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The temperatures are lower than normal. The radiator is sitting in the window pulling air in from outside. The temperature outside is 43F. I am cheating a little bit. :laughing7:

Folding temperature can get as high as 65C [ around 148F ] on a hot day @ near 100% CPU usage.

Not really. From what I read the best you can do is around 10 degrees over ambient temperature with water cooling. To get it lower than ambient takes some extreme measure. [Chilled water,Peltiers,Dry Ice,Liquid Nitrogen ] Chilled water and Peltier can be use on a daily bases,other two I don't think so. :laughing7: . Chilled water is a lot of work to set up and Peltier need a lot of power.



Did some reading on Peltier, I never use one. Yes they still have a condensation problem. You have to make sure you have proper insulation around the CPU. I guess that and the power usage you need to run one is why nobody use them much nowadays.

Yea there was a felt pad or something then , i don't know what they have now for it. But the pad got soaked then dripped lol Really an interesting technology, if someone would put some time into it for this application it might do wonders.

  • 2 months later...

For the month of April 2012 I was given access to the HP cloud free private beta. The two primary services that will be offered at the public release are data storage and computing power for an hourly fee. Now I heard rumors of people folding on the HP cloud and I was very interested. So after a few days of waiting for a response from HP I found a "you've been accepted" message in my mailbox. :cheesy: My first Linux server took 5 hours to setup. Essentially I had to learn the tools before using the tools. With practice my 5th server only took 10 minutes to get running. It was my goal to learn, find problems, fix problems, then report my results here so you all can also run servers on the HP cloud. Well... as was said before, time flys. When I was comfortable that my servers were stable and I could post here to share the word of temporary free computer power, it was no longer free. The open beta starts May 10th 2012 at half price for all services. Here is what I was running:

20 Servers of the following: Dual core, 2GB ram, 60GB hd, with various Linux distributions. Price in free beta: $0.00

If I continued

20x: Dual core, 2GB ram, 60GB hd. Cost in half price open beta: $0.04 per server = $19.20 / day :cry:

The "HP Cloud Object Storage" is going to start at $0.06 per GB per month during the half price beta.

In summary

I learned a lot about the Linux command line, SSH, and now feel comfortable in the terminal window. Science was benefited with over 500 folding at home projects completed on twenty dual cores in one months time. I had fun and I hope you enjoy the following screen shots.

Folding with HP cloud.bmp

20 HPcloud dualCores.bmp

  • 3 weeks later...

Can anyone remember that charlie brown sound when lucy plucked the ball just as he kicked ?


Looks as if Iv'e hit that wonderful wall of linux not sending WU's . I set up centos box thats used for me digging deeper into virtual technology but for the last couple weeks , yea well , no returns , just folding it's bum off. And to boot , looks as if the boy has once again forgotten to please return the PS3 to life with playstation so that the flippin thing can at the least be somewhat useful around here aside from mind mush.

  • 2 weeks later...

Is it a problem with the linux virtual machine that is getting work but not returning the results?


Is it a problem with the folding client itself?

Does the FAHlog.txt tell you that the jobs are failing to finish or that when they do finish, do they fail to upload?

Using your PS3 for something other then mind mush, lol I like it

Yes , that machine (PS3 ) is mind mush , I think of it here and again , I actually took it out and dusted it :lol:

The WU's are completing, it grabs a new , and starts up , finishes and complains about can't reach destination. Even manually sending fails due to the same.

It's not in a VM , it's installed in a user on DOM0

Funky thing is I can ping the IP from terminal with 200 but the results fail to send. I read up last week and found there is / was a bug, but as always , sidetracked.

I shut it down in lue of this , and i use that machine for local DNS, just fire up that drive once a week or so to refresh the forwarder. Lazy I know , but it's the only 64 bit machine around here other than the mac , so everything else highly restricts what I can do along those lines. I am working on a virtual solution, maybe run w2k server ( which right now handles DNS and active directory ) , then again I'de still be losing a lot because things change around here so much.

