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What Are The Best Features Of Windows Next Operating System? (Vista)

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Similar? Surely not because of the tabs? Several browsers have had tabs for quite some time now. MS decided to add them into IE7 to further capitalize on browser domination far into the future.

Dude that desktop looks insane,, I wonder would my radeon 9800, 3.0Ghz 1GB Ram, can handle that,,

Hell yeah! I run it without an inkling of slowdown on my system, and your gpu is better than mine.

OS: Windows XP Service Pack 1 | CPU: AMD Athlon 64 3700+ | Mainboard: DFI LANPARTY UT nF3 250Gb | GPU: ATI Radeon 9700 Pro 128MB | HD: Seagate Barracuda 250GB S-ATA RAID0 | IBM Deskstar 40GB Ultra-ATA 100 | Sound: Logitech Z-5500 Digital | NVIDIA®nForceAudio 8CH + S/PDIF (Coaxial) | Case: Logisys Arcrylic Clear | Cooling: Thermaltake Sonic Tower Heatpipe Cooling | PS: Logisys Glacier Aluminum & Arcrylic Moded Gaming 500 Watt

Does anyone know whats going to be knew in the software, and is it really worth while going to spend another 100-150 dollars for a upgrade?

I'm just asking, is that what the price of the upgrade will cost, i've never bought an OS at release or even installed a new OS but if thats what it will cost to upgrade i will probably get it. How much will it cost.

Normally, yes ($150 - $200) at initial release.

That's a tricky question regarding Vista because it will have all versions of the OS on one disc. The chances of the OS being more expensive are moderately high. I think it will cost $200 - $300.

I'm just asking, is that what the price of the upgrade will cost, i've never bought an OS at release or even installed a new OS but if thats what it will cost to upgrade i will probably get it. How much will it cost.

I am not sure if MS is going to release an upgrade to vista for xp.. There are just so many changes in the file system, the way things are now organized, visual, and others that it would make sense to me to only release full versions.  I have yet to hear anything on this topic but I will let you know if I do.

Q: What Are The Best Features Of Windows Next Operating System? (Vista)

A: For the industry to make out like bandits when people have to upgrade to monster sized machines.

Since WinXP has had such a relatively long lifespan there are many people still running 4 and 5 year old machines, something had to be done to wake the PC market back up.

I have no idea, it looks fancy but what other feautures does it give you over the previous windows operating sytems? I mean should I really go and spend another 100+ dollars for a o.s. that will do the same thing 2000 professional will do?

I'm sure as hell not going to run out, and buy Vista. I will eventually purchase it, but many months later after it's been hacked a few hundred times, and M$ has worked out the millions of bugs sure to be discovered once put into the hands of masses.

I think the system requirements will fall as well that's just to high of requirments for an OS, and if they were to be that high it would raise the price of computers because pc makers would have to double the specs of the basic pc's they sale now just to run the new M$ OS. For those who have forgotten most people are not rich the majority of people live paycheck to paycheck, and won't even bother with this crap product (I mean wonderful M$ OS) if prices, and pc requirements to run the damn thing are this high. I already use linux more than windows anyway so if M$ wants to do stupid junk like this i'll write them off for good i think many people might.

I'm sure as hell not going to run out, and buy Vista. I will eventually purchase it, but many months later after it's been hacked a few hundred times, and M$ has worked out the millions of bugs sure to be discovered once put into the hands of masses.

I think the system requirements will fall as well that's just to high of requirments for an OS, and if they were to be that high it would raise the price of computers because pc makers would have to double the specs of the basic pc's they sale now just to run the new M$ OS. For those who have forgotten most people are not rich the majority of people live paycheck to paycheck, and won't even bother with this crap product (I mean wonderful M$ OS) if prices, and pc requirements to run the damn thing are this high. I already use linux more than windows anyway so if M$ wants to do stupid junk like this i'll write them off for good i think many people might.

EXACTLY the point.

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