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Everything posted by rikkkki

  1. rikkkki


    Well no, that is just two of the entries that I disabled. I was kinda thinking that stopping the Nvidia extension had something to do with losing the pic, but I don't really think so,,,,,,,,,,,, I just read MS's reply today and, jeez, now they want me to DISABLE all things in my Device Manager :!: :icon_scratch: Except the system devices. Are they reaching hear : Have you ever done anything like that before : BTW: the more I think about it, the more silly it sounds that a video card would be responsible for losing a pic. I mean, it's in charge of all things video(quality,resolution,etc.) but not in charge of storing pics,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  2. rikkkki


    Yes the whole mary ann. That's what started all this. There were only about 6 ext's that I disabled. Apparently that's all it took. Thank goodness I don't have to cut wood myself, just take it from the "raw" state and then make it real pretty. I also do all of the repairs, touch up, to all the yachts after their finished. Lots of work, that's why I am tired tonight BTW- two of those ext's were Nvidia :!: Hummmmmmmmmm : And, of course, none of them were MS
  3. rikkkki


    cak 46, I will do minor repairs on my '84 Blazer, but thru the years, I've pretty much "burned out" on the whole scenario. I used to live and breathe cars, even raced a few 1/4 milers in the 80's, did a few custom paint jobs-6 years in the auto-body world, etc. BUT now I just make Cherry and Madrone Burl look beautiful, ie: interior finish. I work for the # 1 yacht building company in the US. We are # 7 in the world :!: My most memorable experience was when after I got hired I got to work on Johnny Carson's yacht :!: The "Serenghetti" He took delivery in March, 2002, and as far as I ever heard, he loved it!! Unfortunately, he didn't get to enjoy it for too long. :(
  4. rikkkki


    HI there cak46. Sounds like you have an interesting job. Usually if I'm working on the front end of something it's a vehicle Well, no news today from MS but I did send the info they wanted. Now tonight I will send them a note trying to explain what happened with all my pics in My Pictures folder :!: You know, awhile back I must have unwittingly deleted ALL "front of house pics" from my pics folder cause otherwise it wouldn't dissappear like that out of thin air : The other pics are 100% complete. I'm good with all of this but I wish I could delete those pics from the display props/desktop section just to get rid of them :-|
  5. Hi Alex: I'd almost forgotten about this speed thing I was going thru since my Lsass.exe problem on June 11. That's where all my energies have been for several days now with Cholla and cak46 helping along the way. Haven't found a fix yet. The posts are on this site under Lsass.exe, last post last night-so far about eight pages worth :!: :!: We just can't seem to get to the root of it, but somewhere out there is a fix :!:
  6. rikkkki


    OK yak
  7. rikkkki


  8. rikkkki


    not there, just the generic stuff,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  9. rikkkki


  10. rikkkki


  11. rikkkki


  12. rikkkki


    Do NOT try this :!: :!: I just deleted about six non MS listings and it completely blew away my desktop pic!!!!!!!. and it's gone from the choices in my display props!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It also ADDED all OTHER pics from my
  13. rikkkki