One of these days I'll just stop playing and do emails, and test my overpriced connection, although at that time i won't give a care lol

  • 1 month later...

Hey guys.

I just started Folding again. I bought a new EVGA GeForce 560 Ti Superclocked edition, so I figured what better way to test it out than folding?

The first WU it grabbed was a 5K Point one, deadline of 17.9 days. By my calculations my GPU will take about 10 hours to fold it.


So far, looking pretty good.

Does anyone know how I can make my GeForce 9800GT fold as well? I have two GPU's, I may as well do something with them both.



Also, another note:

I convinced a friend of mine to start folding for the TMN team. So we've got a new player as well guys. :)

Also, completed that WU. Put my 24 hour average up to 741...lol If I start pumping two of those a day, we will rise quickly.



Yea I'm not sure when they made the change, it's been a couple months maybe if that , since Iv'e visited.

Weird. I guess that is what I get for not visiting them for like half a year or something. Lol

Also, my GPU is pumping out job 8020 now, which is worth 5757 points. It got the first one done in roughly six hours, should be done with the second soon.



Weird. I guess that is what I get for not visiting them for like half a year or something. Lol

Also, my GPU is pumping out job 8020 now, which is worth 5757 points. It got the first one done in roughly six hours, should be done with the second soon.



Speaking of which, I have already finished three of these jobs now, the 8020 that is. Pumping one out every 6 to 7 hours. Should put my PPD pretty high at least for a little while.

I just slid above you in PPD Rick. :P

And I just beat starship_troopers in points earlier today.


It's kind of funny, our third place producer, doesn't even know what this forum is. I convinced him to join our team because he wanted to fold with me. He didn't really care what team it was for, just wanted to help me out a little, and do cancer research at the same time. :)



Hey mention to your bud we said a big thank you !! So he knows we recognize his contribution and were glad he chose to join the testmy.net folding team (44352)

You all are jumping up and ahead, after all the time people have dedicated a few CPU cycles , it's great to see enthusiasm :)

On another note , I'm working with a render box 5000 to see if there is any way to get it folding. That right there would be fraction crazy PPD.

Hey mention to your bud we said a big thank you !! So he knows we recognize his contribution and were glad he chose to join the testmy.net folding team (44352)

You all are jumping up and ahead, after all the time people have dedicated a few CPU cycles , it's great to see enthusiasm :)

On another note , I'm working with a render box 5000 to see if there is any way to get it folding. That right there would be fraction crazy PPD.

I did. :) He really wanted to help with the research, and he was asking me, "Elliott, do you have a team?" And I told him, I said, "Nah, I fold for a team for a forum I am on." And he wanted to join it.

Well my GPU isn't really gaming right now. I do still need to figure out how to get my other GPU folding too. And I leave for College in August, so I won't be folding much after that. Maybe during the day on weekdays or something while I am in class. So I need to play catch-up and get up there somewhat.

What exactly is "render box 5000?" I guess I don't understand...


I should have said " render drive 5000 "

It was huge for like 5 minutes until people started using auto cad and 3dmax. The boxes were proprietary hardware and software , and were meant for nothing other then rendering images and video. The one I'm dealing with at the time , I think ten years ago , went for somewhere around $24,000.00 , I think you can grab them now for less then a cheap notebook at best buy.

But they have tons of video ram and several cards at that.

I should have said " render drive 5000 "

It was huge for like 5 minutes until people started using auto cad and 3dmax. The boxes were proprietary hardware and software , and were meant for nothing other then rendering images and video. The one I'm dealing with at the time , I think ten years ago , went for somewhere around $24,000.00 , I think you can grab them now for less then a cheap notebook at best buy.

But they have tons of video ram and several cards at that.

Oh cool! You should get some sick PPD from that then.

My GPU keeps pumping out Project 8020, getting some awesome points from it, especially for the time invested.



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