increased is that the kids are heading back to school; thus resulting in less traffic on our domain(s) and across the Internet in general. This is the explanation that's been provided us by our ISP during previous summers...that when the kids are out of school playing online games, streaming videos/music, our performance is degraded. Even though our performance was increased dramatically in May when we were cut over to Exede from the old WildBlue, we knew that once school was out we'd see a drop in performance..though not as significant as in past years. But now they're heading back to school, performance is back up. OK, I'm just rattling on here, enough of that! Thanks again for your courtesy, patience, technical knowledge and professionalism. Proud to be a member of this forum and yours is the ONLY "Performance Testing" website that I'll use or recommend to others! Have a great day, very best regards to you & all the fine folks there at TestMY! jerry in TX.
fmrusmcrntx got a reaction from CA3LE in speed differences new vs old test my net
Greetings CA3LE. Any thoughts on why the "Custom" download function is defaulting to "Smartest" even when I select Custom and then a number of mb (12)? It's NBD, just curious....I've noticed this for the last week or so on each daily test I run. Thanks for the BEST speed testing website on the net & for all your fine work.
fmrusmcrntx reacted to TriRan in Needing some software........
i have a couple level 60's thus far the monk seems to be one of the weaker characters atm kinda makes me sad i'm currently enjoying my wizard though and yeah as soon as i got hacked (my first ever time being hacked in a blizzard game) i setup the authenticator on my android phone and it hasn't happened since
try DiskBench its free there are several places you can download it from it doesn't require an installer or anything its pretty basic but gives the features your looking for
~ Mark
fmrusmcrntx got a reaction from CA3LE in Why Do My Results Differ From Speedtest.net / Ookla Speed Tests?
Very good discussion here, thanks to all. Further, thanks CA3LE for fixing the "Details" button so that the copy to clipboard works correctly once again; kudos to you for all your hard work! I've been missing for a while, had a HD drive crash on Saturday during Memorial Day weekend. Finally back up & running as of this past Friday afternoon. Glad I'd done a recent full drive backup just 2 days prior to the crash! Replaced the dead drive w/a solid state, what a difference in boot & application load times. OK, my 2 cents for a while, thanks again for providing us this great (and most accurate on the net to my knowledge) speed test website. Very best regards, jerry aka "The Old Marine in Texas".
fmrusmcrntx reacted to tdawnaz in New member in Llano County, TX using WildBlue.
welcome and so glad that you like tmn...just keep that word of mouth going...and let us know if you see any other snags
fmrusmcrntx got a reaction from CA3LE in New member in Llano County, TX using WildBlue.
Thanks so very much CA3LE, it's back and working fine!!! Great job, I love this website & the fine job that you & the other folks do; indeed I will tell my friends...though most of them already know thanks to our ctesc.net support folks & installers (We're hosted by WildBlue's new "Exede" package). Further, the test I just ran showed a remarkable improvement (2.1mbps up; 17.1mbps down) over tests I'd run earlier today!!! Yippee!!
Again, my sincere thanks & very best regards, keep up the great work! The old Marine in Llano County, TX, USA