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Okay this is really a two part question there is a isp offering a 2 week free trial for there service the Addy is http://www.eskimo.com/newuser.html I believe they are located in WA  <---- ( Near you ROM-DOS )

I signed up for it because I can use DUN instead of using NetZero's heavy software bogging me down

Well low and behold I still connect at 46 and I receive the same d/l - upload speeds with both services. Guess I was thinking I'd see at least a small improvement with the Eskimo service but I see none at all any help would be great thanks.

Part 2: I have access to a FREE 1years subscription available to renew over & over. To the following: eTrust PestPatrol ( any good ?), Symantec and all their software, McAfee and all there software and Trend Micro all software.

(Don't worry not illegal)

I'm not looking for an AntiVirus for I use AVG

Which gives the best protection against attacks Symantec or  McAfee?

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boywonder ;I don't really know anything about Eskimo maybe ROM_DOS does if I lived in the Washington area I would try nocharge like he has.It isn't available to me in Texas.I use nts-online.net it's Ok but could be better.My best connect speed 46 usually 41 or 42 but this is good since I am 26500 feet from the telco.I can use DUN which allows me to tweak or I wouldn't get the speed I do.My ISP says I should only get about 28 at this distance.So 46 is good for a lot of dial-up .

On the second question I use AVG too.I use Lavasoft Ad-Aware SE Personal & Spybot S&D for spyware.I use Agnitum Outpost firewall.I also use SpywareBlaster.

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boywonder ~ Why are you sticking with Dial-Up?

. . .is it because the simple things in life, like hunting, fishing, camping and reading Harry Potter books don't seem as challenging(just more relaxing) as a great game of poker or trying to speed up your dial-up connection? j/k ~ lol

There might be alot of reasons your not connecting faster~ but at least we know it's consistent ~ find the location of your telephone company switching office here;


Have you ever updated the drivers for your modem?

Are you using CableNut Adjuster? . . .if so, what settings are you using? . . .if not ~ start! [i know CableNut has alot to do with the speeds I get ~ without it I'm connecting about like you are, so I would think playing with the settings in it would/could give you the boost you might be looking for.]

oh, Trend Micro by far is the best! Norton and McDaffee suck and really bug the system down, worst than NetZero could never think of. lol

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boywonder ~ Why are you sticking with Dial-Up?

. . .is it because the simple things in life, like hunting, fishing, camping and reading Harry Potter books don't seem as challenging(just more relaxing) as a great game of poker or trying to speed up your dial-up connection? j/k ~ lol

Who doesn't like Harry PotHead? :D I see you've checked out my-space should come around and play some cards sometime. Perhaps help me pay for a satellite connection :cool:

While on the subject about satellite I was getting connect speeds of 45 till I went around unplugging phone cords and such and found that my satellite box was also plugged into a phone jack popped that baby out scrambled to the comp. dialed up and it boosted my speed to 46 not much difference but inch by inch it's a cinch right?

My modem driver is updated although not really up-to-date. Don't believe it is my modem I went out and bought 2 USR modems recently one internal the other external both lowered my connect speeds for some reason down to 36 and 33 sometimes even lower. So I re-turned them and got my $change$ back.

My current CableNut settings are your recommend ones but I get hammered with a ton of errors that I know has to be slowing me down somewhat if not alot. w/o them I do not receive any errors  any suggestions?

As for my distance from me to my switching office the site came up saying unknown lol must be pretty darn far I'll give them a call in a bit and see what they say

After looking over the software I may d/l through Trend I'm limited on what I may get. To bad the firewall is one of those limitations.

So I went with McAfee figured it would be better than Symantec. If it's free for a year and I can renew it over again for free why not?

