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Do you remember Testmy.net back in the day maybe like Nov 27 2001?

Well let me just say that this site has come along way and I would like to say great job to damon for doing so... if you think he has tell us why and how you appreciate him... ( or how much you don't :twisted: ) just kidding... Great Job bro and keep up the good work

A look in the past:


Now if you don't mind I need to get back to my porno site making... fun fun

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:) I think I was the tenth or twelfth member to join, I have stayed active testing and posting from the early days of the site.One of the main reasons I enjoy coming here from back in the day when PERL was king is because, first it has always been the best testing site on the net. Many things have changed from the "old" days except one thing,,,,,, and thats Damon's expertise and devotion to the site:) I think it was a couple of years ago when one of the sites started charging for speed test.....That sucked and was really lame....but Damon vowed to always keep his site free and he has kept his word, but more than that he has continued to make regular improvements that have made his site what it is today in my opinion.When I look at some of the older test pages I think how its easy to tell their vintage, even though they were at one time cutting edge and inovative.....I don't know about the rest of you but it has always impressed me that his tireless efforts to achieve perfection have never stopped.Remember he has a job and a life other than just TESTMY.NET. Damon is the kind of guy that has made the INTERNET what it is today,always willing to accept constructive criticism for improvement to this project.There is a lesson for all of us to learn from all his hard work, that is keep striving to make things better its up to us the regular people (whatever that means) CA3LE GUY thanks for all your hard work and Merry Christmas and Happy F@#^ing New year :321:

Michael (Microwave

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