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      Can anyone pls give the download link of any reliable FIREWALL software?

      I had gone thro. the posts in this forum & i had even downloaded OUTPOST PRO When i try to install it specifies that a OUTPOST PRO driver isn t downloaded  & that too it is very very sluggish in its installation

      Reg Sygate firewall i culdn t find any download links in the website

      I ve Norton Antivirus 05 with AVG Antivirus.           

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karthic;This will get you the free Outpost DL.The first is a link to the DL site you can read about this firewall & the second is the DL if you don't want to read about it first.



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Hi Karthic

you can get sygate personal firewall from =


I can recommend ver. 5.5. 2525, I found 5.6  slows my puter,

are you running 2 antivirus progs ? Norton and AVG

I know which one I would choose to remove ;)

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yeah that product line was bought back in November of 05 by symantec. 

I dont know the all of the buyout details.. but my guess would be that the "free" versions will not be receiving updates.. not 100% sure.. but that is how it normally works.

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karthic ;I have an icon in my task bar for outpost right click it.select "Show Outpost Firewall" That should bring up your main screen for the firewall.Select the Options pulldown  select Applications There should be 3 categories: Blocked Applications ,Partially Allowed Applications,& Trusted Applications.If IE is under Blocked Applications Highlight it & select remove.I'm not sure how to add it to Trusted from there.Reboot & try to connect to IE you should get an Allow this window.Allow all applications of this site or something like that select to allow it.

I run mine under the rules wizard policy.

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Hi Karthic

my link to sygate firewall  checks out ok,

I have tried zone alarm ( a resource hog ) Outpost I found confusing ,

(noobie)  sygate runs well on low spec puters also,

Hey Swimmer, sygate must have been good for Norton to buy it,

coz all they make is crap,

doe's a good firewall need updating ? wmr. :thumbsup:

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Test the ports on your firewall at this site .


If that doesn't work select Home from the site & then keep selecting the Sheilds Up test.

The reason I put this in is when I selected the link to test it it had my address it may automatically have yours when you select it.If it doesnt the you need to go to home at the sit & back through.

With Outpost mine shows complete stealth.I haven't tried Zone Alarm so I don't know if its good or bad.

I used Sygate at one time but my OS didn't like it.It had some features I definately liked though like backtrace.& Its main screen traffic monitor is OK.

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Hi cholla

What o/s was you using at the time of using sygate , I have used it on 98/MeXp without any probs. on many puters.

. 5.6 is know en for slowing puters, it bought mine to a crawl :o

I use 5.5 ver.2525

it comes up stealthed on GRC also at  sygates stealth test site,

logs and back trace are really good , grab it while you can @


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Hi Roco ;I'm not having any problems with Outpost so its tempting to leave things like they are.I have Windows ME & my problems with Sygate started after an update.It didn't want to give me the Sygate Main screen(control panel )>I tried to dl the old one but after that it had the same problem.I have reformatted since then & it might work.I put the URL in the link in a file of URL's I keep.So I will have it if I decide to try Sygate again.

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I guess I sort of have a problem...

GRC Port Authority Report created on UTC: 2006-02-19 at 01:13:35

Results from scan of ports: 0-1055

1052 Ports Open

    1 Ports Closed

    3 Ports Stealth


1056 Ports Tested

The port found to be CLOSED was: 443

Ports found to be STEALTH were: 21, 23, 179

Other than what is listed above, all ports are OPEN.

TruStealth: FAILED - NOT all tested ports were STEALTH,

                  - NO unsolicited packets were received,

                  - A PING REPLY (ICMP Echo) WAS RECEIVED.

Time to Jump off Norton Internet Security 2005...?

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I guess I sort of have a problem...

GRC Port Authority Report created on UTC: 2006-02-19 at 01:13:35

Results from scan of ports: 0-1055

1052 Ports Open

    1 Ports Closed

    3 Ports Stealth


1056 Ports Tested

The port found to be CLOSED was: 443

Ports found to be STEALTH were: 21, 23, 179

Other than what is listed above, all ports are OPEN.

TruStealth: FAILED - NOT all tested ports were STEALTH,

                - NO unsolicited packets were received,

                - A PING REPLY (ICMP Echo) WAS RECEIVED.

Time to Jump off Norton Internet Security 2005...?

Decade Do yourself a favor and get rid of NORTON immediately......i had it before and it was hell'

Cholla I Tried the test and i have satisfactory result... btw im using Kaspersky Anti Hacker 1.5 Firewall. :D

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I thought Norton was really tough to uninstall...and it came with my laptop so I was like Ok I guess Ill leave it....Are there any good anti virus and firewalls in one program that happen to be free?


yes Norton is very easy to uninstall but at times its hard..... now go check your registry and tell me if Noton is gone? you will be saying to yourself "  i thought t was gone' "

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rayray909 ; I expected the Kaspersky Anti Hacker 1.5 Firewall to test well.But my Outpost is a free firewall & had the same results.Kaspersky is the top of the line though.

Decade ;I would surf & find all I could about the best way to completly remove the Norton.Some people seem to have troubl removing Norton .I haven't had a Noreton firewall so I can't say.But it probably is usually someone being in too much of a rush & not getting all the instructions to remove it the correct way.

On Free firewalls the link I put in this topic for Outpost is free.It is a permanent trial version basically.If you upgrade then it costs.

Sygate also has a free firewall.AVG is a free antivirus.But if you want the AVG- Sygate combination already togather then you have to buy it.

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I downloaded and Installed ZoneAlarm Security Suite which is Antivirus, Firewall, and Antispyware.

I tested it with that link above and I got these results...

GRC Port Authority Report created on UTC: 2006-02-19 at 08:49:55

Results from scan of ports: 0-1055

1052 Ports Open

   1 Ports Closed

   3 Ports Stealth


1056 Ports Tested

The port found to be CLOSED was: 443

Ports found to be STEALTH were: 21, 23, 179

Other than what is listed above, all ports are OPEN.

TruStealth: FAILED - NOT all tested ports were STEALTH,

                  - NO unsolicited packets were received,

                  - A PING REPLY (ICMP Echo) WAS RECEIVED.

I thought ZoneAlarm was an excellent firewall?  These are the same results I had with Norton

Edit:  Ok ZoneAlarm is being stupid and wont let FireFox go anywhere.  I have gave it permission but when trying to go to any website it is SUPER suPER SUPER slow like 1/4 dialup if not slower.  When I close ZoneAlarm everything works fine...

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hey dudes i m back with my own results

GRC Port Authority Report created on UTC: 2006-02-19 at 17:11:06

Results from scan of ports: 0, 21-23, 25, 79, 80, 110, 113,

                            119, 135, 139, 143, 389, 443, 445,

                            1002, 1024-1030, 1720, 5000

    0 Ports Open

    0 Ports Closed

  26 Ports Stealth


  26 Ports Tested

ALL PORTS tested were found to be: STEALTH.

TruStealth: FAILED - ALL tested ports were STEALTH,

                  - NO unsolicited packets were received,

                  - A PING REPLY (ICMP Echo) WAS RECEIVED.


Press your browser's BACK button to return

to the Port Authority results page.

Solicited TCP Packets: PASSED

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