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Well I just got this for christmas. I still am working on getting the video card though...

AMD 3700+




XFX Geforce 6800GT - Getting this from some one for 150$


Vitesta 2GB (2 x 1GB) 184-Pin


RAIDMAX Mustang ATX-889WRP - Black one.


80gig seagate.

Buying a DVD burner soon.

Tell me what you think.

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Yep, it's looks pretty damn good.

I can't wait to build my new rig next month (AMD X2 & X1800 XT Crossfire - Guess it'll be the R580 Crossfire instead: ATI's R580).

You gotta hit the benchmark threads and update your results. smile1.gif

You have results here (reply #3): [url=http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=6115.0;all]Official PCMark

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Okay I have a question, Every time I boot this computer I get this really annoying RAID configuration utility that comes up and take about 30seconds just to get through, I have look through the book and the BIOS and I see nothing on how to disable the name thing. Any help would be nice.

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If you are not using the sata raid, you can disable the raid controller in bios..

You most likely have 2 controllers(via/promise)...

Is the one you are seeing the Promise controller?  If so, there is a place in bios to disable the promise controller if you are not using it..

Next time i reboot, I'll see where it is in mine(I have an asus board also)

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  • 2 months later...

Well I didn't want to start a new topic since its kinda the same. But any way that computer that I got back in december I kinda fried it, there was a bare wire and it hit metal and fried everything... So I am getting a new computer and everything.

AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+


OCZ 2GB (2 x 1GB) 184-Pin DDR SDRAM Unbuffered DDR 400


eVGA Geforce 7800GT


ASUS A8N-SLI Premium


Lian-Li PC-65B Plus


VLSystem L.I.S 2 Premium Black / Red


I am getting a water cooling off of a friend. But I don't know the name or link to it. This one I will make sure I don't fry it.

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good looking setup, i like the LCD display that thing should be sick when u get it up and running.

For the 150$ price tag why go so basic with a case though? it only sports 2 exhaust fans and 1 intake. The psu air duct is a plus though.

and about ur cpu, its odviously awesome but maybe you should consider an opteron.

The 4200+ has both cores on 512 L2 cache at 2.2ghz while the opteron is 1mb a piece. Although the opteron is clocked at 1.8GHz it has incredible overclocking abilities while staying very cool even on stock cooling. You can probably get 2.4 on stock.. i plan on OCing to 2.4 when i order mine using stock HSF. Others have successfully OC'd over 2.7ghz using a better heatsink and fan than stock. You will be using Liquid so all the better.

Also, the Denmark core is very similiar to the toledo core the fx-60 runs on, and its 20$ less.


For 40$ more than ur 4200 you can get this clocked at 2.0GHz stock which you can bring up to 2.6 easily while taking advantage of opterons 1mb L2 cache on both cores.


whichever way you go, it should be a fantastic comp. Just be careful with metal objects  :roll:

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