If not I can always switch over

Alright time for me to go check my traps lol mite b havin possum stew fer lunch u all err welcome to come on over ya her

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Here is my latest d/l results with being connected at 45.2

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 39 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 97 kB)

Download Speed is:: 5 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2)

Test Time:: Wed Jan 04 2006 14:15:32 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Bottom Line:: 1X faster than 56K 1MB download in 204.8 sec

Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 5.23 % of your hosts average (Level3.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-CQTGFDZ54

CableNut settings:

DefaultReceiveWindow = 16384

DefaultSendWindow = 8192

DisableAddressSharing = 1

InitialLargeBufferCount = 20

InitialMediumBufferCount = 48

InitialSmallBufferCount = 64

LargeBufferSize = 81920

MaxFastTransmit = 64000

MediumBufferSize = 15040

PriorityBoost = 0

SmallBufferSize = 1280

TransmitWorker = 32

FastSendDatagramThreshold = 1024

EnableFastRouteLookup = 1

EnablePMTUDiscovery = 1

IgnorePushBitOnReceives = 0

GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize = 17520

MaxFreeTcbs = 8000

MaxHashTableSize = 16384

MaxNormLookupMemory = 5000000

SackOpts = 1

SynAttackProtect = 1

Tcp1323Opts = 0

TcpLogLevel = 1

MaxDupAcks = 2

TcpMaxHalfOpen = 100

TcpMaxHalfOpenRetried = 80

TcpRecvSegmentSize = 1460

TcpSendSegmentSize = 1460

TcpTimedWaitDelay = 30

TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer = 0

TcpWindowSize = 17520

MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server = 10

MaxConnectionsPerServer = 8

DefaultTTL = 128

DisableUserTOSSetting = 0

TcpMaxDataRetransmissions = 6

DefaultTOSValue = 240



No errors this time around  commpression sent 21% rec. 3%

I added 3 comas in front of the number to be dialed not sure if that helped any

BTW how can I post a pic of my settings? Would be more convenient other than typing it all out

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Just got off the tele ready for this one I am 32,500 and some odd feet away from my telco with that distance I should be very pleased with my connect speeds I guess blahh lol.

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 40 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 97 kB)

Download Speed is:: 5 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2)

Test Time:: Wed Jan 04 2006 15:12:20 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Bottom Line:: 1X faster than 56K 1MB download in 204.8 sec

Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 5.38 % of your hosts average (Level3.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-GM0FKDEPH

Connected this time at 46 it is getting close to peak time should wait and see what I get later tonight

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:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 133 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 579 kB)

Download Speed is:: 16 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2)

Test Time:: Wed Jan 4 12:33:44 PST 2006

Bottom Line:: 2X faster than 56K 1MB download in 64 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 62.2 % faster than the average for host (nocharge.com)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-MJ8NYC0BU

boywonder ~ [did you try the IRQ Priorty tweak?]

right click My Computer > Properties > under Hardware Tab

open Device Manager > click on View and Resourses by type

click on Interrupt request (IRQ)

find which IRQ## is assigned to your modem

goto Start > Run type regedit and goto the PriorityControl

branch of

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boywonder ;Yeah at that distance you are probably getting the best speed you are going to.

Still tweaking what you can helps.Try thr IRQ tweak ROM_DOS posted if you haven't.One of the problems with distance is the phone company puts load coils on the line to improve voice quality.Voice quality is their main goal not data transmission each load coil slows your speed some at the distance you are you probably have 4 on your line.At further distances I understand they add a range extender these are really supposed to be data killers I have never had one on my line so I don't know if they do.What dial-up users at long distances from the telco need are data only lines not meant to carry voice..As far as I know telephone companies don't offer these.

At least to dial-up this would be simular to DSL or ISDN I think.

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Hey D.U.K.E ~ this might seem like the craziest question, yet,

but do you think it's possible I might be piggybacking a dedicated line, like some kind of resonance phase lock loop, allowing me to jump lines somewhere? . . .'cause I swear ~ my speeds look alot like that might be what's going on, sometimes!  ~ Strange, I know ~ but...?