    Hi Stormy :haha: I mean cak46. Good to see you back. I'll also be on for awhile. Last night I tried all combos of the keys(the way they were or took them out or changed them to no avail) and rebooted between each change. Now here's a good one, I just got a fresh reply from MS :!: New guy, an Escalation Engineer I am going to post it here before I do anything so you guys can read it and see what you think BTW: check out my original message at the bottom Dear Dave, Thank you very much for your update. Please understand that I have received this Email and provided my suggestions. Would you please check it as below? =================== Dear Dave, Thank you for contacting Microsoft Online Support. My name is Charles, and I am an Escalation Engineer for the Windows Support Team. In order to better serve you and resolve this issue more efficiently, I have taken ownership of your Service Request. I appreciate the time and effort you have taken on this service request. Going forward, I will be working with you to address the issue as soon as possible. To contact me, you may directly send emails to my account: [email protected] with the case ID SRZ050612001361. As I understand, you received Lsass.exe-system error in Windows XP and the recent update is: it does not appear until you click on any item. If I have misunderstood, please feel free to correct me. Dave, I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience that you have experienced. Please understand that our issue may be related to many factors and we may have to repair Windows XP to resolve it. However, please be assured that I will try my best to help you and preventing reinstallation. Firstly, please send some event logs to me for research. To do so: Event Log --------------------------- 1. Click Start and choose Run. Then input: "eventvwr" (without the quotation marks). 2. Right click Application Log and choose Save Log file As. Save the log file as app.evt file. 3. Right click System Log and choose Save Log file As. Save the log file as sys.evt file. 4. Send me all the files. (My Email Address is [email protected]) Please also follow these steps to troubleshoot the issue: 1. Download ShellExView v1.10 from the following link <http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/shexview.zip> Note: The third-party products discussed here are manufactured by vendors independent of Microsoft. We make no warranty, implied or otherwise, regarding these products' performance or reliability. 2. Right-click the "shexview.zip" file, select "Extract All", the Extraction Wizard will prompt. 3. Click Next, input "C:ShellExView" (without the quotation marks) in the "Files will be extracted to this directory" textbox. 4. Click Next and click Finnish. 5. Open the "C:ShellExView" folder and double-click the "shexview.exe" file. It will scan the registry for all the shell extensions. 6. Select all the non-Microsoft extensions in pink by press "Ctrl" in the keyboard. 7. Click the "Disable Selected Items" on the toolbar and click Yes. 8. Restart your computer and check if the issue is resolved. Please try the suggestions above on your side and provide me with the results at your earliest convenience. If anything in my e-mail is unclear or you need further help, don't hesitate to let me know. It is my pleasure to be of assistance. I am looking forward to your reply. Best Regards, Charles Zhang mailto:[email protected] Microsoft Windows Support Professional Satisfied customers are my top priority. Please let either myself or my manager know what you think of the level of service provided. You can send feedback to Microsoft Management at mailto:[email protected]?subject=WindowsOnlineSupportIncident or directly to my manager, Johney Wang at mailto:[email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------From: riki [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 9:52 AM To: Charles Zhang Subject: CASE_ID_NUM: SRZ050612001361 Hi. I sent a message on the 21st. Maybe it didn't get there. I'll send it now. hope you get it-Dave HI Wayne. Well, the clean boot came up with the error. Now, here's where it gets a little interesting. Safe Mode (today) did not produce the error BUT last week when I ran a full system virus scan, it did!! Hmm, and with Paul Ramsey's fix he even tells you that "when you get the error go ahead and wait 5 or 10 minutes and then click OK to get rid of it" Well both times that I ran this "fix" the error never came up!! (this is in safe mode with comnmand prompt) Now today when I first booted up the error never showed up until I started clicking on stuff. Before it always came up with the startup process but now it's waiting untill I click on something. This is really getting puzzeling. I also tried to capture a screen shot of the task manager processes in safe mode to send to you but when I went to copy and paste into this mail the pic was blank!! Everything looked normal, though. Well that's it for now, what a mess. I do not think it is a virus at all, I think it is a real live system error. Any ideas? Dave
  14. rikkkki


    OK Dude!! Understood. I have to process and order/product I just sold on Ebay. Auction closed at 6:00 and the guy paid already :!: Cheers
  15. rikkkki


    Yes as far as I know, it does not run in the background, it's a manual thing, but I'll make sure
  16. rikkkki


  17. rikkkki


  18. rikkkki


  19. rikkkki


    Hey cak46. I just got back from safe mode, added a password under Administrator and just for kicks I ran stinger /no results.BTW, I have never had to click on either choice when going to safe mode until I added Pro. It always just went right to safe mode. I will now check out those links you posted,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  20. rikkkki


    HI guys :!: Hey cak46, I did do a couple things to no avail. I noticed that although I had Windows Update turned off that it was still listed as auto in the services/changed to manual/no results. Also, whenever I start TUT UltimateTroubleshooter I get a bright red warning that"Microsoft Windows Scripting Host not found. Hardware info will be limited in it's scope". I did also find some interesting items concerning SilentHunter III still in my system like a complete "Windows Installer Pakage" INSIDE my Postal 2 game folder :!: I also went to my registry and got rid of all things SilentHunter. Today I also decided to run Paul Ramsey's fix one more time and when I got into " safe mode with command Prompt" a screen came up with 2 choices-click on Administrator or Martine ( which of course, both are me) to get in. I have also checked "permissions" in the reg editor and I'm listed as "Administrators( Dave/Administrators)" and" "Martine( DAVE/Martine)" as having full control. I don't know why there are two like that. Also below these two entries are two other ones titled "Restricted" and "System". That's about it for now. : edit: Whoa, I just noticed something. You want me to go into safe mode and add a password (create a password) in my Administrator account? Does this mean I would have to log in every time I boot up? : Cause I can if that would help
  21. rikkkki


    HA :haha: That explains why I just saw a news flash on TV that the east coast was running low on beer and there was a appeal to all western cities to ship some of their suds in that direction :twisted: Anyhow, I did not put in a password when XP was installed. I actually paid a guy (shop) to put in Home cause it would not go in for me :cry: Then when I put in Pro I didn't put one in either/ just now I checked user accts again and when I clicked on me, administrator, one of my choices to do was to "create a password" not "change my password". I will check it out tomorrow when I boot up in safe mode. But for now, I have to sign off, I have a really bad headache, damndest thing, I only get them on the weekends!!!!!!!!! Bad puter chair maybe. Thank you so much, will yak again-Cheers-Dave :wave:
  22. rikkkki


  23. rikkkki


    I have a strange feeling that it is something that doesn't exist :(
  24. rikkkki


  25. rikkkki


    In the control panel/user accounts, it shows me only as the Administrator if that's where you mean
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