[i know this might be a little off topic, but it's our forum ~ so who's gonna mess with us?] lol

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ROM-DOS : I don't know but I guess that would be possible.A dedicated data only line should give you DSL type speed if your modem could send it that fast.I really haven't researched ISDN much I guess I need to a little anyway.

I'm assuming that your PC is on a voice line?So how does your phone sound on this line?If its good & clear then its probably on a voice line or you are really close to the telco.

I suspect you are close to the telco or a real good remote terminal.From there I bet your phone company uses FIOS so once your data gets there it is speeded up by this.Thats my theory for the speed you get .If it is this way basically it is a short POTS loop connected to FIOS.

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cholla ~ I called my telco ~ QWest ~ and after over 25 minutes of listening to ". . .your time is valuable to us, thank you for holding. . ." and one customer service rep and one supervisor later, ~ all they would tell me is that I'm really close ~ I qualify for a 7MB DSL line ~ their highest ~ (16,000 ft. is the max distance to get a 256KB DSL connection.)

. . .So, I must be sitting right on top of it!  I live in Lacey, WA., a barb town of the state capital ~ I know there are alot of telecom companies around me, but when it comes to any QWest offices ~ the nearest is in Seattle ~ 70 some miles away!  They won't tell me how many feet away I am. . .

I might just check out switching to that DSL connect w/ QWest, after I do all the up-grades I want to do to my system, first.

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funny thing was ~ when I asked the rep where she was, she said IOWA ~ lol

. . .believe me, I tried every approach to get them to give me some distance.

QWest bought out US WEST or something like that a few years back.  US WEST's office was a few miles up the road, next to the cemetary ~ now it's part of it ~ lol

. . .the dslreports link gives me an address, which is a few blocks away ~ I'll go look for the address and see what it 'really' is ~ lol

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Right on love the Harry Potter pic  :D

I have the modem irq tweak applied and pretty much every other tweak and reg edit, ROM/Cholla have reccomended in their previous topics.

I was wondering if there were a way I can do something in my phone box outside my home that would change my line from Voice to Data?

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I did a line test in hyperterminal here are the results im unsure how to read it though.

DIAG <2A4D3263 0=10>

DIAG <2A4D3263 1=8 2=0 3=0>

DIAG <2A4D3263 10=14 11=0D 12=40>

DIAG <2A4D3263 17=0000>

DIAG <2A4D3263 20=FF 22=0C80 24=725>

DIAG <2A4D3263 21=FF 23=1F40 25=000>

DIAG <2A4D3263 26=5DC0 34=5DC0>

DIAG <2A4D3263 27=B64A 35=B64A>

DIAG <2A4D3263 31=00 32=00 33=00>

DIAG <2A4D3263 40=1 41=080 42=00 43=00>

DIAG <2A4D3263 44=3 45=800>

DIAG <2A4D3263 50=2 51=2>

DIAG <2A4D3263 52=00000000 54=0>

DIAG <2A4D3263 53=00000062 55=0>

DIAG <2A4D3263 56=00000000 58=0000>

DIAG <2A4D3263 57=00000002 59=0000>

DIAG <2A4D3263 61=00>

DIAG <2A4D3263 60=3C>


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God this company rips people off even worser that AOL



I'm not looking to pay for their service if that was the case I'd get a local service closer to me. I'm merely looking at the possibility that NetZero is a factor as to why I cannot tweak certain settings and achieve better results.

With Eskimo I can use DUN and it's free for 2 weeks no credit card, check or such has to be givin out during init. sign up. Infact they don't even accept credit cards if after the 2 week trial you like there service a check or money order must be sent out otherwise the user/pass become invalid.

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I wouldn't be able to answer much about dial up, but as far as security, I would stay away from any ETrust products. Considering the EZ Armor package retails at 99.00$ US I'd say its paying customers are gettng ripped off. Many ISP offer it for free, mostly likely because they were the lowest bidder. As far as Spyware removal, I'd go with something like Spybot or Adaware.

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